My ship girl, my world

Chapter 94 Friends of the Prince of Wales

After an afternoon of discussions, Veneto and Prince Eugen already had a general understanding of Qin Ge's fleet deployment, strategy and tactics.

As far as their knowledge is concerned, Qin Ge's deployment is obviously the most suitable method for the current fleet development. Because they have more time, they can fine-tune their skills, equipment control, etc. before facing the Siren Fleet.

And after they learned about the triangle tactic and the three-three system, they all expressed their affirmation of this tactic.

And just when Qin Ge and his ship girls began to understand each other and establish a relationship. Ning Hai came to the Prince of Wales's office with the form that he had used to register Qin Ge's new ship girl.

The Prince of Wales was looking at a document at this time, and she was a little surprised by Ning Hai's arrival. After all, Ning Hai is a person who is very serious about his work, and there is nothing impossible for him to leave his job.

So the Prince of Wales asked Ning Hai, "What's wrong? Is there anything that requires you to put down your work and report it in person?"

Ning Hai handed the order in his hand to the Prince of Wales, "Dean, this is the ship girl built by Commander Qin Ge just now. You can take a look at it."

"The ship girl built by Qin Ge?" The Prince of Wales took the list from Ning Hai with this doubt, and the name at the top made her surprised.

"Vittorio Veneto, the flagship of the Sardinian Empire?! How is this possible?"

Yes, how is this possible? This is the current portrayal of the Prince of Wales's heart. After all, it has been almost 100 years since the ship girl appeared in this world, and this is the first time that such a situation has occurred.

When the Prince of Wales raised his head and looked at Ning Hai, Ning Hai said seriously, "I see absolutely no problem. After all, I have seen the photos of the commanders in chief of each camp many times."

"Tsk, this is really a miracle, or Qin Ge is a person who is good at creating miracles, maybe..." The Prince of Wales stopped talking after saying this, and what she said in her heart was, maybe Qin Ge came to this world It's not just a coincidence.

A top student from the Command Department of the Naval Academy wandered into this world and built a camp flagship that no one had ever built in this world. If there are no problems here, then the Prince of Wales does not need to be the dean of the Commander's Academy.

Thinking of this, the Prince of Wales's eyes lit up. She remembered the last colorful light when Qin Ge did the mental Rubik's Cube adaptability test.

"Maybe we can actually see it."

Ning Hai faced the stunned Prince of Wales and asked, "Dean? What's wrong with you?"

The Prince of Wales shook his head, "Nothing, just a little shocked."

"So what should we do now? Do we need to notify the Sardinian Empire?" Ning Hai asked.

The Prince of Wales smiled and said, "Why inform the Sardinian Empire? This is not a free ship girl. She was built by Qin Ge and not obtained by other methods.

If every ship girl built by the commander needs to talk to the original camp, then the royal family, Chong Ying, and Bai Ying will have to be busy? "

Ning Hai nodded, "That's what the dean said."

After saying this, Ning Hai seemed to be relieved. But this look made the Prince of Wales smile, "You little girl are not worried that the Sardinian Empire will appear here and take Veneto back, are you?"

"There are some." Ning Hai said to the Prince of Wales, "After all, this is the first time that such a situation has happened. The flagship of a camp is summoned, and there is always something in my heart."

"Don't say they won't do anything if they know. Even if they know what they will do, so what? Do they, the Sardinian Empire, really dare to go across several oceans to pick her up?" the Prince of Wales said, "If the situation is true, When things develop to that point, let alone Qin Ge, not even Donghuang will agree."

"That's right. If the Sardinian Empire reaches that step, it will be a provocation to the Donghuang Navy." Ning Hai nodded.

The Prince of Wales smiled and looked at Ning Hai very relaxedly, "So, we should take a longer view. Now that Qin Ge has summoned Veneto, what if he summons Bismarck and Richelieu one day?"

"Is this really possible?" Ning Hai asked in shock.

"So before Qin Ge summons Veneto, who do you think can summon the general flagship of each camp?" The Prince of Wales smiled, "But the truth is that he summoned it. So how can you dare to confirm whether he summoned it or not?" Where’s the next one out?”

"This..." Ning Hai was speechless for a moment. After all, with her rigorous personality, she would generally not make such a bold estimate, but what the Prince of Wales said was very reasonable.

What if?

What if Qin Ge summons again and really summons Bismarck, Richelieu or Nagato and others?

At this time, the Prince of Wales laughed, "Go back to work, don't take this matter to heart, just treat Veneto as a simple battleship."

Ning Hai, who had thousands of thoughts running through his mind, nodded, answered "Yes!" to the Prince of Wales, and then exited the Prince of Wales' office.

Looking at Ning Hai going out, the Prince of Wales smiled and shook his head, "This Qin Ge will really cause trouble for me. When I originally thought he was a talented person in tactics and theory, he ended up summoning people from other camps. Total flagship.

It seems that he is indeed the embodiment of miracles. My decision to keep him in the Commander Academy was absolutely right! Then, you can’t just find bodyguards in the future..."

The Prince of Wales rested his head on his hand and thought quietly for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Why did I forget about that good friend of mine? Didn't she always want to find an excellent commander? If that's the case, why not just go with the flow? ?”

Thinking of this, the Prince of Wales picked up the phone next to him and dialed a number. When the busy tone on the phone rang twice, the phone was picked up.

"Hello, friend, have you been free lately?" the Prince of Wales said to the person on the phone with a smile.

"Ara, I thought who was calling me, but it turned out to be His Highness the Prince. He just came back from the front line recently and is preparing to take some rest."

Listening to the answer from the person on the other end of the phone, the Prince of Wales smiled even more, "In that case, can you do me a favor during this period?"

"Since His Highness the Prince has spoken, I will definitely help. I wonder what the favor is?"

"I have a commander here who is very good in the literal sense. Although he is a new commander, he already has the ability to be entrusted.

And he himself has the courage to face these challenges, but as the dean, I must consider his safety. So I would like to ask you to protect him for a while. I will explain the specific situation to you after you come. "The Prince of Wales said into the phone.

"Oh, the commander who impressed even His Highness the Prince? No problem, I'll take this job..."

Can everyone guess who this ship girl is?


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