My ship girl, my world

Chapter 891 Asking for help

Just as Qin Ge and Guanghui were enjoying the tender moment, a figure quickly ran out of the communication room in the port area and ran towards the office.

But before he could reach the office, he met Giuseppe coming out of the office.

"Giuseppe?" The figure paused and said in surprise. She knew that Giuseppe was Qin Ge's secretary this week.

"Casablanca? Why are you running so fast, and in the direction of the office building? Is there something going on?" Giuseppe asked doubtfully.

"Where's the commander?" Casablanca asked quickly.

"The commander didn't come to the office today. He didn't have a cold, and it was raining heavily, so today's office is in his bedroom. I just finished today's work, so I came over to place the files and patrol the port. District, what's wrong? What do you want from him?" Giuseppe asked doubtfully.

"Is the commander in his room now?" Casablanca asked quickly.

"Probably not. According to what the commander said before I left, he should have gone to Guanghui to attend a tea party." Giuseppe replied, "But what exactly do you want to see the commander for?"

"Sorry, I'm a little anxious. I'm asking for help." Casablanca said.

"Ask for help?" Giuseppe asked doubtfully, "What request for help?"

"Today, two camps sent requests for help at the same time, namely the Sardinian Empire and Chongying. The situation is very critical. I have to report to the commander quickly." Casablanca said.

"Eh? Can't you just call me?" Giuseppe said.

"I can't explain it clearly on the phone. I have to tell the commander in person." Casablanca said, "I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to see the commander right away."

Seeing that Casablanca was about to leave, Giuseppe quickly grabbed her and said, "Don't worry, I'll go with you. If we attack, we will definitely need to notify all the major camps. As the secretary ship, I must be by the commander's side." .”

Casablanca nodded, "Hurry up then."


Two figures quickly shuttled through the storm and ran towards the location of the dormitory building.

Just as Qin Ge and Guanghui were cuddling and chatting, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Qin Ge and Guanghui were stunned. Who was so anxious? Belfast walked quickly towards the door.

When I opened the door, I saw Giuseppe and Casablanca with their hair still a little wet outside.

"What's the matter with the two ladies?" Belfast asked doubtfully.

"I have something to report to the commander. Is the commander inside now?" Casablanca said to Belfast.

Before Belfast could answer, Qin Ge's figure appeared in front of Casablanca, "I'm here. If you have anything to do, come in and talk about it."

"Yes, Commander." Casablanca and Giuseppe walked in the door together and saw Guanghui coming to Qin Ge's side, smiling and nodding to the two of them.

"I'm very sorry to interrupt the commander's tea party, but now there is very urgent news from the Sardinian Empire and Chongsakura. They are currently being attacked by the Sirens with all their strength, and the pressure they are facing is no less than the last Siren Tide. ." Casablanca said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge was stunned, "What did you say? The Sardinian Empire and Zhongyin are now being fully attacked by the Sirens?"

"Yes." Casablanca said, then took out a chart from the ship's installation space, spread it on the table next to him and said to Qin Ge, who was approaching, "According to the communication sent by Chongying, the sirens are now concentrated on three routes. troops to attack their Yokosuka Port, Tosa Bay, and Ensu Beach. Now their defense is very difficult and they have mobilized almost all their forces to participate in the resistance.

And has also notified Donghuang, requesting Donghuang for support. Although Donghuang has agreed, Siren has also activated diversionary tactics and is sending a main force to attack Donghuang's Bohai Bay. Therefore, even if Donghuang can send troops, it must first deal with the battle situation in Bohai Bay before it can go smoothly. Go to Chongsakura to fight.

So under such circumstances, Shige Sakura had no choice but to request support from us.

At the same time, a large number of mass-produced sirens appeared in the Mediterranean area near the Sardinian Empire. They also launched a three-pronged main offensive, attacking the ports of Sardinia, Sicily and Naples at the same time.

Although requests for assistance have been submitted to other approaching camps, according to the latest news, the passage from Iris to the Mediterranean Sea has been controlled by the Sirens, and several surrounding forces have also been controlled by several Siren main fleets at the same time. The attack was restrained and support could not be provided immediately, so they also sent us a request for help. "

After hearing Casablanca's report, Qin Ge frowned and said, "It seems that the Sirens have started their strategy. They are preparing to bloom in two directions. If you want to assist Chongying from Donghuang, you must choose the nearest route. There must be a large number of sirens across the sea outside the Bohai Bay, or we should just take a long way around.

However, there is a battle going on in the Bohai Bay, and the battle lineup must be prioritized. The lineup sent out is relatively weak, and it cannot solve the urgent need at all.

The Sardinian Empire is located within the scope of the Mediterranean. As long as the outlet to the sea is blocked, other camps can only look back and sigh while being restrained. This is completely a method of closing the door and beating the dog. "

"Commander, what should we do?" Guanghui asked Qin Ge.

"Help!" Qin Ge said without hesitation, "This battle will be a very long-lasting battle. This is also a battle for our fleet to be at the forefront and even the leader of the world! So we must support, and, I want Thoroughly deploy our fleet in every corner."

After saying this, Qin Ge exuded a fierce aura, turned to Giuseppe and said, "Giuseppe, go inform Veneto and Nagato and ask them to come here quickly."

"Yes, Commander!" Giuseppe said and quickly turned around and left.

After Giuseppe left, Qin Ge looked at Casablanca and said, "Casablanca, please go back to the communications room. First contact the experimental site and ask Bismarck to prepare the mass-produced models of two large fleets and bring the fleet to the outer port area quickly.

Secondly, notify Chongying and the Sardinian Empire to do their best to block the enemy's offensive, but not to be too aggressive and cause unnecessary casualties. Try to preserve your own strength. We will go to support as quickly as possible. "

"Understood, Commander!" Casablanca saluted Qin Ge, then turned around and quickly left the room.

"Commander, are you going to send Chong Ying and people from the Sardinian Empire for this attack?" Guanghui asked.

"Yes, most of Chongsakura's main force is still inside the port area. Even if some are transferred out, it doesn't matter. And part of the Sardinian Empire's combat power is outside the port area, distributed around the Solomon Islands, which just allows Veneto to Bring someone over to take them with them, and gather them into a team of ten people with guided missile warships.

This time, we are going to let the world know our strength, and all this is for the final battle. "Qin Ge said.


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