After building a meteorite mountain in the kingdom of Iguzex and being scolded by Heavenly Sound, he returned to the house of the 'Professor (Professor)' Anthem in the Principality of Sarelaud to flee.

I couldn't even say half of what I wanted to say to Heavenly Sound. I sat in the library, slapped Dandan on the floor and hit eight.

"Good luck! I tried so hard! Because Anthem says something extra -!!

"Yeah? Is it my fault?

"'Cause if you think about it, and you break a cave to clean up the Necromancer (Reis), or if the hole doesn't work, you can't just fill it, and everyone Anthem said it!

"I'm glad it was me, but Rio's vulnerable to his sister. Well, just calm down. It's been a long time since I've done a good job, and let's have a drink at Michele's."

"Yashi! I don't drink! Oh, I didn't think Heavenly Sound would be so angry anymore."

Called to jump out and solve the problem! And then I said, "Thank you, sister!" So just go home, it should be, but why the hell has this happened?

If you think painfully that reality is something that won't be as easy as a game, I still think it was a bad idea to have executed the "Good and Harmless Wizard's Proposal".

That's a "harmful outward wizard's mystery proposal on the outside road," or "devil's whisper."

At that time, if it hadn't been for those words, we would probably have dealt with them already with a really bad solution, I think.

... Yeah, I guess.

... I'm sure.

... I was thinking of something better, should be!

But this is even more so now.

Whatever you scream, whatever you think, the time that has passed will not return.

I was also tired of slamming the floor and snapped around sighing.

"Ha... I wonder if I'll be back soon, Regrouza. Ellie's dinner is delicious, but I don't like leaving messages here anymore..."

I had a good time on the floor of the library after that, but Anthem really wanted to go to Michele's and have a drink, so I had to eat dinner there.

This one is magically hungry for depletion that destroyed caves and built meteorite mountains, but I heard that Anthem was going to eat outside and said to Ellie, "No cooking! 'Cause I couldn't eat dinner at home because I gave the order.

I wish I could go on my own, but he wants to take me with him for some reason.

"Whoa. Nice to meet you, lady."

The store laughed with a two-stranded tailed three-haired cat Mike spitting purple smoke, and the sisters dressed in brilliant, slightly daunting dancer costumes were also welcome.

"Oh, there you are!

"There's a museum!"

"Your customer's daughter is with you. You can take it slow today, can't you?

In the store, which looked like it was being prepared before the store opened, the anthem called "The Hall" was quickly surrounded by the sisters.

Young outsider wizards seem to be used to it only in appearance, and greet and answer each of their sisters who enthusiastically greet them as they hug and kiss their cheeks.

"It's been a long time since I've wanted a drink. I have my usual booze and knobs, and she needs a meal."

"Huh! Then you and your guests are renting out today. Enjoy plenty for everyone!

I said, "Rent it out?" Leaning his neck, Michele says, walking from the back room, wishing he'd walked with two legs on one hand.

"This was originally the personal property of the professor. When the professor doesn't show up, they let him do it with the hippos. So, you see, when the owner arrives, you're right."

Ahead of what Mike points out in Xcel, Anthem is becoming invisible surrounded by his sisters.

You're very welcome, and you nod, "Hmm?" and caught on.

"I know this is Anthem's personal property, but are those sisters also" komi ”?

Of course, his face snapped unexpectedly at Michele, who nodded as a matter of course.

Keep your voice down and ask.

"That, I mean, all those sisters belong to Anthem...?

"I used to."

Michele replied, "Well, let's sit down and talk," and took me to the seat just in front of the stage (stage) and jumped on to the chair myself before continuing his words.

"There are a few things going on around here. I originally lived in this house with a" professor "lover, but now I live like a daughter."

"The daughter of the 'professor'? Like, what?

"Guys, I mean, there's no blood connection."

Do you want to hear it? and asked sideways while sucking on a xel, yeah, nodding.

I'm tired of all this, and now I'm in the mood to get away from reality.

"Well, how long ago was it, but I've already forgotten," Michele began to tell him.

"When I started living in this country, the Professor wasn't as attractive as he is now, so I had quite a relationship with the people around me. At that time, I was in love with a woman named Rabbinya at first sight. Well, Rabbinya was a good woman with a great face, body and personality, and the Professor prepared this house for her."

Mike laughs that there's always no story that's just good.

"I wish I had a scumbag man in love with her. He started using his men to harass me. Well, I don't get tired of it anymore, every day. Even though Professor lives in hiding, he's also being watched by the Magic Court, so I can buy him a fight. That's why I'm here."

Hmm, nodding, I'll get you a meal that's been carried.

Something like a paella where rice is cooked with vegetables and fish, and well boiled meat and other things wrapped and cooked in thin bread dough, plus fruit juice-like drinks with intense flavours.

Take a sip of fruit juice first.

Thick and sweet orange. It tastes similar to Minkan and thanks to its intense but slightly sour taste, it is good over the throat and very easy to drink.

When I moisten my throat, I eat these scented paellas next.

Often flavored rice and toothy vegetables are delicious, and the body of the clean bone removed fish is also softly loosened in the mouth to tease well with other ingredients.

It seems to have something like spicy nuts in it, and when I chewed out the crushed one from time to time, it tingled in my tongue, but that spiciness just adds to my appetite because it doesn't pull much after it.

"As a gatekeeper in this house, the yummy did it every day by driving back the people who harassed me, or matching them with a little sore eyes." Professor "was indifferent to them from start to finish, and the only way I could harass them was if they didn't come down.

Rabbinya looks beautiful after a while. I rode into that scumbag guy who was partitioning the back streets around here, and I told him if he was going to let me out any more, it wouldn't be free. Since then, we've been at war. "

I just ate some paella, and I lay my teeth on that wrapped grill.

The baked bread dough made a good noise with the pomegranate.

Then the juice, full of sweet, spicy flavored meat goodness, floods from the back and spreads all over the mouth.

Good, hahahaha, uhm ~,...... ahhh, ahhh!

"Exactly by this time," Magic Court "surveillance was perfect at 46: 00, and I knew I couldn't move" Professor ". Ellie came out instead, and it was more of a quick fix. The only thing that makes me a fine daughter is her appearance. It's magic. Even though the scumbags don't get swept away lightly, they turn their eyes round. I shouldn't have gone crazy.... and, hey lady, are you listening?

I'm listening. I'm listening, I snort, I drink fruit juice.

Uh, it was hot.

The wrapping grill, which seems to have been freshly done and transported, is still quite hot in the center area, and I thought I would burn my tongue because I accidentally put it in my mouth, but what a blanket to swallow.

"Don't eat in such a hurry. You can eat slowly as you listen.... Well, how far did you tell me?... Oh yeah, Ellie just beat up the scumbag guy who was the boss of the backstreet.

Well, instead of the scumbag guy who got slapped out of here with such a wack, I started needing another boss. I don't know if I can get a "professor" to work on the flow of things, but I'm not interested in that kind of thing. In the end, I put the other guy up to the boss, and when things went wrong with him, he said, "Professor," or, hey, Ellie started responding. Well, there's a little guest coming here, too, so Rabbinya's going to serve tea. Then, somehow, the women who had escaped from the villains came together, and Rabbinya's voice meant that all their daughters were 'professors' women. "

Before I knew it, it became the "house of the boss behind the street" and the "house of the women of the" professor ", and it became the store because" Michele is hitting on me, and if everyone gets together for a cup of tea, I'll make it the store, "and it continues to this day.

"That's why those girls are 'professors', but the truth is, they're just protected. I'll marry you when I have a good match, and I'll come back here if anything happens to you at the dowry."

I poured the paella in with juice, and I nodded, surprisingly good.

"I thought it was a self-centered outward path that only thinks about me, but you're acting like Eli's protecting your daughters without a place to go."

"After Labinya died, I was temporarily all nice to be your lover,"

"Ugh, Cythet. That outer road, I knew it, Cythet."

Mijnko's appreciation for Anthem, which was about his height, fell to the downside of a further abyss lightly in a word from Michele.

I scratch the wrapping and grilling with my face, and the three-haired cat with two tails smokes a pixel, and pukes purple smoke thinly.

"I see. Does the lady prefer a one-way man? More to the south, people living in deserts and wilderness. Then it's only natural for a wealthy man to have several wives to feed his family."

"I didn't say that to someone like that. I said I was cythetic about the anthem. After her lover died, she said she would surround many women in the house. You can't do that with a mattomo nerve."

"Hmm? You think I should have built another house and done it that way?

"That's not the problem," he replied instantly to Michele, sighing.

Xcel, with one hand, the three-haired cat tilted her neck in a strange way.

"The professor enjoyed taking a breath between studies, and the women appreciated being protected from troublesome men to live in peace. Well, I don't even think there's a problem. Well, don't worry about it. I'm tired of taking that kind of breath anymore, and now I don't have any hands on anyone."

Have you stopped putting your hands on it because you are tired of it?

My assessment of the anthem in me is not going to crawl up from the bottom of the earth anymore.

"... the sisters who are here now, you know what?

"Ooh. I know. I know. I want to be a lover myself. Look, you've got a daughter who went to get dressed when she saw 'the professor' come, she's coming down from the top right now. Don't look at that costume."

Yeah? And when I saw who was pointed out in the xel, my eyes accidentally dotted.

I stare at them pompously for a few seconds with my head blackened by so much shock, and when I return to me all the time, I hesitate to distract myself.

I've never known a costume existed that would be more embarrassing than naked, even for me of the same sex.

At all, I didn't want to know...

"Michele, how about letting you dance in that costume for as long as you want...?

"Whoa, lady. Don't lose sight of me. Why don't you put it on and let it dance? That's not a store mon. It's their personal belongings."


That costume, more embarrassing than naked, is...?!

I'm glad I'm a few more years away. I didn't know I'd run into an unknown world like this.

When you first came here, you made me bare with "Don't Look, Don't Listen” because of this, Regrouza.

I'm not here right now. I snapped "Thank you" for him, and then I said, "Please, come back soon...!" and groans low.

But he wouldn't be home any time soon, so I went back to continuing my meal with my gaze down.

"The food here is pretty good too, isn't it, Rio?"

As I was eating so much, Anthem, finally freed from the enthusiastic welcome of his sisters, appeared in his hands with a beautiful painted cup and plate.

That plate I put on the table with Cottori carries a wrapped grill made of yellowish bread dough, unlike the one I'm eating.

What's that? So, why don't you try it? It was returned, so now I have one that I have no hesitation towards Anthem.

But once I put that in my mouth, I regret it terribly.


It's so hard to scream with an unintentionally voiceless voice!

My tongue hurts. My mouth hurts. It's so hard.

Anthem said to me as I put my hands up and poured the contents of the cup I grabbed into my mouth.

"Ah. That's my [Dragon Blood (Dragon Blood)]"

It's a bad day...!

Day 61 of the Other World

I woke up fluffy and soft, softly wrapped in something warm.

To the unspeakable comfort of being a cat, I feel like ringing my throat. Huh, yawn and look around.



Why am I sleeping in a strange bed with my half-naked sister hugging me?!

Besides, Mr. Dancer, I have three costume sisters in the same bed. - Huh?!

And I'm wearing a dancer costume too. What?!

"Wow, wow...!

With a havoc head, I still manage to keep my sleeping beautiful sisters awake, trying to wake up softly.

My sister holding me said, "Ugh......" She frowned and pulled back, but she held her breath unwittingly and stiffened, while trying to get out somehow.

... Good luck!

"Ha, ha, ha..."

I just woke up in the morning, but I'm done with it.

I managed to get out of my sisters' bed like this, and I followed a strange room with my shoulders breathing.

The windows in the hallway are very quiet and a little cold in the stranger's house.

I shuddered all the time and remembered that for some reason I was wearing a dancer costume close to half naked, pulling my cape from the subspace warehouse and fitting on top.

And even though I hadn't snuck in to do anything wrong, it was time to proceed with a soaked foot sneak, and I found a staircase to go downstairs.

About half way down that, I finally realize this is Michele's place.

But what is this?

What's going on inside the shop on the ground floor is different from yesterday.

"Illusion, I'm letting the flowers down...?

Countless rains of flowers slip through and fall, even as you try to grab them with your hands up.

Garbera on roses, pansies on blurred grass, descending from the ceiling with a wide variety of flowers twirling around, and continuing to descend.

What is this? And when I looked around at the store where no one was, tilting my neck, I found something that looked like it was flickering on the stage in the center.

When crossing from the water city of Chandall to the Principality of Surrell Ode, a butterfly-shaped magic prop was given to me by an acquaintance of Regluza who brought me aboard the ship.

But it remained thrown into the subspace warehouse. That's why it's there and it's a regenerator of this flower-scattered illusion.

"Maybe that's it. Previously on Legruza, [Dragon Blood], he said that he came out after me, because of another personality (alle)...!

I'm sure you do.

If so, it would be entirely because of Soze, both the circumstances that made no sense when I woke up and the fact that I am dressed so cold and unsuitable right now.

What the hell did you do, are you?

How can I wake up in a situation like that?

"Oh? Miss, are you awake? We're all still dreaming, you're fine."

As I picked up a butterfly demon prop from the stage and shivered in anger, I was suddenly scared to hear from behind me.

Turning around in a hurry, Xcel one-handed tri-haired cat looks at this one and laughs at her garlic.

"I thought you were a tough fellow because you were with Regrouza. Why not, do it. Have you been playing up there since then?

I accidentally screamed in tears.

"Because I didn't do anything! Innocent! You're totally innocent. Ooh!

Ooh, ooh, ooh...

The scream disappeared into a squeamish, and Mike turned his pompous eyes round to me when I knelt down disappointingly in the store where the flowers fell.

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