My ship girl, my world

Chapter 947 Transformation

Before Belfast could come back, Yixian brought Anshan and Changchun to Qin Ge's office.

"You guys sit over there and take a rest for a while. The ship that was renovated this time is also the Royal War Exhaustion. After she comes, I will almost finish processing these documents." Qin Ge looked up and came to the office. Several people immediately said with a smile.

"It's really troublesome, Commander." Yixian said gently, asking Anshan and Changchun to sit on the sofa nearby, and then came to Qin Ge's desk.

But when he saw the filled teacup next to Singer Qin, he couldn't help but smile, "I also wanted to see if the commander was out of water and could I give him a glass of water, but it seems that Miss Belfast is indeed the most complete." There’s a maid who can.”

Qin Ge paused for a moment and smiled, "Haha, doesn't this make you feel more at ease?"

"Indeed." Yixian said, "But I'd better go make a cup of tea. After all, Miss Warspite is coming over later."

"Then I'll trouble you, Yixian." Qin Ge said.

"It's okay." Yixian said, walking towards the tea cabinet on the side.

Not long after, Belfast returned to the office first. She was about to report to Qin Ge when she saw Yixian and the others, so she smiled and said hello before walking to Qin Ge.

"The owner of the report has told the communications room to let them notify. And the information has just been received. They will set off immediately and are expected to return to the port area in four or five days." Belfast said.

"Well, I understand, thank you for your hard work." Qin Ge smiled and said, "Help me entertain Yixian and the others first. Zhan Ti will come over later. After I finish processing these documents, we can start the transformation."

"Yes, Master." Belfast responded, and went over to greet Yixian and the others.

Not long after, Zhan Weizhan also came to Qin Ge's office. Elizabeth did not come with her, perhaps because of the previous phone call.

Because Qin Ge had explained it before, Belfast took him to Yixian as soon as he entered the door. A few people chatted with smiles. Although Zhan Wei's character was a bit old-fashioned, he still had great respect for everyone in Donghuang who fought side by side.

"Speaking of Beifa, are we the only ones who need to undergo transformation?" Zhan Xian asked while drinking tea, "Didn't I remember how many others there are?"

"Indeed, if we want to renovate, we will also have Miss Yudachi from Chongsakura, Miss San Diego from White Eagle, Miss York City, Miss Bumblebee, Miss Northampton, Miss Harman and Miss Langley.

However, since they are currently at the base in Hawaii, the previous owner specifically notified me to go to the communications room to summon them back.

But it will probably take some time until they come back, so according to the director's wishes, he wants you to carry out the transformation first. ” explained Belfast.

"I see, I've been looking forward to this transformation." Xian Zhan said with a smile, "Seeing those kids in the avant-garde surpassing me one by one, although I was very happy in my heart, I also felt a little bit unwilling. If possible, I would also like to be with you. Just like before, become the one holding the sword and protect the commander, the royal family, and Her Majesty the Queen together!"

While several people were chatting, Qin Ge finally finished reviewing all today's documents. He sat up and stretched his waist, looking at a few ship girls who were chatting passionately, "What are you talking about? You look so excited?"

"Has the master finished his work?" Belfast reacted first and asked quickly.

"Well, today's documents have been reviewed. Now I can go with you to make changes." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Speaking of commander, after the transformation of Anshan and the others, will they be able to control missiles like the missiles that Anshan and the others in Donghuang have?" Zhanzhan asked, "Or will they be more powerful than those missiles?"

With Zhan Ti's doubts, Anshan and Changchun also looked at Qin Ge with great anticipation. After all, as a ship, no one hopes that they are not powerful.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Yes, after the transformation, the two of them will have missiles, and as ships, the power of the missiles will definitely be more powerful than Donghuang Anshan and theirs.

It's possible that they might transform from vanguard destroyers into battleships.

After all, missiles have ultra-long range and precise attack capabilities, and have damage capabilities no less than those of artillery shells. So they will definitely become very powerful battleships by then. "

"By the way, we now have many mass-produced missile warships. Is that what the commander said about the attack capital ship?" Yixian asked.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "As for this matter, we have to wait until you master this power in the future and develop it yourself."

"Yes." Anshan and Changchun looked at each other and nodded repeatedly.

"Let's go to the warehouse together and get some transformation drawings from there. The open space there is relatively large, so the transformation will not affect other people." Qin Ge said.

"Yes, Commander!"

After they finished speaking, they left the office building with Qin Ge and walked toward the warehouse.

With the recent presence of four camps in the port area, the entire environment is much more lively than when they were all sent out before.

As soon as Qin Ge and his group walked out of the office, some passing ship girls gathered around them. After some people knew that it was about transformation-related matters, they waved to leave. After all, they still had their own things to do.

Of course, there were some people who were fine who followed along. After all, this transformation was very special, and the most important thing was that Qin Ge was by his side.

After arriving at the warehouse, they took some transformation drawings from the Kitchen Goddess, and everyone gathered in the square outside the warehouse.

After receiving the dragon-shaped jade pendant from Belfast, Qin Ge handed it to Anshan along with the destroyer's transformation drawings, "Come on, Anshan. Although this one has an extra dragon-shaped jade pendant, the transformation process is the same. Use Adjust your mind cube and modification plans just like everyone else's modifications."

"Yes, Commander."

Anshan solemnly took the things from Qin Singer, especially when she touched the dragon-shaped jade pendant, she felt a slight fluctuation in the depths of her mental Rubik's Cube.

This feeling made her very excited. This was a transformation that she had been looking forward to for a long time. Now it resonated with the Mental Cube, which meant that this transformation would definitely be successful and she would definitely have what she had always wanted.

Taking a deep breath, Anshan gradually closed his eyes under the gaze of everyone. A purple light emerged from her heart, which was the light belonging to the core of the mind.

At the same time, the dragon-shaped jade pendant and transformation drawings in Anshan's hand also emitted a faint light. And as the light became more and more intense, the light at the core of Anshan's mind actually gained a hint of golden brilliance.

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