My ship girl, my world

Chapter 925 Pre-war meeting

Kursk was originally in the combat team in the polar regions and was responsible for affairs in the eastern Arctic Ocean.

Originally, she was somewhat reluctant to be transferred here by the Soviet Alliance. After all, the fleet led by Musashi was powerful, and they were the ones mainly attacking the sea area. Obviously, it would not be her turn to fight.

Except for a few of the ship girls of the Northern Alliance, most of them are warlike people, especially Kursk. She calls herself a hunter and prefers to fight alone. However, teamwork is not unacceptable, but after arriving here, it is obvious that I am responsible for logistics supplies, so these two days have been a bit unorganized.

But now, she will not become undisciplined, because this time the enemy is the Siren stronghold where the tester is located, and it is obviously a wonderful experience to fight side by side with these ships.

Looking at Kursk who readily agreed, Musashi smiled and said, "But I have a condition, I hope you can agree."

"Oh, what are the conditions?" Kursk asked, "Let me explain in advance that although the Soviet Union asked me to support your actions, I cannot agree if it infringes on the interests of the Northern Alliance."

"Haha, no. If we want to infringe on the interests of the camp, then we won't send a special support team to unite with you in the north, right?" Musashi laughed.

"So what are the conditions?" With Musashi's promise, Kursk felt relieved.

"I hope you will report back after this operation is completed to ensure the concealment of this operation." Musashi said.

Kursk was stunned, "Do you think it's possible for the siren to intercept our intelligence data?"

Musashi smiled, "I dare not say that this is not possible, so for the sake of absolute concealment, even we are not allowed to report this operation to the Minato District."

Kursk looked at Musashi and thought for a moment, "I can agree to this condition, but after the battle is over, I will definitely report the results of this battle."

"Of course there is no problem. I am talking about the situation before the battle. As for after the battle, it is up to you to decide what to report." Musashi nodded.

"Okay, cool, let's decide when to start taking action. And how will the action be carried out? What do I need to do?" Kursk asked.

"It will take a few days to prepare for the operation, so there is no rush now. Our submarine formation is closely monitoring the area and making sure that they have not discovered our intentions.

We are now arranging the next step of our troops. As for the specific tactics, we can't reveal them to you yet, but don't worry, you will be on the front line when the time comes, so it's best to be prepared. "Musashi said.

"Then I'm relieved. Apart from that, is there anything else I need?" Kursk asked.

"No, I came here this time to inform these two things, and to strengthen patrols nearby to prevent the Sirens from discovering our team's gathering." Musashi said.

"I understand, just let me know when the time comes." Kursk said.


Two days later, almost all of Chong Yakura's main fleets gathered in Petropavlovsk, and the battle to capture the Siren stronghold was about to begin.

In the conference room located in the base, almost all the senior officials of Shige Sakura gathered here. Everyone's expressions were different, but they all converged on Musashi who was in the main seat.

"Everyone, I believe you have heard about it. We discovered the Siren stronghold where the experimental agency testers are located in Sea Area 76. So far, our submarine formation has been conducting surveillance, and this time we are notifying you to come back. Launch an attack on the stronghold," Musashi said.

"The tactics this time were designed by Amagi to combine a surprise attack with an all-out battle. First, the elite team led by me attacked the enemy stronghold in a surprise attack, and then entered the stronghold, causing chaos in the stronghold.

At the back, the aviation brigade composed of aircraft carriers will provide air support. After a strong attack, the main force will conduct an all-out battle to completely eliminate this stronghold. Our goal is to hold the tester back and annihilate her! "

"So this time, Master Musashi's main purpose is to annihilate the testers of the experimental agency?" Akagi asked.

"Yes, I believe that our current actions have been informed by the Siren, and the tester is currently present at this stronghold in order to interfere with our plan in the next step.

In order to prevent her from hindering our progress, she must be eliminated here. Although she can still be reborn, it will take time after all, and within this time, we can ensure that there are no big obstacles in this sea area. "Musashi said.

"A once and for all battle? I like this. So who are the elite teams you mentioned before?" King Kong asked with interest.

"After preliminary thinking, the members of the elite team are tentatively decided to be me, Shinano, Nagato-sama, Kii, Taiho, Shimakaze, Ayanami, Takao, Atago, Isuzu, and Noshiro," Musashi said.

"This lineup is very powerful, and it also has the advantages of air defense and air raids," Nagato nodded.

Although she hates war, she is not afraid of it. Especially this time, it is the actions of all Chongying, and it is for the future of mankind and the future of this world. It is even more obligatory.

"Yes, after all, we are going to conduct a surprise attack this time, so we must maintain our own strength and be able to fight the Sirens head-on," Musashi said.

"Then have you informed the commander of the battle plan this time? I haven't seen Master Musashi come up with the commander's instructions yet." Xianghe asked.

"I did not report this operation to the headquarters, but planned to report it together when the operation is over." Musashi said with a smile.

"Oh, do you want to give the commander a surprise?" Akagi said with a smile.

"There are times when military orders abroad are not respected, and we can launch a surprise attack without having to engage in a protracted battle. Some of the commander's strategies are too stable, and some are not suitable for this operation, so I think it is necessary for us to Make the most reasonable judgment based on the current situation outside." Musashi replied.

"I think this decision is a good one. Commander is good at everything, but sometimes he just likes to worry. As a ship, we should be at the forefront of the battle, not protected by him." Canglong pushed up his glasses. said.

"Then unanimous vote?" Musashi asked.

"Agreed." Everyone nodded in unison.

"In this case, I have contacted Kursk of the Maritime Safety Administration here to prepare supplies for us. After a short rest, we will set off to Sea Area 76 for this raid." Musashi said.


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