My ship girl, my world

Chapter 990 Early Morning

Since we were inside the Siren Fortress, it was very difficult to get up with the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

When he opened his sleepy eyes, the dark yellow but warm light made Qin Ge worried. I habitually raised my hand to look at the alarm clock on the bedside, only to find that there was no alarm clock at all, instead there was a black tea cup.

Qin Ge suddenly realized that he did not spend the night in his room last night. He and Guanghui chatted until very late. Even when they were sitting on the bed, the two of them cuddled up and talked a lot.

So what happens after that is very simple. Since you are already here, why bother going back to your room?

Thinking of this, Qin Ge turned his head and saw Guanghui lying beside him. Although he was still asleep, his arms were tightly fixed with two arms.

The wafting fragrance told Qin Ge what the gentle countryside is.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ge shook his head in amusement, then raised his head and looked towards the end of the bed. Because he remembered that except for his own room, the layout of the rooms here seemed to be the same.

I didn't find the alarm clock in Zhenhai's room at that time. After her reminder, I saw a wall clock on the wall at the end of the bed.

Sure enough, Qin Ge also saw the same wall clock on the wall of Guanghui's room.

"Is it six o'clock yet..." Qin Ge looked at the time and yawned, "It's time to get up."

It is indeed time to wake up at this time. It might have been a little later before, but since receiving the protection, Qin Ge basically wakes up at this time every day.

Then he turned sideways and kissed Guanghui deeply on the lips. Such movement naturally made Guanghui wake up. When he opened his eyes and saw the face so close to him, Guanghui suddenly closed his eyes and relaxed. The arm he was holding stretched out his only movable arm and hugged Qin Ge's neck.

The time he was immersed in the sweet kiss didn't last long. After all, it was early in the morning, and Qin Ge didn't want to accidentally misfire.

Looking at Guanghui's face turning rosy due to the kiss, he smiled and said, "Get up."

"Ah?" Guanghui was stunned for a moment as he was caught in the sweetness, waiting for Qin Ge's next move, and his already cute big eyes suddenly became clear.

"I thought the commander was planning a night attack..."

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "It's already six o'clock in the morning. You slept well last night, so there is no such thing as a night attack."

Guanghui's face turned rosy when he remembered what happened last night, and then he became worried and confused, "Commander, will the behavior last night have any impact on you today? How about you rest for a while?"

"Haha, now that I think about it, I didn't hear you say such words at the time." Qin Ge smiled. The two of them had such a long and pure communication last night. It can almost be traced back to the honeymoon period.

"Don't worry, I'm in good health now. Even if it's like last night every day, there won't be any problems."

While saying this, Qin Ge reached out and grabbed Guanghui's hand, and then slapped it on his chest.

"Hey, you hear that? This is what power feels like!"

Looking at Qin Ge playing tricks, Guanghui couldn't help but laugh, "I feel like Commander has become more confident this time I come back."

"of course."

Qin Ge grinned and said, after all, in the port area now, without a strong body, he might have become sick a long time ago.

Although his body was very strong before, of course it was compared to normal people, but since the protection, it cannot be explained simply by being strong.

Qin Ge felt that he really had a superhuman body now, but of course, he just didn't have the corresponding strength. But this is enough for him, because he doesn't want to be a savior like Superman. His biggest wish now is to accompany his ships and live happily like this. .

The two of them got up amidst such laughter, and it didn't take long to pack up. They left the room and walked out of the royal passage to the passage where the logistics supplies were located.

After all, the cafeteria is right there.

There were not many people in the canteen in the early morning, but it opened early.

"Commander Qin Ge, why did you remember to eat in the cafeteria today?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Qin Ge and Guanghui looked towards a dining place.

"Good morning Yixian. It was always like that before. It was a bit too troublesome, so I will come here to eat in the future." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Haha, is it the same as before?" Yixian asked.

"Same." Qin Ge said cheerfully.

"Okay, where is Miss Guanghui?" Yixian asked with a smile.

"Similarly, I haven't eaten anything made by Miss Yixian for a long time." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Then two, please wait a moment."


Qin Ge sat at a dining table with Guanghui. Guanghui looked at the busy Yixian and said with a smile, "It feels like I'm back at the Commander's Academy with the commander."

"Ha, obviously when the two of us arrived at the Commander's Academy, every meal was brought back by Beifa." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Well, even though it is like this, it tastes the same as that time." Guanghui said with a blush.

"Indeed, it tastes the same as before." Qin Ge also looked back at Yixian.

This Yixian was the same Yixian who was at the Commander Academy. When she heard that the kitchen at Siren Fortress needed someone, she signed up without hesitation at the Commander Academy.

Due to some special reasons, Donghuang quickly approved it, so she was also one of the first batch of logistics ship girls to come to Siren Fortress from Donghuang mainland.

At first, when Qin Ge saw Yixian, he was a little surprised. When he learned the reason, he was deeply in admiration.

Although frontline logistics supply positions are not as dangerous as combat units, they also bear corresponding risks. Everyone who can come here is contributing to this war.

Therefore, even when facing some ship girls from other camps that he is not familiar with, Qin Ge will communicate with them with the greatest respect.

This also made almost all the logistics supply ship girls who came have a better opinion of Qin Ge, and also made everyone full of motivation, so from the day the base fortress was officially put into operation, until now, there has been no Have any problems.

Every position is fulfilling its responsibilities and striving to complete this combat mission perfectly.

Just when Qin Ge was lost in his thoughts, a lively voice sounded.

"Hehe, I know the commander gets up very early every day, so you will definitely see him when you come to the cafeteria."

Attracted by the sound, Qin Ge looked toward the door of the cafeteria, where several figures were standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Hey, Hao? You guys got up so early?"

"Of course, because when I leave, I want to tell it personally, not just a simple report."

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