Chapter 74 Zixiao Erkai

“We’re already asleep, don’t talk to us.”

This awkward little tone, the action of pressing the horn in the quilt, inferred from the tone, Nuwa God is making awkward trouble.

However, Fuxi looked embarrassed.

Guli is strange, with a nature that men can never guess and understand, one moment as bright as the sun, but at the other it is cloudy…

This is a girl!

Fuxi thought with satisfaction that Nuwa was fading from a girl to a girl, and she would eventually fade into a woman in the future.

My own children have grown up and are gradually turning into cabbages that can be arched.

Of course, whether it is cabbage or vegetable seedlings, it needs to be coaxed.

“What are you angry about again?”

Fuxi followed the position and leaned over.

“Hmph! Don’t talk along, let’s fall asleep! ”

The little one snorted and flipped over.



Fuxi’s eyes blinked and said, “It is said that people who are asleep will not react no matter how they move, then…”

He stretched out his hands, accurately stretched out under Nuwa’s armpits, and gently scratched them twice.


Nuwa couldn’t help but laugh out loud, her two calves kicked desperately, and her body curled up: “Hahaha, itch, hahahahaha, itch us, don’t scratch, itch us.” ”

“Aren’t you asleep?”

“We’re awake again!”

“It’s okay, keep sleeping, it’s okay to sleep again.”

“Wait, hahaha… We surrendered, we surrendered, hahahahaha…”

Fuxi just gave up, held Nuwa in his arms, and poked her little face: “Still angry?” ”

Nuwa hugged Fuxi exhaustedly and leaned into his arms, “Don’t be angry.” ”

“After that, it’s not well-behaved.”



“We’ve always been very obedient,” Nuwa pouted and replied dissatisfiedly, but immediately added: “… However, we will sit next to my brother when we eat later! ”

My brother’s side will definitely not be given to that group of women!

“As you like, you just don’t sit on the table, you can sit anywhere.” Fuxi smiled helplessly.

Wait, it seems that even sitting on the table is actually nothing, if Nuwa wants to, you can sit in the sky or sit on the ground.

Magnificent my mighty power!

Nuwa’s eyebrows slowed slightly, and she muttered in a low voice: “We won’t sit on the table.” ”

“Okay, go to bed quickly, tomorrow my brother will help you sort out your cultivation properly, your current cultivation is still impetuous.”


Nuwa is also a cloud, and the qi comes and goes quickly.

That smooth little face hummed proudly. But for us, cultivation or practice is the same, the Evil King’s True Eye is the strongest in the world! ”

“Yes, yes, the strongest, sleep.”

Looking at the little guy obediently covering the quilt and the sweet smile on his face, Fuxi couldn’t help but smile slightly.

This expression is something he wants to protect at all costs.

Even if for this, it is an enemy of heaven!


After the banquet of the Fuxi family dispersed, many great powers went home with the latest feelings.

The same is true of Tongtian, while riding the clouds, he countered the narrations of many Taoist friends with his own way, extracted the chaff and learned from the experience, and cultivated into a natural swish upward.

When he returned to Kunlun Mountain…

“Well? Second brother, are you back? When Primordial saw Tongtian, he was suddenly stunned: “Huh, your cultivation? ”

“Haha, second brother, you can be compared to me this time!” Tong Tian laughed: “I am now the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal!” ”

Tongtian’s cultivation is not weak, and now he is not a problem compared to Lao Tzu, the head of the Three Qings!

“Good.” Primordial smiled gratifyingly: “I didn’t disgrace our Pangu Authentic Sect!” ”

In the end, it was the three brothers, although there had been several conflicts, but he was also happy to see that Tongtian’s cultivation had improved.

“It’s a pity that you didn’t go.” Tong Tian laughed and said, “We discussed with everyone at that time, and everyone gained a lot. ”

“If the eldest brother and the second brother are also there, they will definitely be stronger than me!”

“On the Dao?” Primordial frowned: “You went to listen to someone else’s way?” ”

Tong Tian was stunned, and then nodded excitedly: “Not bad, especially the Dao of Nuwa Daoyou, although her cultivation is not high among us, but the Dao she tells has benefited me a lot!” ”

To put it bluntly, Nuwa’s Dao covers an extremely wide range, and it can be perfectly integrated with almost any Dao, no less than Fuxi’s Wisdom Dao.

After all, life and wisdom are exactly what everyone must have.

“The spatial art of the Dijiang Daoist is quite good, and the soil law of the Houtu Daoist can also benefit me a lot…”

“And the arson technique of that Taiyi friend and the arson technique of Zhurong Daoyou although the paths are different, but they have the same path, second brother, do you say that this is because the Dao we finally seek is a Dao?”

The more Tong Tian spoke, the more excited he became, but he didn’t see the primordial and unkind eyes.

Especially when he heard Tong Tian’s words of ‘the same path’, he couldn’t help but snort: “Third brother, this is your mistake.” ”

“The Dao has succession, the Dao has strength and weakness, how can the Dao we have cultivated be the same as theirs?”

“But the oviparous shi-biters, don’t think too highly of them!”

Tong Tian was stunned and said, “Is what the second brother said too much?” No matter what the heels are, the way we seek is the great way. ”

“No, those who place their trust in the body of the Father God have heard our teachings, how to talk about the Great Road?”

“Second brother, aren’t you and I also pinning our trust in the flooded world transformed by the Father?”

“You and I Pangu Zhengzong, how can you be the same as those oviparous shizoans?”

This time the quarrel lasted for a long time.


Perhaps because of this encounter, Nuwa’s attitude towards cultivation was much more serious than before.

Her heavenly capital is extremely strong, even faintly above Sanqing, and her foundation is promoted by Fuxi’s cuisine, and she is even much stronger than Sanqing.

It’s just that in the past, Fuxi was too well protected and experienced too few bloody battles, so he was relatively lazy.

And now, she finally has a bit of a monk look.

Although I still go to bed on time in the evening, I still lazy bed on time in the morning…

Ahem, but I have also worked hard, at least the attitude is stronger than before, I don’t know how geometrically, and the seriousness has skyrocketed.

After all, to this extent, it is no longer possible to make great progress through asceticism.

Fuxi was not idle during this time, and from time to time sent a few questions about the practice homework to force Nuwa to complete, and Nuwa cried out endlessly, but wrote all the homework.

To be honest, there is no such treatment as Nuwa in the entire flood wilderness!

The teacher is a saint-level Hongjun, and the tutor is a quasi-saint-level Fuxi, and both teachers are the kind of people who do their best and absolutely hide half a point.

Especially Fuxi, Hongjun said it once and it was over, and Fuxi couldn’t wait to pry that little head and stuff all his comprehensions into it.

In this situation, which I also began to work hard and the external conditions were good, Nuwa’s cultivation finally upgraded again.

Late Da Luo Golden Immortal!

When Nuwa was cultivating, others also gained their own gains and retreated.

As the first large-scale discourse of the flood, the great powers present benefited a lot.

And because many great powers have retreated, the flood desolation is not a big deal, but it is a rare tranquility!

In this way, time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, an era had arrived before the second sermon of the Zixiao Palace.

On this day, the voice of Hongjun Daozu resounded through the flood wilderness again, and the majesty of the saint came out.

“The hour has come, the Purple Night Palace is about to start speaking, and everyone who is destined for it can come and listen to me!”


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