Chapter 101: The Flood Desolation Is Unchangeable? (2nd more subscription)

“Fuxi Daoyou, the Yuan God of the Wu Clan, is it your ghost?” Hongjun’s face was full of complexity, and his voice was faint.

“Good.” Fuxi smiled and his expression remained unchanged.

“You were the one who snatched the Four Immortal Swords that day, right?”

“Don’t say it so badly, I snatched the Four Immortal Swords from Luo Xiao.”

“But I defeated Luo Qi.”

“If you hadn’t helped you, you would have been killed by Luo Xiao a long time ago.”

“But if it weren’t for your trouble, I could have joined forces with the three clans and mastered their luck, and I wouldn’t have fallen into the downside!”

“Ancestor, but you want to attribute the reason for defeat to the enemy being too strong and your own preparation is not good enough? Fighting and not being able to create the perfect situation in our minds is a failure in itself…”

The two of them said a word, I said, the words were-for-tat, but strangely, the expressions of the two were very calm.

Needless to say, Fuxi has always had that smile on the corners of his mouth.

Although Hongjun’s tone was faint, his voice was very smooth, without the slightest appearance of anger.

After discussing it for a while, Hongjun sighed: “Fuxi Daoyou, do you really have to preach with force?” ”

“If you have a heart, Poor Dao is willing to ask Hongyun for that purple qi for Daoist friends.”

“Of course.” Fuxi smiled; “My decision has never changed!”

Hongmeng purple qi, the foundation of enlightenment.

However, how can such a good thing not have any shortcomings at all?

Nuwa beheaded the corpse with merit and turned into a moon elder, and she still has her unavoidable duties, not to mention Hongmeng purple qi?

The biggest weakness of using Hongmeng Purple Qi is that you can only practice the laws of the Heavenly Dao and become a Heavenly Dao Saint!

Unless you break free from the shackles of purple qi, you will always only be a Heavenly Dao Saint, and you will not be able to compare to those Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortals who preach the Dao with strength!

That’s the gap!

But this is a good thing for ordinary people.

Pangu is so strong, born in chaos, opened up the heavens and the earth, but still failed to preach and died in the way.

Instead, Hongjun, who used Hongmeng Purple Qi, was directly sanctified at a fraction of Pangu’s age, and the same was true for Sanqing Nuwa and others.

It can be seen that Hongmeng purple qi can be used!

However, for Fuxi, who is extremely ambitious, this object is completely useless!

“Taoist friends to the heart of the Dao, how can they be strong?” Hongjun sighed: “If I have the heart of the Daoist like a Taoist, I’m afraid I don’t have to follow the Dao with my body.” ”

Fuxi was silent.

Fit the way? Preaching saints?

Pangu has not yet become holy, but he can open up the heavens and the earth, but he can only be the administrator of the heaven and earth opened up by Pangu.

Although this manager has a very strong realm and a high status, it is not the most perfect way to think about it.

“But since Daoists choose this path, they must also have the consciousness to take risks on this path!” Hongjun’s expression suddenly became grim.

Fuxi smiled: “Have you forgotten my Dao?” ”

“Maybe I’m not as tall as you, but I definitely don’t know anything about what lies ahead.”

Few people know more about the risks of preaching with strength than Fuxi, who practiced the path of wisdom.

That’s a path that even Hongjun doesn’t dare to try…

“It’s good that Taoist friends have a bottom in their hearts.” Hongjun nodded, and then his expression straightened: “But Daoist friends can know that the flood desolation is unchangeable!” ”

“Wu Clan, they shouldn’t have had the Yuan God…”

The defeat of the Lich is doomed by the Dao of Heaven!

This is the general trend of flood and famine!

If you have to reverse this trend…

Hongjun’s expression remained unchanged, but he exuded an extremely strong qi.

That is to be the enemy of him, he must also fuxi!

As for whether Fuxi would know a little, Hongjun didn’t even mention it!

The two are definitely the strongest deduction power today, Hongjun can see the changes in the future, and Fuxi can too! He can see even further!

Hongjun’s body exuded extremely strong coercion, as if as long as he had a thought, he would suddenly vent out.

Fighting, most likely on the verge of a trigger …

However, Fuxi smiled instead.

“Hongjun Daoyou, how did you answer Lao Tzu’s question?”

“The small trend of Hong Huang can be changed, but the general trend cannot be changed…” Fuxi chuckled, and then his eyes instantly fell: “But you are also a master of calculation, don’t tell me you don’t know.” ”

“When the small trend accumulates to a certain extent, the general trend will also change!”


Fuxi’s eyes narrowed slightly, like a sharp sword, which was completely different from the gentle and elegant appearance before.

“Hongjun Daoyou, do you really want to keep the general trend unchanged at all?”


“Brother…” Nuwa stood in the main hall of the Zixiao Palace with a complicated expression, looking at the door inside the hall, which was the door that Fuxi and Hongjun had just walked into.

She, Changxi and the others did not leave, still waiting for the return of that figure.

“Strange, big brother, why did the teacher take Fuxi in with him?” Tong Tian was on the side, muttering two words.

Lao Tzu closed his eyes and replied, “I don’t know.” ”

“Maybe you have to explain something?”

Listening to this answer, Tong Tian didn’t say anything, and Primordial snorted softly.

Hand over?

The teacher is about to join the way, and does not explain some things to the disciple himself and others, but explains it to Fuxi?

What a thing!

But Lao Tzu is his brother, and Hongjun is his teacher.

Although the original is arrogant, but respecting the teacher is the best one.


A mountain-like coercion came.

The faces of several people present changed instantly, it was saint-level coercion!

It was clear that Hongjun and Fuxi entered the door together, but the saint wanted to release the coercion, could it be said that——

“Teacher Hongjun wants to make a move on Fuxi?”

This idea instantly appeared in everyone’s mind.

“Not good! Brother! Nuwa’s face turned anxious, and she stood up abruptly, about to rush towards the door.

But before she could take two steps, the door suddenly opened.

With that same chuckle on the corner of Fuxi’s mouth, he stepped back.


Nuwa was stunned and almost fell to the ground.

The momentum broke out just now, why did Fuxi still walk back with a smile now?

Seeing this, Fuxi smiled slightly and returned a reassuring look.

“Let’s go, we should go too.” Fuxi said with a smile.

Changxi and the others also blinked their eyes, and this left?


Just thinking about it, a light sigh came from behind the open door of the Zixiao Palace.

“Fuxi Daoist, if you are fortunate enough to preach, can you inform the poor Dao in advance…”

Honored to preach?

Fuxi obviously did not obtain Hongmeng Purple Qi, but was it still possible to preach?


From the tone of Dao Zu, he seemed to be a little optimistic, and it could even be said that he was expecting something…

Sanqing was stunned, and he was stunned.

Instead, Fuxi’s face was like this, but he waved it casually.

“Oh, I see.”

Then, he left the Zixiao Palace with Nuwa and the others.

Only Sanqing and the others were left in shock.


Leave the Zixiao Palace and bid farewell to Houtu and the others.

Fuxi and Nuwa returned to their own cave mansion, but just walked over, but found a large group of people outside the cave mansion.

“Dijun? Taiyi? And Kunpeng? What are you three doing here? Fuxi’s face was full of surprise.

In front of him, Taiyi, Dijun, Kunpeng.

The true rulers of the Hong Barren Demon Clan are there!

“Fuxi, where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you here for nearly two thousand years…”

Di Jun was relieved to see Fuxi return.

Then in an instant, his face straightened.

The other demon races also looked serious, and the air instantly became serious.

At this time, Di Junlang spoke.

“Fuxi, on behalf of the demon clan, I invite you to join my demon clan heavenly court!”

“As long as you choose to join, you will be the emperor of Xi alongside me, Taiyi, and Kunpeng!”

“Your sister Nuwa will also be the emperor of my demon clan!”


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