My ship girl, my world

Chapter 943 The final battle is close at hand

Although reunion is always a beautiful thing, you have to accept a short separation before the sea calms down.

In the early morning of the third day after returning to the port area, the fleet led by Guanghui left the port area and sailed towards the southwest sea.

Before leaving, Guanghui smiled and said to Qin Ge, "Commander, please wait for us for a while. We will soon complete the strategy of that sea area. At that time, the base can be changed to the port area, so that every time we come back from the deep sea , you can all see the commander.”

Looking at the retreating figures of Guanghui and others, Qin Ge said to himself, "I am also waiting for that day to come."

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and it was the same as expected. Donghuang, the Royal Family, the Northern Alliance, and the Sardinian Empire all returned to the port area. Other camp ship girls who came to assist also stationed themselves in the public port area next to the communication tower.

About three-fifths of the Pacific strategy has been completed, and the next fifth is the most difficult part.

"Master, I received a report from Iron Blood on the front line. In the 145 sea area, I encountered the agent Harvest in the Siren stronghold. He is the agent of the subordinate Arbiter Empres.

After a fierce battle between the two sides, the fleet led by Seydlitz successfully defeated Harvest and the sea area was controlled. Belfast said looking at Qin Ge.

"Empress?" Qin Ge nodded. He first met this arbiter in the secret room of the Northern Alliance, and he also witnessed the great strength of this arbiter.

Even all the legendary ships of the sea and Ember's ships that were originally combined could not keep her.

And the most critical thing is not this issue, but that this should be the first time that Empres' agent appears in the sea.

Although Qin Ge's fleet had encountered agents before, most of those agents focused on balance and concealment. They are all agents of Hermet and Templarus, and there were many of them in the sea area before, so it does not rule out that the arbitration agency handed over their agents to the experimental agency for deployment.

And now that Emples' agent has appeared, this shows that Qin Ge's fleet has begun to enter the depths of the Pacific Ocean, and the time for the final confrontation is getting closer and closer.

"Master, the next document is..." Belfast saw that Qin Ge didn't say anything and just started to prepare to read the next document.

"Wait." Qin Ge raised his hand to interrupt Belfast, "Befa, inform all camps of this news. Our current fleet has entered the depths of the Pacific, which means it has entered the sea area controlled by the arbiters. , so from now on, you must always be vigilant.

Try to shorten the defense chain as much as possible. If a fleet is attacked, support can be quickly come from both sides. "

Belfast was stunned, "Master, what you mean is that we are not far from the final battle?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Maybe that's the case. Empress only appeared once in this world, and her agent had never appeared before.

Now that it appears in the sea stronghold, the meaning it represents is self-evident. Although we are still far away from the real depths of the Pacific Ocean, we have entered the waters controlled by the arbiters.

At this time, you must not underestimate the enemy and advance rashly. Stop the attack for a moment, and then move step by step to seize control of those sea areas bit by bit. "

"Understood, Master, I will immediately send people to notify the major fleets." Belfast said immediately, and then turned around and went out to make arrangements.

Qin Ge took a deep breath, looked at the documents on the table and squinted his eyes slightly, "Is this moment finally approaching? If it is true as he said, maybe this period of time is over, and maybe he will leave this world. .

In short, wait until the war is over and go see the people you care about. "

Not long after Qin Ge issued this order, he was in the Siren Fortress located deep in the Pacific Ocean.

The observer turned to look at Arbiter Empress, "Their attack speed has slowed down now, but it has also become more solid than before."

Empres smiled and nodded, "Well, although the agent who can defeat Yu with the strength of his team is not as good as those original prototype ships, it can be said to have begun to have combat effectiveness."

Having said this, Price turned to look at Dream Weaver, who had reached the depths of the Pacific Ocean at an unknown time, "What's the next plan?"

At the same time, in addition to Arbiter Empress, Arbiter Strencus, Hermet, Tempalus, and an Arbiter hidden in the shadows looked at Dream Weaver at the same time.

Dream Weaver did not open his eyes, as if he was still immersed in his dream, "We have not reached the scheduled sea area yet, so we will act according to the original plan."

"If that's the case, why did we come so early? We could have waited for the final battle before transferring here." Hermet asked.

Although the words were questioning, there was no questioning in her tone, just a simple inquiry.

Dream Weaver said, "As for the time of the final battle, Laplace's Demon Calculation has calculated countless results, so until the last moment, no one can clearly determine it, and can only roughly estimate a set time.

Moreover, Commander Qin Ge is not a program we set in advance. There are many variables in him. It is precisely because of these variables that we are allowed to carry out this calculation.

It is much better to come here in advance than to come here after something unexpected happens, and it was already running normally. Now this matter is the most important. Do you have any questions? "

"No more." All the arbiters shook their heads.

"By the way, where is G? Isn't she here?" Hermet asked, "We haven't seen her for a long time since we came to the fortress."

The observer said with a smile, "She didn't stay here for long. It seems she didn't like the environment here, so she has left this world. But she will probably come back after a while, but she didn't say anything when she left. Where to go.”

"The original world didn't touch her. Could it be that thing she used?" Empress smiled.

"If she really went there, does that adult already know what happened here?" Hermet said with a heavy face.

"This plan was approved by that adult, and he probably won't stop it, so you can rest assured." Dream Weaver said.


The environment inside the fortress fell into silence again. Some people closed their eyes, seeming to be waiting for the moment when the battle froze. Some people looked at the chart on the screen with interest, seeming to be observing. The progress of Qin Ge’s fleet.

But everyone knows that this final battle is already close at hand.

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