Day 62 of the Other World

The day after the Professor Anthem helped me finish reading a large amount of material, I stuck it in the library as soon as I finished my breakfast.

When I sit on the chair, I put a piece of paper on my desk with my ideas written down on it, and I flip the material that is piled up from one end to the other for a comparative check.

After a while, he crushed his cheeks with a sigh of relief.

"Have you tried this idea?"

I'm Anthem's sister, and I'm trying to figure out a way to get Camilla back to her original body, immortalized by her father's magic, but the ideas that come to mind usually fail on top of what Anthem or second-generation brave Kansai is already trying.

That's already a number of experiments (tries) at a level that makes your spine colder at that obsession of even continuing research, well past the impression that "you've failed so much, but you can't help giving up often," so there's a record of trial and error based on similar ideas somewhere with the material.


This is a little, I'm in trouble.

I'm just from the same world, and Kanzaki-san's ideas and what I can think of are very similar.

The fact that all of that Kanzaki-san's ideas have ended in failure is likely to have the same consequences for my thoughts.

"Anthem doesn't just want Mr. Camilla back to her original body, he wants“ Mr. Camilla now ”back to her original body. I mean, you can't have Mr. Camilla's memory or anything that makes him unconscious.

So the biggest problem is how to disconnect the body from the consciousness and restore the body to its normal state. In terms of disconnecting the body from the consciousness, it's not much of an area in people's hands anymore.

Unlocking the magic of immortality on Mr. Camilla's body is also such a challenge... "

I glanced at the material spread over the desk with my cheeks stuck, and it became "uhm".

Drinking alcohol and being in a different personality state. He said I said, "I can't do it without God," but that's hard enough to snort at, too.

"Where is consciousness in your body in the first place? Though Kanzaki-san thought it was in her brain and tried to remove magic from other body parts while protecting her brain. There are many patterns of magic too intricately intertwined to fail without only protecting the brain. Looks like the only way to unlock the magic is to do something with your whole body, all at once?

But then it seems necessary to temporarily remove from the body the protection of consciousness, something that is making Mr. Camilla Mr. Camilla.

But how the hell am I supposed to take consciousness out of my body and protect it?

"Hmm. I wonder if this is the turn of divine language? The magic on Mr. Camilla is organized in ancient languages, and both Anthem and Kanzaki experiment in ancient languages. If you think of consciousness as a spirit or a soul, then it feels like a sacred magical realm to capture the soul.... uh, but sacred magic is one thing that's not user-friendly and can't be fine-tuned, and there's a price."

It's an anthem that has accumulated so many experiments that I feel dizzy, but in that dossier, there have been few attempts to use divine language.

"... Ancient language is the language that manipulates phenomena, and divine language is the language that describes the world. What you need when you use ancient magic is magic, and what you need when you use divine magic is love for the world,"

Second, I remember what Anthem said the other day.

Although I still have no idea that love for the world is necessary when using the magic of divine language, I felt somewhat understandable why Anthem did not experiment with the use of divine language from this word.

"The magic that makes Mr. Camilla immortal is organized in ancient language. In other words, in the logic of this world, the magic of immortality is made. So the magic of disarming it can also be combined in ancient languages.

Well, if you use a language that describes the world to interfere lightly with reason, you don't know what kind of cliché you're going to eat later, and it's an area that you can't get your hands on in a detour given Camilla's safety, hey... "

However, I feel that I have already exhausted my experiments with Anthem and Kanzaki using the ancient language.

So I guess Anthem pulls me off and expects me to come up with a new idea, but from this side of the spectrum, it's a good place to be impotent.

"Oh...... When I thought about it again, I took on a hell of a lot..."

Uhm, I followed my cheeks as I was about to, and I finally held my head with my hand sliding up from my cheeks.

Should we prioritize safety and continue to explore if we can still do something with magic using an ancient language that has already been experimented with?

Seeking new possibilities and aware of their dangers, should we try to pioneer the magic of the yet poorly touched divine discourse?

... and I was thinking, then.

In a library with doors and windows closed, the wind blew without any foretaste.

"Heavenly Voice?

Keep your face up and call my sister-in-law's name.

I had been in touch using the wind jewels (orbs) for a while, so when the wind blew, the face of the heavenly sounds began to come to mind reflexively.

However, there has been no response from Heavenly Sound, and the state of the jewels (orbs) embedded in the back is the same as usual.

That's all I thought about, and speaking of which, I couldn't talk to Heavenly Sound right now, I remembered.

Once Heavenly Sounds got the Sky Series's "" and bravely leveled it up, I wasn't sure what it was, but I couldn't have a conversation via the Wind Jewel (Orb) anymore.

But then, what about this wind?


Call the next name of the Great Spirit of the Dark Attribute Wind that comes to mind, but this is also empty.

Little spirits winding in the library are just dancing and dancing as if they were in a hurry, and there's no way Shelleys will show up.

"It's not Heavenly Sound or Sherrice, I mean... Ah"

Just think about it, I finally remember.

"Did something happen to Regrouza?!

When I dropped off Regrouza the other day when he said he was going to do the job he asked me to do in the Mercenary Guild, I asked the Spirit of the Wind to say hello to him and the White Dragon.

It took me a while to remember because it was something I didn't think Regrouza had.

The flag he raised as he left was recovered by Heavenly Sound, and I didn't know Regrouza himself would ever recover it.

One trouble per flag is enough, but I wonder what the hell the height of this world's ability to recover flags is, like, both coming to trouble.

Could there be something like that kind of world reason?

And, although my thoughts rolled in a very strange direction of surprise, it's not if I'm doing that now.

Gattan, and I stood up with the momentum to defeat Iss. When I put one hand up, the little wind spirits who were flying around the air so much would gather.

I connected my consciousness with them touching my fingertips through the jewels of the wind (orbs) and heard voices echoing from nowhere.


Strong and sharp, trying to stop someone.

It's Regrouza's voice.

"... I did. Then..."

But only the first word was clearly heard, and the voice that follows is interrupted by the whirling sound of the wind and not well heard.

Who the hell are you talking to, what are you talking about?

I couldn't figure it out, but I closed my eyelids and deafened to my often interrupting voice.

"... ugh. … no, … ha"

Oh, no more! I hear nothing!

And I was quick to throw it out.

"Do you know where Regrouza is now?

When I give up spurtly trying to hear something I can't hear, I stick my hand in the subspace warehouse and pull out the White Witch costume, asking the Spirit of the Wind.

There are no hippos dressed up to the inside clothes, so for now, I put them on leather boots (boots) and put on a white tongue hat and silver mask and a cape made of beautiful silver fur.

With the goal of the current location of Legruza, which the Spirit of the Wind taught us at the concurrent, (that? Sounds like you're surprisingly close?) and builds magic and casts spells while floating a question mark (hatena mark) in your head.

"Spatial Transfer (Teleport)"

If it doesn't ring, let's go to the ringing one, Hotogis!

(It's no longer a matter of words. Here.)

So when I turned into a white witch, I immediately magically jumped out of Anthem's mansion.

The promise to Regrouza not to move alone will go to him.

If there's an emergency like the Spirit of the Wind flying to me in a big hurry, I'm sure Regrouza isn't even in a state of anger.

And even this one storms without really knowing what's going on, so I always touch the earrings I wear on my ears to try to be as ready as I can be.

As a cane this time, thank you for your cooperation, Sister Luna.

When I snapped in my heart and grabbed the [phantom moon wand] that changed shape from earrings to canes at my husband's request, the magic formation of space transfer disappeared just in time and I was standing in an unfamiliar room.

"Gah" screams right around the corner and someone falls, sounding like chatter and metal rubbing at the same time.

"Whoa, you?! Where are you from now?!

Looks like the big hall of a stranger's mansion is where we moved toward Regluza's current location.

I pulled the furniture over against the wall and opened space in the center. So, a regrouza, fitted with a steel mouth ring, is tied up with a thick chain, hands and feet, rolled to the floor, surrounded by three men.

It was one of those surrounding Regluza who fell by surprise at my metastatic magic, and the sound of metal rubbing sounded like something that sounded because he was tied up in chains but wanted to wake up.

And such a place away from them is a man poking a dagger of extraction under the neck of a boy who fell and lay low.


Regrouza, wearing a steel mouth ring, was still trying to say something, but unfortunately I can't hear you, and I don't know what you're trying to say.

And in the meantime, the moment I saw the men, I built the magic in my head that I decided to use.

Softly blocking Legruza's ears with “dark” hands, restrained with his mouth and hands and feet but not giving up and resisting, so that the dagger, which is likewise being poked at by a boy falling under the power of “dark”, does not harm him, then casts a spell with magic over [the phantom moon wand].


Sparkling and light particles scattered from the silver wand (testimony of the immature. Yes, yes, the immature are here -), the men of the "Anglican Archdiocese", dressed in matching costumes, who have been seen on many occasions to the lower end, green clothes on the dokuro mask, fall flabby and fall asleep on the spot.

The day I arrived in the capital of the Principality of Surrell Ode, the people who tried to force me to sleep, resting alone in the square, dropped a bit of a bubble today to that appearance of me being put to sleep without question on the contrary.

This one is the victim of an attack, and because of these guys, he tells officials, "Aren't you the escapee from the 'Anglican Church'? I'm not going to listen to him because he suspected that he was about to be arrested.

In a room with nothing left to move, when I glimpsed and confirmed that the boy with the dagger stuck around his neck was safe, I broke him with the “dark” hand that was blocking Regrouza's ear, making sure to pull a thousand loops of mouth and chains that were restraining him.

Gashan, Gashan, and the shards of what were thick chains and mouth rings fall on the floor and scatter, and Legruza, who did not hear the spell of sleep thanks to his ears being blocked, finally wakes up a free body.

"Well, and"

There's a lot I'd like to ask, but for one thing, this would be the end of your rescue heroic work.

I nodded satisfied that it had already been completed promptly and smoothly, and I said to Regrouza with my hands wide wide open to try to finish it.

"I'm here to help, princess!

You did a good job while I was at it, and next time, it's a thank you hug scene!

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