Is the door from the basement?


Is there someone living in the basement?


Are they the little girl's siblings?


Are they related by blood?


Are they relatives?


Such a paradox of being trapped in a cycle. Is it possible that the people in the basement are both blood related and not related?

Ke'er hesitated and said, Did the little girl see someone?


Is there anything scary in the basement? Bai Chuan asked hurriedly.


It's a lie! Isn't this inconsistent? Yiyue said.

Everyone thought in various ways, but could not solve the puzzle, so they had to wait for Hanabi to announce the answer.

The soup base is that the parents kept the girl in the basement. The girl opened the basement door and saw the sunny world outside, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. She was shocked.


This is a deceptive scam. Living in the basement is exactly what the little girl herself is.

Haruto pushed up his glasses and sighed: I came up with such an interesting topic in a very short period of time. I am worthy of being the topic of this year, Setsuna-sensei, who defeated the previous Thunder God and became the leader.

Ke'er said happily: As expected of my favorite senior.

Hanabi felt a chill and had no idea about this woman who was always releasing waves of love.

In a battlefield without gunpowder smoke, Hanabi's conception and Kerr's logical thinking are undoubtedly the most outstanding. However, it is just a game after all, and even Shirakawa Kyo, who is not a writer, is happy to join in, stumbling to add a few words.

Qianxun brought plates of food and said with a smile: Stop playing now, it's time to eat.

Genghis Khan's barbecue, which originated in Hokkaido, actually has nothing to do with Mongolia. It is an authentic Japanese cuisine. A round bottom pot is filled with a variety of vegetables and topped with a layer of fresh lamb. The delicious soup seeps into the vegetables, making it delicious. The mutton is tender and strong, and your mouth will be filled with oil when you bite into it. Just eat a round of meat and vegetables over rice, then put on a new layer.

This is awesome!

Chihiro-chan can even cook Hokkaido cuisine. Are there any Japanese dishes that you can't cook?

Everyone wolfed down the food, grabbing the food and cooking the rice at the same time.

Chihiro knelt down beside him and smiled happily: I still have a lot to learn. Ever since I temporarily stayed at Hanabi-san's house, I realized that I used to sit in a well and watch the sky. Everyone in the Ayase family knows how to cook Chinese food. It is said that there are eight major cuisines. It has a long history and is amazing. And there’s Russian food…”

Hanabi remembered that Chihiro had recently humbly asked Arisa for cooking tips. The family atmosphere is becoming more and more harmonious.

Itsuki's eyes lit up and she said, Let's have dinner at Ayase's house next time.


Hey! Hanabi rolled her eyes.

Everyone burst into laughter. My new writer friends are a great group of people.

Wait a mininute.

Haruto hugged Itsuki, took a group photo with his mobile phone, and then tweeted: I had a big meal today at Hajima Chihiro-sensei's house. Setsuna-sensei and Kana-sensei were also there (laughs) ).

Hanabi followed their Twitter, so she saw it first. Fans quickly responded with Daily show of affection, I wish you get married soon and the like.

It's funny. My first work will be animated next year, so I use it to keep the popularity alive. Haruto explained.

Hanabi silently distanced herself. Having sex is a disease and is contagious.

Korra looked at Hanabi and said, Speaking of which, my senior is a writer who has not yet been animated. It's unbelievable. With your achievements, I can't help but treat you as a senior in the industry.

Ninety-nine percent of light novelists will not be able to achieve a total sales volume of tens of millions of works in their lifetime. Ayase Hanabi started writing more and more efficiently, becoming famous quickly like a new star, only one step away from 10 million.

Well, the fastest animation is this year's October episode My Sister, Hanabi said.

Animation production company Aic was on the verge of bankruptcy and was acquired by the Kotobuki Zaibatsu, and is generally not favored by people. It's just that it's hard for everyone to talk about it and say that the animation adaptation rights should not be sold to Aic. Hanabi just smiled, dropped the subject, and chatted about something interesting.

Hanabi took this opportunity to learn about some interesting things in the industry and what needs to be paid attention to in animation.

After having enough wine and food, everyone left one after another.

Ke'er extended an invitation: Senior, would you like to go shopping together?

Hanabi looked at Qianxun asking for help. The latter pretended not to know and said with a smile: Then, I will leave the big brother to you, Koji-san. I will go home first.


Brother Qianxun, I don’t want help from a god like you!

Senior~ Kerr stopped Hanabi and smiled sweetly.

Hanabi had no choice but to accept her fate.

On the street under the starry sky, the street lights cast dim light, and the two of them walked side by side. Hanabi silently sent Ker home. To be honest, he knew almost nothing about this beautiful girl, and her almost fanatical pursuit put him in trouble.

Senior, I love you. The silver-haired girl whispered.

Hanabi refused without hesitation: Sorry, I have a girlfriend, and more than one.

Ke'er smiled even more and said, Wouldn't that be better? I'm not the only one left, senior, just kill me!

Hanabi was speechless for a moment, she had never seen such a woman who didn't play by the rules.

I don't understand. Today is the third time I've met you, right? It's too ridiculous to say you like it. It will only make me think you are joking. Stop teasing me. Hanabi said lightly.

But Nayuta suddenly stood still, moving from movement to stillness, with his long silver-white hair flying. Two lines of clear tears flowed down the girl's cheeks. With Hanabi's shocked expression, she said with a smile: This is not a joke. I am a girl who has been rejected by the whole world. I found the courage to live between the lines of the novel. I remember the beautiful scenery of falling cherry blossoms, That is the most beautiful poem I have ever seen in my life.

Hey, senior, do you still remember? The speed of cherry blossoms falling is five centimeters per second. My favorite sentence -

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