My ship girl, my world

Chapter 920 Spring Festival Garden Party

The Spring Festival Gala lasted until late at night and stopped just before dawn. Basically everyone attended it, whether it was a talent show or other dramas.

Everyone's purpose is simple, to show their best side to their commander and then take photos with him. As a souvenir, keep it permanently in your ship's installation space.

No matter where you are in the future, if you miss him, just take out the photo and look at it. You will feel that your commander is by your side, and this is an eternal memory.

After the party, everyone celebrated in place for a long time, and then gradually dispersed with the arrival of dawn.

When Qin Ge woke up, it was already afternoon. Just after washing up, I received an invitation from the ship girls. Last night was just the beginning of the Spring Festival, and today is the official start of the Spring Festival garden party.

"Commander, would you like some octopus balls? They're delicious."

"Commander, would you like a basket of freshly steamed buns? Filled with cod."


Not long after arriving at the garden party, Qin Ge was surrounded.

The vendor at the garden party was also played by a shipgirl. When she saw her commander coming, she naturally wanted him to have a taste of her craft. However, it seemed that too many people had gathered, so much so that the entire road was blocked.

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile helplessly, stretched out his hand and said to everyone, "Since everyone is holding a New Year garden party here, you must also take care of other people's feelings. You can't all rush up to pay attention to me just because I'm here. Everyone else comes here with a fun mentality, so you should also pay attention to others.

So I will taste your stalls one by one later, but before that, please keep the order of the entire New Year garden party, okay? "


After hearing their commander say this, everyone also realized that their current behavior may have caused a slight inconvenience to their commander. So he quickly dispersed in reply and returned to his stall.

While the roads were clear, order was restored at the New Year garden party, which made Qin Ge breathe a sigh of relief. Turning his head, he looked at Guanghui who was snickering beside him and said, "It's so enthusiastic. I feel like I can't control the situation."

"Haha, this is also a sign that everyone likes the commander." Guanghui said with a smile.

"I know this, but apart from me and Minato, other people are also coming to the New Year Garden Party with expectations, so I can't let other people's experience be greatly compromised just because I'm alone." Qin Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"That's what the Lord said. Miao Gao is in charge of the order here. I'll just inform her later." Amagi said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "In that case, let's go shopping first. To be honest, I didn't have many opportunities to look here last night, and now everything feels new."

"If that's the case, why don't I take the commander forward? If the commander has anything you don't understand, you can ask me at any time, because we are responsible for figuring it out." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Well, that would be great." Qin Ge nodded and followed Guanghui's footsteps and walked forward.

Whenever he stopped next to an obvious shop or artwork, Guanghui and the people from Tiancheng next to him would introduce the origin of these things to Qin Ge.

Including whether these were built by the ship girls in the port area, or which camp they came from, what does it mean, and other things.

Of course, I would occasionally stop in front of the stall nearby and bite a bunch or two of snacks for the stall owner, the stall owner, with a smile. The whole process can be said to be very relaxing.

"The commander must know this, right?" Several people walked to a rabbit woven with flowers, Guanghui said to Qin Ge with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Is it because this year is the Year of the Rabbit?"

"That's right, Commander." Guanghui nodded, and then asked Qin Ge with a smile, "Commander, I'm actually a little curious about the origin of the twelve zodiac signs, and what they represent. What."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I know a little about this. In my previous world, the origin of the twelve zodiac signs was basically impossible to infer, but it is said that there have been hypotheses about the twelve zodiac signs since the pre-Qin Dynasty, but there was no such thing at that time. There is no correspondence with the twelve earthly branches.

By the end of the Western Han Dynasty, all twelve zodiac signs had been determined and corresponded to the twelve earthly branches.

Some of the most popular hypotheses are the totem theory, which says that ancient ancestors used the images of animals as tribal totems because they feared animals. The animals in the zodiac are basically the totems of the original tribe. For example, Donghuang often talks about the descendants of the dragon, and the dragon is one of the totems of the tribe.

It's just that the specific order is why it is arranged like this. There were many stories circulated before, but those were just stories and there was never a definite explanation.

But what is interesting is that not only Donghuang has the legend of the twelve zodiac signs, but also ancient Greece, which was civilized at the same time as Donghuang, also has the legend of the twelve zodiac signs. Therefore, it can be seen that the number twelve and the worship of animals begin deep in the human soul. of.

No matter where they are, whether there is communication or not, they will all worship accordingly. "

"Haha, my lord knows this very well." Amagi said with a smile.

"Well, this is why I liked to read some books when I was bored. I mentioned these above, and I will remember them more deeply for those I am interested in. We can talk about some of them when we usually chat like this, but if we really want to explain in detail When I did, I felt a little ashamed." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"What the commander said is fine. After all, Donghuang's history is too long, and there are some missing parts in the inheritance. It is impossible to understand everything the ancestors thought.

More importantly, those of us as younger generations should continue to conduct research while respecting them, truly understand the thoughts of the sages, and then develop our own thoughts. " Zhenhai said.

"Haha, I can't compare to the sage's height. Now I just want to develop our port area well, and then win our war. When the world is at peace, I can travel the world with you." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Haha, so am I." Several ship girls smiled together.

"Let's go ahead and take a look." Qin Ge said.


And in such a harmonious and leisurely atmosphere, the New Year time passes little by little.

Every day Qin Ge would go shopping with his wedding ship or some other ship girls. Although by the end of the tour, he already knew what was included in the New Year Garden Party, everyone's feelings were different, so You won't feel bored or anything.

It was not until after the Lantern Festival that the flavor of the New Year gradually faded away, and the entire port area returned to normal.

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