Chapter 48 Zixiao Palace opens!

Fuxi’s cuisine is definitely not an ordinary meal, it is full of spiritual energy, condensed essence, and has a touch of fairy qi.

Mortals eat it, not to mention the skyrocketing, but also improve life and prolong life, and increase the millennium life is the least.

A demon beast as big as a small mountain, the essence condensed after being treated by Fuxi is only the size of an ordinary pig, but the aura is pervasive.

Even if it is a Daluo Jinxian level power like Nuwa, eating this dish is just like a mortal, and you will be full after eating some.

Changxi, Xi and both.


Their digestion is also like that of mortals, about five or six hours.

As a result, after Fuxi left, the two of them just returned to the time of Taiyin Star, and suddenly felt hungry.

To be honest, this feeling is not real, the innate god does not need to eat at all, but when the food is digested, the feeling of empty stomach is really uncomfortable….

I didn’t feel it before, but now after feeling hungry, the first reaction of the two was Fuxi’s cooking.

It’s delicious!

I still want to eat!

But…… People just left, how can we be embarrassed to get together?

The two taiyin goddesses, just in the taiyin star you look at me, I look at you, constantly eye contact….

In the end, Changxi spoke: “Sister, or should we take the initiative to go over?” ”

“Big deal, let’s exchange it with osmanthus brewing!”

There are not many 10,000 years, but there are still a lot of osmanthus brews of the thousand-year series.

“But he just left…” Xi He was a little hesitant, isn’t this not too reserved?

“I remember that Brother Fuxi said before he left that he would have time to visit him.” Changxi rolled his eyes and said.

Well, we have time now.

So what are you waiting for?


Where did Fuxi think that the Hong Wilderness at this moment was so simple, and the polite words could be listened to as the truth.

Fortunately, Fuxi told them about his sister during the chat, and said that he was in the Wu Clan’s station, otherwise they would only pounce.

So, the result is…

“Well, you guys won.” Fuxi sighed.

Xi He’s face was a little red, but Changxi said with a big grin: “Brother Fuxi, can you help us cook another meal?” ”

“We can exchange things for things!”

With that, she pulled out a series of things from her sleeve.

What moonshine essence, three-light divine water, laurel petals and so on.

“Are these okay? If not, I still have a lot of thousand-year-old osmanthus brew. ”

Fuxi smiled bitterly and said, “No, this one doesn’t need to be changed, I…”

It’s just a dish, and it’s not worth it.

Fuxi was able to pass the esophagus to the Wu clan, so he didn’t take it seriously.

But unexpectedly, Changxi raised his eyebrows and said to himself: “Can you say that you can only exchange it with your sister?” ”

Then, the girl pulled her sister Xihe over and asked.

“Brother Fuxi, you said that my sister can change your cooking for a few years?”

Fuxi: “…”

“Not for a second! Brother is ours! Nuwa directly blocked in front of Fuxi and hummed dissatisfied.

“Huh? You are the sister that Brother Fuxi said? Changxi’s eyes blinked: “It’s quite cute!” ”

“It’s useless for you to praise us, brother is ours, and don’t call brother big brother casually, that’s ours!” It’s us! ”

Two girls, one big and one small, looked at each other over there.

And next to him, there is Xuan Xi on the side, and his tone is as cold as that of the snowy mountain that has not changed for ten thousand years: “The female fairy over there, please respect yourself.” ”

“Fuxi is a guest of my Wu clan, please don’t be rude…”

In other words, the cold air conditioning in the body is comparable to an attack, and it is you who wants to be rude, right?

Houtu next to him looked at Nuwa, and then at Xuanxi, with a thoughtful look.

Suddenly, auspicious clouds suddenly surged out of the sky, thousands of rays of qi, and the smell between heaven and earth suddenly struck.

A flower of aura falls in the sky, and a lotus rises on the ground.

The inexplicable majesty of the Heavenly Dao came majestically, and the creatures of heaven and earth could not sense it.

Subsequently, the spiritual energy on the vast flood barren land suddenly increased, so for a while, countless creatures on the flood barren land were ignited to their spiritual intelligence, and some of them were directly dissolved and faded. Go to mortal fetus.

And after this kind of vision dissipated, a voice came from outside the sky, vast and deep and incomparable, as if the entire four-dimensional void of the Flood Desolation Universe trembled and resonated with it.

The voice slowly sang:

Lying high in the nine clouds, the futon was Daozhen.

Outside the Xuanhuang of heaven and earth, I should be in charge of the Venerable.

Pangu Sheng Tai Chi, two yi and four elephants.

One preaches three friends, and two teachings are truncated.

The leader of Xuanmen Capital, one breath turned into a great force.

“My name is Hongjun, now that I have obtained the Dao, those who have the fortune can come to the Outer Zixiao Palace for thirty-three days and listen to my Dao!”


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