My ship girl, my world

Chapter 901 Companion, Minato, Home

"Oh, it turns out it's Ruprecht. I just said he wasn't there when the roll call was just taken. It turns out you went to find the commander." The attacker smiled.

"I..." Prince Ruprecht was stunned. Just when he was about to be arrogant, he was interrupted by Qin Ge.

"When you see the teacher, you must apologize properly." Qin Ge said.

"I...why should I apologize...don't, okay...I understand..." Prince Ruprecht wanted to retort, but looking at Qin Ge's half-smiling look, he still apologized to the attacker. .

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be running around during my break. Is this okay?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Although there is not much sincerity, at least I apologized, which is considered a good performance."

The attacker nodded, "The commander is right. As long as he knows his mistakes and can correct them, he is a good boy."

"By the way, what classes are the attackers taking now?" Qin Ge asked.

"Air defense and anti-submarine." The attacker replied, "I remember there should be a curriculum for classes in the commander's office, right?"

"It's not that there should be, but there is indeed." Qin Ge nodded, "But there are a lot of things lately, and I don't have time to look at the class schedule. By the way, how many people are taking classes now? Are they from our port area or others? Under the command of the commander?”

"There are about two hundred people in class today, most of them are from our port area, and there are only a few dozen from other commanders." The attacker replied.

"Well, while I have time now, I will come to the lecture hall and take advantage of one of your classes. There are some things I want to tell you." Qin Ge said.

"Commander, do you want to go to class? That would be great. They miss your class very much during this time." The attacker smiled.

"Well, I don't know if I can finish this class. Anyway, let's take it first and then talk about it." Qin Ge said.

"Well, then I'll inform everyone?" the attacker said.

"No need to bother, let's go in together." Qin Ge said, and walked in with the attackers.

"Hey, Commander!"

Sure enough, all the ship ladies in the lecture hall were surprised when they saw Qin Ge suddenly walking in.

"Hey, good afternoon, everyone." Qin Ge stood on the podium, looked at the ship girls below and smiled, "I just made an impromptu decision to stand here and take up some of the attackers' time today, because I think there is something I must say to everyone. "

"It doesn't matter. As long as the commander is giving the lecture, we all like it." Not far away, Javelin stood up and said with a smile.

"Ha, as long as you like it." Qin Ge nodded and looked at Prince Ruprecht who was still stunned, "Go sit down and listen to the class."


At this moment of public attention, Prince Ruprecht obviously did not dare to contradict Qin Ge, and obediently walked over and sat down next to Egil.

"So, you ran to him before?" Egil glanced sideways at Prince Ruprecht.

"Humph, so what?" Prince Ruprecht grinned.

"No, I just suddenly thought, maybe he is the only one in the whole port area who can tolerate your temper?" A trace of ripples appeared at the corner of Egil's mouth.

"You're so annoying."

Qin Ge turned around and wrote the words "companion, port area, home" with chalk on the blackboard behind him.

After finishing writing, Qin Ge looked at everyone, threw the chalk into the chalk box, clapped his hands and said.

"I believe you have heard this concept many, many times, but now, taking advantage of this free time, I still want to mention it again.

This lesson is not just for you, but also for myself. Perhaps everyone should know by now that I am different from other commanders in this world. I come from another world.

When I first came to this world, I was actually confused and entangled. Whether it was a coincidence or looking for a way home, I finally became a commander.

What were my thoughts when I summoned the first ship girl? Excited and longing, in fact, what I felt the most at the beginning was actually feeling down-to-earth.

It's not easy to be alone, especially in a completely unfamiliar world. No one understands you, and you can't tell others about some of your things. The feeling should be that of loneliness among a group of people.

But all of this slowly disappeared from my body as I summoned you. This is also the first time that I understand what companionship is. You are my partners and my companions, and it is also the first time that I have a so-called bond with this world.

For the first time, I feel that I am not alone in this world, because you are with me, because there are always people walking with me.

Later, the number of us gradually increased, and we all had various personalities, some were resolute and decisive, others were as gentle as water, and each one was so unique and so dazzling.

I really like the feeling of being with you all, especially when facing each of you as different people. So in order for us to live together more harmoniously and happily, we formed Minato City.

Although you are all ship girls and warships, the place where you are anchored is called the port area. But I think the more important reason why this place is called the Port District is because it is the harbor of the soul for all of us.

No matter after experiencing a battle outside or going to a distant place, when you come back here, you can always put down all your burdens and enjoy a sense of relaxation and comfort without any restraint.

So I prefer to call this place home, and you are all my family and the most important people to me. We laugh together, grow together, fight together, and there seems to be no place more intimate than here.

For me, this port area and this home are my world, and you are also my world. So I hope that everyone can cherish this place where we can relax, and I also hope that everyone can cherish the companions around us, because those people are your world.

Maybe I'm more suitable to talk about tactical battles and the like, but it feels weird for me to say such sensational words. But I believe everyone understands what I mean, especially at this most critical time.

The war is not far away from us. I don’t know how many peaceful days there are left. But I hope that everyone can cherish it, interact well with everyone, have their own bonds, and have their own world.


When Qin Ge said this, a bell suddenly rang. He wanted to hang up the phone, but when he saw that the number was the office number, he picked up the call without hesitation.

"I'm the commander, what happened?"

"Reporting to Commander, the communication room just sent a message that there has been an invasion of agents in our waters."

Qin Ge was startled, "How many troops does the opponent have? Is anyone going to investigate now?"

"Yes, White Eagle Enterprise has already gone, but the strength of the troops is unknown now. The other party detected our detector and destroyed it as soon as possible."

"Inform the current camp leaders that I will be back soon." Qin Ge hung up the phone and glanced at the nervous people.

"I'm afraid a battle is coming."

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