My ship girl, my world

Chapter 927 The assault begins

Among the strongholds in 76 sea areas.

"Tester, why are you so anxious that you ask me to come here wearing a suit?" The purger shouted to the tester as soon as he entered the stronghold facility.

The tester didn't speak, but waved his hand and pointed at the big screen, and then the Eliminator looked at the big screen. I saw a bunch of red dots appearing around the signal flashing light, and there was another red dot, rushing towards here at an extremely fast speed.

The Purge was stunned, "Under siege?! Wait, didn't I just come here? How come I'm surrounded so quickly?!"

The tester smiled and said, "The opponent's target is not you, but me. According to Laplace Demon's calculations and the intelligence we currently have, this stronghold is the one they must capture if they want to occupy the Bering Strait.

It is precisely because of this that I have arrived at this stronghold early to prepare for this first battle. But you also know that I am not a combatant. Although there are several agents here, I still need someone who is truly suitable for combat.

The Purifier is so familiar with them, I'm worried that they might start chatting while they're fighting, so you are the most suitable person. And logically speaking, this is also one of the sea areas you manage. "

"So that's how it is. Let me tell you why you are so mysterious and never tell me the reason." The Clearer breathed a sigh of relief and said, "But starting the first battle so soon is not according to what the Dream Weaver said. , at least until the middle of this year? Is the prediction wrong? "

"The prophecy is not wrong. There will be a full-scale battle starting in the middle of this year. The current battle is just the prelude to the great war." The tester said while looking at a red dot getting closer and closer on the radar.

"Okay, then shall we take the initiative to attack or not?" The Purge asked.

"Wait, wait for the moment they break into the stronghold, and the battle will officially begin." The tester said.

"Hoho, that's interesting. But what is their combat power this time?" asked the Clearer.

"The vanguard fleet is about ten ships. As for the main fleet, it is about fifty or sixty ships." The tester said.

"How do we fight this... So we will lose this time?" The purifier rolled his eyes. In an ordinary regional battle, a fleet of ships is enough to sweep several strongholds. This time, the fifty or sixty ship elites have to Scan the two of them, it's not like playing.

"The purpose of our experiment is not to defeat them, right?" The tester looked at the Cleaner.

"Tsk, even though I know this is the case, it still feels weird." The Purge was speechless.

"Okay, get ready, the battle will begin soon." The tester said.


As shown on the radar map, Musashi and others who are now rushing into the sea have already seen the location of the stronghold.

"Everyone, form a single column and rush in as quickly as possible." Musashi said.


The formation of the people moving forward suddenly changed. The formation lined up and rushed straight towards the stronghold in front.

At this moment, a large number of Siren fleets appeared near the stronghold and began to fire continuously at the heavy men in a single vertical formation.

"Shinano, Taiho, take off your carrier-based aircraft and quickly destroy the fleets on both sides to buy us time." Musashi said.

"Understood." Shinano didn't look troubled at this time. With a wave of her right hand, a group of carrier-based aircraft took off from her deck and flew towards the Siren fleet in the distance like arrows. past.

At the same time, Dafeng also took off a fleet of carrier-based aircraft and rushed in another direction.

With the attack by two aircraft carrier girls operating carrier-based aircraft, the threat from artillery fire to the assault team was much smaller, and they soon arrived about ten kilometers away from the stronghold.

At this time, at the gate of the stronghold, several Siren fleets had lined up and opened fire on everyone.

"Change the wheel formation, do a good job of prevention and control, and concentrate firepower at the same time. We don't want to fight them in the open sea. This is too passive. We rush in directly inside the stronghold. That's when we can make full use of it." Musashi said.


This formation seemed to have been trained thousands of times. The ship girls only changed their steps slightly and quickly changed from a single vertical formation to a wheel formation.

For a moment, artillery fire was fired rapidly, and countless shells and barrages exploded in the Siren fleet in front, quickly opening up a path of blood and fire.

Everyone's footsteps did not stop at all, or in other words, there was nothing to stop their footsteps at all.

All Qin Ge's previous tactical concepts and guidance were aimed at this moment, concentrating superior firepower to quickly eliminate the enemy.

After passing through the obstruction of the fleet in front of them, everyone finally rushed into the stronghold. This stronghold was much larger than the previous Siren strongholds. As soon as they entered the sea area of ​​​​the stronghold, everyone saw an agent blocking the front.

"Everyone, use your skills quickly and use the strongest firepower to kill her instantly!" Musashi said as the purple sword floating beside her was unsheathed. A purple thunder and lightning began to move continuously on the blade, and then a huge purple shadow appeared behind her. The huge shadow held a long sword. As the sword slid, it gathered huge power and moved towards the front. The agent not far away was killed.

At the same time, colorful butterflies, sword lights, and phoenix wings also unfolded, and countless barrages and cannonballs rushed towards the agent in front of them.

In just a moment, the attack had already overwhelmed the agents in front of them. The firepower of the assault team was displayed at this moment, which was really terrifying.

But everyone knows that this agent is not the only agent in this sea area, and there is still another agent not far away.

But there is still a distance there, and after everyone's skills are released, it is impossible to release them again in a short period of time, so they immediately stabilize their position and open up an area where they can continue to attack.

"Lord Musashi, when will Akagi and his aviation team arrive?" Kii asked Musashi while fighting.

"I asked Amagi to arrange for the aviation group to start taking off after receiving the information about the I-19. It should be on the way now, and it is expected to arrive in a short time." Musashi said.

"I understand." Ji Yi said.

"Reporting to Lord Nagato and Lord Musashi, I have located the location of the Clearer. The current location of the tester has not yet been determined, but it should still be within the stronghold." Shimakaze said to the two.

"Understood, Shinano, Taiho, keep an eye on the entire sea area during prevention and control, and don't let the testers and removers escape," Musashi said.


"Haha, then let's start, the hymn of the brave!" Atago smiled, and while firing, he pulled out the long sword on his waist and rushed towards the elite Sai Ren in front of him.

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