Chapter 106 will not worry you dead people (second change, please subscribe)

The group of demons talked about it, and their faces were full of disbelief.

The demon race is already unruly, how can it be possible to listen to someone who has never heard of it at all?

Yes, Fuxi became the Xi Emperor and was one of the Five Emperors of the Heavenly Court.

But don’t forget, his achievements are only spread in power, what qualifications do these juniors have to know Fuxi’s achievements?

Bai Ze has been standing on the side, watching coldly, and never lowered his head.

He had long known that this would happen.

The next thing can be roughly guessed.


Bai Ze’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“It’s too rough, this shouldn’t be his handiwork…”

Fuxi didn’t care about the audience next to him.

He blinked his eyes and said with a smile: “My subordinates, the demon who only listens to the words…”

“And I remember that the rules of the Heavenly Court, the orders of the superiors, are not allowed to be questioned, right?”

“Even if the order is to let you die…”

Fuxi smiled gently.

“Do you want to disobey?”

“We just don’t want to obey the chaos!” That Yan Crow’s face was gloomy, and he roared: “You first let us move these things over, we moved, and then let us move back…”

“Isn’t this playing people?!”

Others followed.

“It is!”

“We didn’t come to the Heavenly Court to be a porter!”

“Can’t you find someone else for this kind of thing?”

Unruly demon clan to work as porters? Sooner or later this kind of thing will happen!

Fuxi smiled, then raised his head, looked at Bai Ze, who had been watching him in the distance, and spoke: “Bai Ze.” ”

“Lord Xihuang.” Bai Ze bowed slightly.

“According to the laws of the Heavenly Court, what should be done with those who disobey?” Fuxi asked lightly.

“Dangbeg.” Bai Ze hesitated and spoke.

The demons were in an uproar.

Fighting on weekdays is nothing, as long as you are not serious, there are not many things that violate the rules in private.

But now…

Fuxi is actually serious?

Especially the Yan Crow, his eyes were wide, and they were full of disbelief.

Those present are all elites, who can serve as high-level elites under any demon emperor.

If it weren’t for the fact that Fuxi and Nuwa had just joined, there would be no one under them, and Dijun and the others would not be willing to give up this group of people.

Right now……

Fuxi actually wants to say killing?

This can account for 10% of the people sent

Fuxi’s expression did not change, and after hearing Bai Ze’s words, he nodded and looked at the group of demons.

“In that case, let’s kill it.”

“A few of you, arrest the guy who is in trouble, and then send it to the demon slashing platform.”

The casual tone, but the group of demons was in an uproar.

Let them catch people with their own hands?

Yan Crow’s face changed drastically, and he immediately roared: “Fuxi, don’t think that if you become the emperor of the demon clan, you can act recklessly!” ”

“I’m a general under the command of Tai Dai!”

“And… There is also a gap between the demon emperors! ”

The last word, he roared.

This immediately reassured the people present.

Everyone knows that the law does not blame the crowd, not to mention that the group of demons present are the elites of the demon race!

There is also a gap between the demon emperors!

Does he dare to make a move on those of us who were originally Tai Yi and Lord Dijun?

When Bai Ze heard this, his face suddenly became much more strange.

Although he has not seen Fuxi many times, as a Great Sage of the Demon Clan, he knows Fuxi’s strength!

Is there a gap between demon emperors?

That’s right!

The strongest of them is the one in front of you!

Fuxi also scratched his head, his face was very strange.

There is a gap between the demon emperors, this is a fact.

For example, Kunpeng is far inferior to Taiyi and Dijun.


Fuxi really didn’t know what to say.

In the end, Fuxi looked at the group of demon races and could only sigh: “It seems that everyone has to disobey?” ”

Then, he casually extended his hand.

“Wait, my lord!” When Bai Ze heard this, he suddenly couldn’t sit still.

“No one disobeyed, Bai Ze captured all the rebel demons who dared to offend adults!”

Bai Ze said, his face straightened, and his momentum was cold.

The ten demon saints, all of them are the power of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Series!

Even if they were much worse than Kunpeng and the others, it was still easy to deal with a few demon clans with weaker cultivation!

The figure flashed, a few back and forth, Bai Ze personally took matters into his own hands and captured all the demon clans who dared to speak evil.

When he watched Fuxi slowly withdraw his hand, a trace of cold sweat broke out on Bai Ze’s forehead.

Here, all the high-level subordinates assigned by the demon clan to the Xi Emperor, although they were much less than the subordinates of Taiyi Dijun and others, but they also accounted for one-twentieth of the entire high-level demon clan.

And that one does it…

It can erase one-twentieth of the demon race in an instant!

Does he dare not make a move?

“Lord, I thought I would capture it, and please send it down!” Bai Ze wiped the sweat on his forehead and said.

“Oh…” Fuxi nodded casually and waved casually.

“Then kill them all, my Xi Imperial Palace, no need for disobedient subordinates.”

The demons were frightened, and Yan Crow couldn’t help but straighten up and struggled up: “Fuxi! You are so bold, I am a subordinate of Tai Dao, and here are the elites of my demon clan! ”

“You kill us at will, aren’t you afraid that His Majesty the Demon Emperor will fall guilty?”

Fuxi scratched his hair: “Dijun…”

“It seems a bit of a hassle.”

The demons were slightly relieved.

“But forget it, if you can always cope with the past, you don’t have to worry about this group of dead people.”

Saying that, Fuxi suddenly waved his hand.

A strong wave of qi burst out, and even Bai Ze didn’t have time to speak, and he had already swept past the demons.

“Fuxi, stop!”

There was a startled roar in the distance, and a figure suddenly rushed over.


The heads of Yan Crow and others, who were struggling with vitality just now, burst open like a smashed watermelon!

Blood and bone stubble splashed, causing even the demon clans kneeling there next to them to be stained.

All the demon clans that offend Fuxi, kill them all!

Fuxi sighed, only then turned his head slightly, looked at the extremely gloomy face of the comer, and chuckled.

“Sorry, you spoke a little slower.”

“Lord Kunpeng, the demon master.”


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