My ship girl, my world

Chapter 992 Reunion and Arrangements

When all the plans were arranged, the two fleets in the two sea areas were implemented according to the plan.

The fleet led by Bismarck gradually began to tilt its main force in the direction of the sea area where Qin Ge was located. During this tilt, it did not forget to fulfill what Qin Ge said before and actively patrol the sea area that it had already controlled.

Maintain the waterways needed to supply oil and ensure the safety and smoothness of supply lines.

Of course, not too many troops were invested. Most of the arrangements were based on the dispatch of one or two ship girls from Qin Ge's side, and most of the power came from the awakened ship girls from other camps.

Although most of them are not powerful enough to defeat the Agent or participate in the battle against the Arbiter. But it was enough to work with Qin Ge's shipgirl to protect the shipping route and escort the supply line from harassment by the siren fleet that suddenly appeared.

Although there will be ships such as elite enforcers in these siren fleets, with the help of Qin Ge's shipgirl and the help of mass-produced missile warships to ensure the safety of the route, there is not much problem.

After stabilizing the rear, Bismarck took the main force and began to approach the boundary of sea area B, preparing to join the Qin Ge fleet here.

As soon as they entered Sea Area B, everyone saw the Royal Fleet also approaching from a distance.

And the leader of the team is none other than the royal combat commander, King George V!

This distance is not very far, but after a while, the people and horses from the two directions merged together.

"You are moving very fast. I thought that I would wait in front of you this time, but I didn't expect that you would be the one waiting for me instead." George V was a little stunned.

Musashi smiled and said, "Because we have controlled the D sea area, we can ensure that there are not many sirens in the sea area. After communicating with the commander, we can directly issue an order to move all fleets Brought here.

But we have just arrived, and we are not much faster than you. And the most important thing is that the Siren Fortress in the Earth Sea is relatively close to here, so you are already very fast. "

"Haha, I don't feel too frustrated anymore, and this time was originally to guide you. Now that we can successfully reunite, we have achieved what we planned before, and then we will act according to the follow-up plan." King Ying King George V did not dwell on this issue for too long. Instead, he smiled generously and said to everyone.

"Understood, the previous meeting has already explained that although we are in the nearby sea area, we don't know much about the situation in the sea area. The next arrangements will be troublesome to you, George V." Bismarck nodded, she He did not directly intervene in the command of Sea Area B. Instead, he handed over the command of himself and everyone else to George V.

In her opinion, her unfamiliarity with this sea area was a reason, but the bigger reason for her to hand over the command so directly was that the commander-in-chief of this sea area was Qin Ge.

For herself, her mission has been completed. In the next time, she wants to be a warrior, like everyone else, to fight the final battle under the leadership of her commander.

"Eh? The commander didn't give such an order, just hand everyone over to me like this, okay?" George V was also stunned.

"After we successfully joined forces, we no longer had the previous strategic layout, so now our supreme commander should be said to be the commander, but the commander is not here, so as the person most familiar with this sea area, you should replace the commander Distribute it," said Bismarck.

"Well, since you have said this, let me continue." George V was not a hesitant person. Bismarck had already said so, and she had no reason to hesitate.

"First of all, there are currently three directions of attack in the sea area, and they are all based on areas and in a fan-shaped attack. Among them, the royal family is the main direction, and Donghuang and Beifang jointly provide assistance and complement the missing directions.

Because of this, the current progress is relatively slow, but with your participation, I believe our speed will become faster.

So just like this, the Sardinians and the Iron Bloods will go to support the Northern Alliance, expand the offensive cross-section of the Northern Alliance, and include more sea areas, and the target is the area around the Siren Fortress that has been discovered.

As for Chongying and Iris, you are going to support Donghuang. Like Sardinia and Tiexue in front, expand Donghuang's attack cross-section and include more sea areas. The same target is around the Siren Fortress that has been discovered.

As for the White Eagle, you will unite with the Royal Fleet to make up for the current gap of the Royal Fleet being scattered, and also speed up the attack rhythm. The target is still around the Siren Fortress.

I wonder if you are satisfied with this distribution? asked King George V.

"Haha, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with. It is also a sea area strategy. As long as we achieve our goals, we will definitely implement detailed and clear allocations like this." Musashi said with a smile.

Others also nodded, obviously having no objections to the allocation of George V.

"That's it. Next, you arrange the people in your camp. I will give you the accurate coordinates. You only need to go to the place with the corresponding coordinates to see them.

As for this assignment, I will report it to the commander immediately to let him know everything that happened here. In addition, you camp leaders will not need to participate in the next battle for the time being. I also brought the commander's order with me this time.

You guys come with me back to the fortress base where the commander is, if he has something to tell you. " said King George V.

Several people were stunned for a moment. Logically speaking, according to the current lineup assigned by George V, it is completely possible to advance towards the sea area of ​​​​Siren Fortress. After the formation is ready, they can launch an attack on Siren Fortress. There is no need to go to Qin Dynasty. The fortress sea area where the song is located.

But now that George V said this, it was obvious that Qin Ge had other ideas besides doing this.

"The commander didn't explain to you what he wanted to tell us?" Veneto asked doubtfully.

"No." George V shook his head. "The commander did not explain to me the specific plan for the next step, but he specifically told me to let you gather at the base and fortress. Obviously I have something to inform or discuss with you, so I took the Come down and quickly assign the personnel, and we’ll set off together.”

Everyone looked at each other and could see some confusion in each other's eyes. This idea was not explained in the last meeting, nor was it told to George V. It was obviously some very confidential actions, which made them a little curious. What kind of actions would make Qin Ge do such a secret?


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