My ship girl, my world

Chapter 936 Transformation Materials and Emergency Communications

The Petropavlovsk port was peaceful and peaceful at night. The ship ladies were dressed in costumes, with smiles on their faces, and they were like butterflies shuttling through the banquet.

No one would associate this scene with the celebration banquet, but to be precise, they are the protagonists tonight, warriors sailing on the blue waves.

"It's been a long wait, my companions at White Eagle. There were a lot of things going on just now. I'm really sorry for the poor reception." As soon as Musashi and several senior officials from Chongqing arrived at the banquet, they went directly to White Eagle's Bunker Hill. People came over.

"It's okay, we can understand." Bunker Hill said still calmly, as if she would always be like this no matter what happened.

"That's how Bunker Hill people are. I hope Chong Ying's companions don't mind." North Carolina said with a smile. Although he often said that he was ordinary, North Carolina's diplomatic ability was still very strong compared to others.

"Why would you mind? We have lived in the port area for such a long time. We are naturally familiar with Miss Bunker Hill's character, so we won't think anything of it." Amagi smiled at the side.

She had been following Qin Ge before, so she knew most of the people in the port area relatively well.

"Amagi is right, and I am very grateful to everyone at White Eagle for being able to support us across the sea from such a distance." Musashi said.

"Haha, it's okay. We are here because of the commander's request. And it seems that the commander is a little too worried. Relying on the power of your Chongying camp, we can already solve the problem in this sea area." North Carolina smiled. .

"And this time, two high-level siren dolls were eliminated at once. If the news is reported back to the port area, the commander will probably be very excited. After all, this is an unprecedented thing in this world. Even other camps will do it for our port area. And look sideways."

"Actually, these are all unexpected changes. We didn't expect to face two high-level Siren humanoids directly, because the Qiliu sea area is originally a key sea area. After the Siren stronghold was discovered there, we had to do something. action.

But when the operation was underway, it was discovered that there were two high-level siren figures there. The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. In order to eliminate the two of them, we Chongying also paid a corresponding price.

However, the results are still gratifying. Now that the strongholds in the Qiliu Sea Area have been eliminated, we can completely connect the Bering Strait and make the North Pacific our rear. Then we can concentrate on starting a new round of attacks towards the center of the Pacific Ocean. . "Musashi said.

"And the most important thing is that everyone from White Eagle's trip is not in vain, because we, Chongying, have experienced this battle. Many ships have basically lost the ability to fight again and need to go through a series of repairs. Fight again.

Therefore, we still need your help in the next strategic battle in the Bering Strait, so that we can quickly turn this place into our rear. "

As expected, everyone in Baiying couldn't help but look at each other.

"Of course, we won't let White Eagle's companions run away in vain this time. When we searched in that sea area stronghold before, we found some interesting things. I think these things are also very attractive to White Eagle's companions. ." Musashi said, raising his hand, and a purple light appeared on his hand.

Bunker Hill glanced at Musashi, and then held Musashi's hand. The purple light disappeared instantly, and Bunker Hill's eyes couldn't help but widen.

"It's actually something like this." Bunker Hill exclaimed.

"What on earth is it?" North Carolina and the others wondered. It must be something extraordinary to allow someone as calm as Bunker Hill to show such an expression.

"Some information on modifying items," Bunker Hill explained.

"Information on modified items?" North Carolina and the others were startled, a little confused.

“When we were renovating the general atmosphere of our port area, didn’t we detect that there were some people in Santiago and War Tired who had the potential to be transformed into maritime legends?

But after such a long time, the research on these modified items has been progressing slowly, and the data that Musashi just presented happened to be information about modified items. Bunker Hill explained, then looked at Musashi, "If we have this information, I believe we can make corresponding modification items soon, right?" "

"Haha, that's pretty much it." Musashi nodded, "Perhaps this is our biggest gain from this battle with Chong Ying."

Bunker Hill took a deep look at Musashi and said, "Our Task Force 58 can help Chong Ying's companions conduct maritime raids, but these things must be done with the commander's approval.

The commander is also quite angry about your private actions this time. And I'm afraid it's not just us, Northern United may also arrive here in recent days. "

"Northern Union?" Musashi narrowed his eyes.

"I think this is a good thing. If the Northern Alliance really comes, it means that the Lord is ready to carry out a comprehensive attack on the North Pacific." Amagi said with a smile.

"Furthermore, I believe that the Lord is not a rigid person. The reason why he is angry is because he is worried that we will do something that will cost too much. But as long as the cost is controlled within the range that he can accept, I think He won't hold on to this matter.

In addition, judging from the previous information sent by Minato and the information from other camp companions, the Lord is preparing for a comprehensive strategy in four directions: east, west, north, south, and his plan is bigger than any of us. "

Chongying and Baiying were stunned. This was the first time they heard Amagi talking about such a thing.

"Commander is preparing to carry out a comprehensive attack? Why didn't I notice it at all?" North Carolina asked doubtfully.

At this moment, Shimakaze ran over quickly.

"Report to Nagato-sama, Musashi-sama, and Shinano-sama! The commander's urgent telegram! In addition, the commander said that Shirataka's companions should also participate in this urgent telegram communication!"

Musashi and others looked at each other and immediately did not dare to neglect. They left the banquet venue and rushed towards the station's communications room.

When I rushed to the communication room and opened the door, sure enough, an illusory figure was standing there with his back to everyone.


The figure turned around after hearing the sound. Although its appearance was a bit unreal, everyone present could confirm it.

Qin Ge nodded, "I'm really sorry to disturb your banquet, but I think I should tell you about this matter in advance so that you can make subsequent arrangements.

The Arbiters have now returned to the world. According to their behavior, the time for the final battle is not far away. So before that, I need you to conquer the Pacific Ocean in a short period of time and suppress the Siren's activity range in the center of the Pacific Ocean. "

"Yes, Commander!"

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