My ship girl, my world

Chapter 904 Slow war preparation speed

"Okay, I understand, I'll inform them right away."

Mikasa quickly put down the phone, and Nagato looked up in confusion, "Mikasa-sama, what happened, are you so anxious?"

"The commander has an order, ordering all the new scientific research ships to gather at the port, and they need to attack." Mikasa said.

"Yesterday's representative?" Nagato asked.

"Other than this, there is no reason to attack. The other nine camps are all under our surveillance, and there is nothing going on with them. Nagato, you watch here first, I will go down to the lecture hall." Mikasa said.

"Yes, Mikasa-sama."

Mikasa hurriedly arrived at the lecture hall in a short while. After seeing Pennsylvania who was in class from the door, she walked straight in.

"Dean Mikasa, what's wrong?" Pennsylvania stopped the lecture and looked at Mikasa who walked in the door.

"Commander's order." Mikasa said.

"Understood." Pennsylvania nodded, then walked off the podium, "Please, Dean Mikasa."

"Thank you."

Mikasa was polite and stood on the podium directly under everyone's gaze, "After receiving the commander's order, those whose names I read below should prepare for combat immediately. Gather at the port of the port area. The commander is waiting for you there. .

White Dragon, Izumo, Azuma, Egil, Odin, Prince Ruprecht, Ron, Mainz, Anchorage, Neptune, Plymouth, Drake, Brest, Champagne, Marco Polo, Chi Karloff, Riverside. "

"Dean Mikasa, are you about to attack?" Izumo asked as he stood up.

"Yes, this is your first time to attack, but I believe you will do well. There is no need to ask any other questions, the commander will answer it for you when the time comes." Mikasa said.


In response, everyone immediately left their seats and walked towards the door of the classroom. Everyone has an excited expression. Although their days at the Fleet Academy are very leisurely, they hope even more that they can gallop on the sea and carve proof of their arrival in this world!

After replenishing supplies and equipping the ship, everyone was soon ready to attack. When everyone arrived at the port excitedly, they found that Qin Ge had been waiting here for a long time, and a group of ship girls had gathered around him. .

"Are you all here?" Qin Ge looked at Weiser and asked.

Weiser glanced at the ship girl present and responded quickly, "Yes, Commander."

Qin Ge nodded, "Well, although the preparation speed is a bit slow, you are still expected."

Everyone couldn't help but lower their heads. Although it happened suddenly, they were not prepared for the attack at all, but their commander would say so.

"Although the overall situation is now under our control and there are not too many threats in the port area, I hope you will not forget the awareness of combat readiness.

War can come at any time, and the enemies we face do not allow us to relax in the slightest. This is the first time, but I hope it's also the last.

That’s all for this matter, let’s talk about the war next. "

Qin Ge paused for a moment, "You must have heard about what happened in our sea area yesterday. Agents under Arbiter Hermet appeared in our defense area and destroyed our detection device. Although other than that Apart from this, there was no act of vandalism, but we cannot ignore this sheer provocation.

The flying dragons from the Embers in our port area also followed the agent and tracked their stronghold. Although there is no arbiter there, other agents are found there.

So the goal of our attack this time is to destroy their stronghold and sink all those agents.

And this time, you can also see that most of the people I selected are scientific research ships that have recently joined the port area, as well as newly summoned ship girls since we completed the last Siren Tide.

The reason why I chose you is because you are the backbone of our port area in the future and also represent the top force of our port area in the future. But compared to the ship girls I had before, the long-term peace has left you with very little combat experience. Most of your experience against the enemy was in exercises, or on patrols and battles with Siren mass-production fleets. in the process.

But relying on such experience is not enough to deal with the agent. It is precisely because of this that I will let you form such a huge fleet this time to attack a stronghold.

In terms of your firepower, it is more than enough to deal with those agents, but the most important thing is to learn how to fight the agents. This kind of experience is what you are missing.

Because what we will face in the future is no longer simply an agent, but more of an arbiter. Their firepower will be more intense, their combat skills will be richer, and they will also have the ability to jointly enhance their combat power.

This is the specific situation this time. Next, you will go to that stronghold under the leadership of Feilong. The flying dragon will watch your battle as a bystander and guard against the Arbiter's sudden attack.

You are solely responsible for this battle, as well as the arrangements for the flagship. "

Qin Ge paused and looked at Yixian, "Yixian, as the leader of Donghuang, you serve as the flagship of this operation. All tactical arrangements and personnel arrangements are all decided by you."

"Yes, Commander." Yixian nodded and said.

Qin Ge nodded, "I will wait for news of your triumph in the port area. When you return victorious, I will let the port area prepare a celebration banquet for you."

Qin Ge's words cheered everyone up. The previous depression and loss completely disappeared, and instead they felt a little eager to try.

"Okay, let's go."

"Yes, Commander!"

Following the crisp answer, everyone jumped into the water from the port and formed a formation to sail out of the port according to Yixian's arrangement.

Qin Ge turned to look at Feilong, "Then I have to ask you to take more care of them for this operation."

"It doesn't matter, and looking at them like this, there's nothing they need me to take care of." Feilong said, "But don't worry, I will bring them back safely."


Feilong nodded, then turned around and jumped into the water, catching up with the fleet in front, and then sailed towards the outside of the port area.

"Did I go too far with what I said before?" Qin Ge turned around and walked towards the port area and said.

"Haha, is that okay?" Helena said with a smile, "Commander, have you ever realized that you love them too much?"

"Is it normal?" Qin Ge touched his nose.

"So, the commander still loves them a little too much. In a situation like this, we must maintain constant combat readiness. Once an emergency occurs, we can set off immediately without extra preparation time." Helen Na said.

"If we are all in this state, how can we talk about saving or changing the world?"

"Haha, okay, I will be stricter in the future."

"Then I'll just believe it."

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