My ship girl, my world

Chapter 933 Task Force 58

"Since we entered Sea Area 76, we haven't encountered the Siren fleet. It seems that the battle here is fierce!" Washington said on the communication channel while marching.

"Chongying made a big move this time. I always feel that Chongying's plan is not that shallow. Maybe even our support this time should be included in their plan." North Carolina said as they marched.

"I also think there is a problem. When I sent a communication to Amagi before, her behavior was a bit deliberate." Bunker Hill said calmly.

"After all, we are the 58th Task Force. Although our forces are currently dispersed, except for the two teams led by New Jersey and Enterprise, our combat power is the strongest in White Eagle!" Ticondero Gar said with a smile.

"I'm a little confused by what you said, so you are saying that Zhongying deceived the commander this time?" Princeton asked doubtfully.

"No, they did not lie to the commander. If I guessed correctly, they deliberately acted like that for the commander to find out." Bunker Hill looked at the sea in front of him and said, "Amagi and Musashi are What two shrewd people, wouldn’t they know that reporting altered maritime combat reports for several days in a row would arouse the commander’s suspicion?”

"So they did it deliberately, and then let the commander find out that they had made a big move?" Baltimore asked.

"It's possible. You know, if they come to discuss countermeasures with us, it is very likely that this matter will be reported to the commander, and the subsequent strategies will definitely not be as sudden as this time.

The quickest way to save time is to kill first and then tell later. Prepare a strategy for the sea area stronghold, and then use the commander to instigate us to participate in this operation. I have to say that Shige Sakura's strategy is really brilliant. Ticonderoga said with a smile.

"And the most important thing is that the bulk of the attack this time must be theirs. According to Chongying's current strength, I believe that the stronghold in that sea area has been conquered before we arrived, right?

Although there will be some injuries, these injuries are completely within their acceptable range. We will then coordinate with them to launch a comprehensive attack on the North Pacific near the Bering Strait.

This is probably what the commander wants to see, so we can only reap some marginal benefits from this operation, which are completely worthless compared to the benefits they reaped from Sakura. "

"If that's the case, then we still have to help them?" Washington immediately became unhappy.

"Have you forgotten that it is the commander's order for us to go to Sea Area 76 to assist them?" Bunker Hill said.

" feels a little leaky." Cleveland took a breath and said.

"Haha, then why do you think the commander paid so much attention to Tiancheng before?" North Carolina laughed.

"So this time we suffered a dumb loss?" Badan asked.

"It doesn't count. After all, we are going to this sea area in the name of support. Although we will not make a big profit from this battle. But Shige Sakura owes a favor. Even if they won't admit it, the fact is That's it.

When we need military support in the East Pacific in the future, do you think Shige Sakura will come to help? " North Carolina said.

Everyone who felt a little confused was stunned for a moment, and then they all reacted. Although no favors were owed on the surface, secretly the favors were already owed. In the final analysis, it’s just to show off in front of Qin Ge. If it’s me this time, then it’ll be you next time.

The port area has always been the port area for ship girls. Although everyone belongs to the port area, the camps still want their commanders to pay more attention to themselves, but they will never go to the point of confronting each other and will only compete with each other. .

After figuring all this out, the whole team couldn't help but feel relaxed.

"Why do I feel that sometimes our White Eagle always suffers a bit when facing other camps. For example, the Chongying and Donghuang camps have counselors like Tiancheng and Zhenhai, and even the Iron-Blooded ones have castles like Bismarck and Frederick. Extremely deep people, we White Eagle...well, who can be considered a strategic person?" Cleveland said.

"Hey, that's true." Baltimore couldn't help but nodded speechlessly, "What can the company say? She has a strong fighting capacity, but it seems a bit difficult for her to do those strategic jobs.

Not to mention New Jersey, he has a carefree temperament, and it becomes nerve-wracking when he mentions battle plans and the like.

Essex is even less confident and looks for companies every time it encounters a problem.

St. Louis does have a lot of ideas, but most of the time they are not serious. After all, it seems that our White Eagle really doesn't have a counselor-type character. "

The team that was moving forward couldn't help laughing at the same time when they heard such words. Even Bunker Hill, who usually had a cold face, couldn't help but smile a little.

North Carolina and others couldn't help but smile, "This may be because of cultural differences."

"Oh, North Carolina, any insights?" Ticonderoga asked.

"You also know that I have stayed in Donghuang for a long time, and of course I understand some of Donghuang culture. In the war in Donghuang, one thing is always important, that is, make decisions before taking action.

Therefore, whether it is Donghuang or Chongying, under the influence of such culture, characters similar to counselors will naturally appear.

It is equivalent to the pre-battle rehearsal we have to do. We must imagine almost all situations during the battle and strive to obtain the maximum gain at the minimum cost.

But our situation is completely different. We pay more attention to adapting to circumstances and seizing opportunities on the battlefield.

Take the enterprise as an example. If I use Donghuang's words to describe her, she is a brave and strategic general. No matter what happens on the battlefield, she can make the most favorable judgment for our side, so this is the secret to her undefeated victory. North Carolina explained with a smile.

“So I think although there are some differences between the two, the essence is still to win, but the methods are slightly different.

And even if we look at the previous history, our strategy against Chongqing has never been at a disadvantage. "

"Indeed." Bunker Hill nodded, "Each camp has its own characteristics, the strategy of Chongying Donghuang, the iron-blooded city, the unity of the Northern United, the faith of Iris, the glory of Sardinia, and of course Our White Eagle moves forward bravely!”

"Are you going to move forward bravely? Hehe, it is true that our White Eagle is suitable for this! No matter what the enemy's strength is, we must first rush forward and fight!" Washington said excitedly.

"Washington, that's not called marching forward courageously, it's called recklessness!" North Carolina couldn't help but raise her forehead. "Going forward courageously means not being afraid of difficulties and moving forward courageously. It's not about rushing forward to fight the enemy first."

"Well, that's what I meant anyway..."

"Ha ha……"

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