"My brave man told me, Rio, which one of you recommended me?

Uh. You mean that.

Yeah, yeah, I nodded softly, and the long-sized man with an old wound, like a blade cut on his cheek, said in a cool tone.

"If you don't mind, may I ask why?

He was a bitter, good man with an untrained body.

He's wild, not an orthodox beautiful man, but he's definitely colored enough to even look attractive with a scratch on his cheek.

A man like this wouldn't even be hungry for a woman.

The ironic experience in that part of the world seems to be high, and I was most likely hoping that if I kept it by the heavenly sounds, it would hold the other men back from being good.

I'm asking you something seriously, and honestly, you're going to get mad at me for saying that.

I can't help it.

Answer the question.

"A knight is a knight. What I want as Heavenly Sound is a self-contained adult, not a bloody young man who wants to set a handle to it. Even if you can't win, you have to die. It's not a loss, and I don't really want someone who knows how to pull it off.

I have described the nation's most elite tournament winner as a "bloody young man who wants to be handled," but he is just so surprised that he is silently awaiting the continuation of his words.

I don't know how many of the audience knew, but the final game of the tournament earlier had the winning youth hurt badly.

I didn't have to do that because this guy in front of me threw away the win and got the reckless young man's input.

Someone who could give up his winnings and take his life, and so I let him judge me.

It's what I did, you know that.

You still want me to say something?

"Mmm. And then there's... Because you seem to treat girls well?

"... is that ironic?

"No. I'm serious.

I don't seem to be convinced at all with my subtle face, so I also decide to explain it to them to make them understand that it's not ironic.

"Heavenly sounds are a tremendous act for cute looks, so if you don't treat them to some good, you don't know what you're going to do. So I figured we'd need an adult who wouldn't be swayed by Heavenly Sound. That winner's grandma can't do it.


"Uh, sorry. Because I have a bad mouth.... By the way, Mr. Knight. I recommended it. Was it annoying?

After a few thoughts he shook his neck sideways, with what a femicide grin on his wild face.

... This may be a little dangerous.

But, well, heavenly sounds are extreme natural dullness, so you'll be fine.

Wild as he is, he has a surprisingly gentlemanly impression, and he doesn't seem to be the type to entertain innocent kittens from himself.

"No. Because I wanted to offer you for your brave journey. Rio Which I appreciate.

"He said Rio is fine. I'm just an aside.

He smiled bitterly for some reason, what? And I said to me tilting my neck.

"My name is Vincent Lowe.... Is there anything I should know about you, Rio, brave man?

"Mmm.... Heavenly Sound is where the spirit of self-sacrifice is too strong. When someone wants to help, it's easy to forget the weight of your life. Is that all you can do with care?

"... I understand.

Listen carefully, he nods at me.

In the meantime, I thought this guy seemed like a good person to trust.


I correct my posture and bow my head deeply.

"Regards, sister.

He looked rather surprised, but he immediately returned his polite thanks, so at the end of his greeting with this.

Returning to a much more forceful posture, Vincent tilted his neck and asked.

"Isn't Rio accompanied by a brave man?

"No. It's just gonna be your stuff when you go. I haven't thought about what you're doing yet, but I thought I'd wait somewhere safe to stay out of the way.

Really? I could tell by waving at him with a nod.

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