My Sister-In-Law Is My Mate!?!

Chapter 99 - The Hard Pillow

When the rays of sun danced inside the room, Hazel felt the brightness falling over her skin too. She frowned and tried to cover her face with the nearby pillow.

She moved her hands on the bed without opening her eyes when her hands touched a pillow but as she tried to drag it she realised that it was stronger than the natural pillow and not at all soft as if it was made of iron.

The frown on her face only increased when she tried more but the pillow did not move at all as if it was stuck there.

She moved another hand and used her whole force but the pillow did not move when she tried to find the cover of the pillow then she was not even able to find it. It was too long and had minimal width with a curvaceous body.

She roamed her hands more on it to know exactly what it was when she hears the raspy voice closer to her ears,

"What are you doing?" her hands moved away as if it had been scalded suddenly and her eyes snapped open with a stark.

Just when she opened her eyes her green eyes met his amber one and she felt that his eyes were glowing with something sinister.

His hand was a bit extended towards her and she did not need to be told that she was trying to pull it further closer to her body. 

"Umm, that.. I thought that it was a pillow." she replied with a flushed face as she felt that she was trying to pull him in her arms.

"Hmm.. i never knew that my arms have the same texture as a pillow." he replied with a serious face and she did not know what to reply.

Of course, even a blind could tell the difference. The arms were hard like iron while the pillows were softer like clouds. But.. could she say that she was still groggy and her senses were not that alert. And who would have thought that he would have been sleeping beside her!!

Wait! Why was he one the bed?

Her eyes widened and she sat up with a start, hitting her head on the headrest in the process.

He looked at her with disdain when she did not even able to move and snorted, 

"You are too clumsy!" 

"......" this was not the point here. And if he had not frightened her then why would she have been clumsy! She wanted to retort but let the matter go about the pillow as it only embarrassed her further.

"But.. I did not know that you were laying in the same bed. What happened?" she asked as she clearly remembered him taking the form of the wolf and laying on the rug like a big lazy dog. 

She had even adored the look and ran a hand in his soft fur and enjoyed the touch of his fur. 

But then her eyes started to turn heavy and she let go of him and came back on the bed. She did not even remember when she fell asleep but even in the last moment he was not on the bed with her.

'Did he crawl on the bed when she was asleep?' no! He was not like those opportunistic men. If he wanted to take advantage of her, then he had a lot of chances but he never tried to cross the boundaries.

Then what could it be!

"Where else was I supposed to be?" he asked, without any intention to clear the matter, he could see a frown forming on her face and then a look of bewilderment before her eyes turned clear again.

Was she trusting him with her respect? That was the biggest trust a man could gain? What had he done to gain that? She was really foolish and needed to be taught a lesson to be alert in future.

She frowned when she heard his reply. Her lips parted and she was about to say floor instinctively when she closed her mouth firm again.

What was he trying to do? Was he teasing her? What should she reply now? Or was he just teasing her?

She would stay silent until she would understand the situation so she continued to stare at him but did not say a word further when she heard the footsteps. If they both were on the bed, then.. Was there another person in their room?

She snapped her head to the other side and saw a maid standing in front of the bed. Her face was pale and she was looking scared as if blades were handing on her head.

She was looking unkempt, completely opposite to the fresh and proper uniform and face of the other maids in the palace.

She raised a brow as she looked at the maid who did not speak a word. Was she the reason that he was behaving so strangely?

"My lady!" The maid called her in a low voice that was hard to hear even when the room was completely silent.

She sat properly and adjusted her clothes as she looked at the maid, 

"What are you doing here so early in the morning? Are you not aware that we are newly married?" she asked in a low voice as her eyes continued to scan the disgruntled look of the maid.

The maid felt embarrassed as she heard the direct question. Her face turned red and she looked down. 

"I apologize for interrupting you and disturbing your night. But i am here to confess something." said the maid mustering all her strength when Hazel raised her brows.

Confessing could only mean one thing.. Her mother had planned another trap for her!

"And what did that?" she asked as her voice turned colder and the maid shivered.

"She was sent to kill me so that you could be accused of murder and spend your whole life in the prison!"

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