Chapter 156 Heavenly King Gai Dihu, Nuwa One Meter Five (2nd Subscription)

The rolling thunder, the entire flood wilderness can be heard, so that all the creatures in the flood wilderness looked to this side, countless powers were awakened, raised their hands and pinched their fingers, and suddenly their faces were ugly.

There are saints who will be!

Sanqing looked at it from afar, his face solemn.

Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi glanced at each other, and their faces were fanatical.

Saints are the existence they pursue unswervingly until death!

They also looked at the bag in their hands.

There, there is a chance left by Fuxi!


“Nuwa, is it so strong?”

Everyone felt the powerful momentum, as well as the owner of that breath!

The sky shook, and Hong Huang was happy.

Even if you just glance at it a few times from afar, you can see that this merit is far ten times, a hundred times, or even ten thousand times stronger than the heavenly marriage held by Di Jun!


Standing beside Nuwa, Fuxi could feel the immense power of merit.

The sky is full of auspicious clouds, and the yellow light is all over the sky.

Although I haven’t seen it, I’m afraid that only the merit of Pangu Kaitian can be compared with it.

Several merits fell from the sky, the largest of which shrouded Nuwa, one shrouded Fuxi, and the other shrouded the gourd vine used by Nuwa to create people.

The meritorious holy weapon of the Terran race, the human whip was born!

And Nuwa…

Her momentum seemed to soar.

“Three corpses testify!” Fuxi narrowed his eyes and looked solemn.

Fuxi followed the path of preaching with force, and if he hadn’t preached with strength, I am afraid he would have been able to preach before Hongjun.

He knew in his heart that in fact, there was only one way to preach!

Break the limitations of heaven and earth and transcend the shackles of heaven and earth!

Whether it is preaching with force, preaching with three corpses, or preaching with merit, in fact, they are all the same.

Needless to say, he directly broke through the limits of the Heavenly Dao with his own huge mana and powerful realm.

The Three Corpse Dao took a clever path, and with the huge mana generated by the combination of the three corpses, it exceeded the limit of the Heavenly Dao in a short time.

This is also preaching!

And merit preaching is a more clever way, using merit to curry favor with the Heavenly Dao, so that the Heavenly Dao lowers its limits…

Suppose the sermon is mountain climbing.

To preach with strength is to rely on one’s own strength, climb to the top of the mountain, do not take chances, do not borrow strength, so it is the strongest!

The three-corpse sermon is equivalent to climbing a mountain yourself, and then divide into several doppelgangers and climb the mountain together.

Anyone who has climbed a mountain knows that the closer you get to the top, the steeper the slope and the greater the difficulty.

The three-corpse sermon is equivalent to when he and the three corpses climb to one-third respectively, the three corpses are one, and the three thirds add up, which is the height of the complete mountain.

Therefore, it is also possible to preach!

But this kind of trick, naturally much more than the above!

And the final merit preaching…

He is equivalent to himself at the foot of the mountain, moving short, until you take a step, which is the level of the top of the mountain…

The most clever, so combat power

And Nuwa, although she has obtained huge merit, she is a three-corpse preaching, not a meritorious preaching!

Because she is not using merit to lower the threshold of Heavenly Dao, but is using merit to promote the unity of the three corpses!

Merit can improve cultivation without sequelae.

Of course, the consumption is also extremely large, the last time the heavenly marriage, Fuxi made nearly ten meritorious spirit treasures to make Nuwa successful.

And the threshold this time is far from being comparable to the last time!

The merit of creating people is frantically consumed, but Nuwa closes her eyes, and the whole person is under the golden light of merit.

Fuxi pondered for a moment and grabbed it sharply.

The merit assigned to him by the creation man was grabbed by him and thrown towards Nuwa.

Supplemented by this merit, the light of merit on Nuwa’s body became a little stronger, but Nuwa’s brows were wrinkled.

At the beginning, Hongjun preached, the foundation to Da Luo was one lecture, and Da Luo to the quasi-saint peak was the second lecture.

And how to take that crucial step from the peak of quasi-saints is three lectures!

This represents a huge gap!

“Meditate.” Fuxi shouted: “Careful understanding, don’t worry.” ”

“Don’t worry, even if you fail to become holy this time, my brother can find you another chance!”

Nuwa’s creation of people is the first great merit after the beginning.

But Fuxi dared to shout, even if you don’t succeed, I can give you another chance!

This kind of words, placed on any mature cultivator, can’t believe it.

But when Nuwa heard this, her frowning brows suddenly relaxed, no longer wrinkled, not only worried, but also fully experienced the great road perception brought by merit.

However, no one expected that almost the next moment, the aura on Nuwa’s body became more and more ethereal and powerful.

Then, she suddenly opened her eyes.

At this time, Nuwa seemed to be a supreme of heaven and earth, and her immature face exuded boundless majesty.

The terrifying sage coercion permeated from Nuwa’s body.

The entire living beings of the Flood Wilderness subconsciously bowed in the direction of Nuwa.

She, sanctified!

Fuxi showed a smile.

Among the original saints, Nuwa’s strength was the weakest.

Among the three Qing, Lao Tzu was the strongest, and he beheaded the three corpses before he became holy with merit.

After the two of them beheaded two of the three corpses, the Establishment Sect directly preached with merit.

The two in the West were even more unbearable, the strongest connection only beheaded two corpses, and Jun Ti only beheaded one corpse.

But now…

Nuwa is no longer a meritorious preaching, but a three-corpse preaching!

The difference between the two is huge!

“Hahaha, we are finally sanctified!” Nuwa laughed, her body was filled with confidence: “Brother, can we also protect you next?” ”

Nuwa’s two eyes lit up.

He has become a saint, and it seems that he already has the momentum that an adult should have, and he can’t let his brother touch his head casually in the future.

Well, it should be…

Touch your brother’s head yourself!

Seeing Nuwa’s thoughts, Fuxi cried and laughed, and touched it with one hand.

“You, better take care of yourself first!”

“Hmph, stupid brother, we have grown up, we can’t touch our heads anymore!” Nuwa said dissatisfied.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Fuxi coped with the Dao.

Nuwa was full of excitement, feeling her strength, and suddenly her eyes blinked.

That’s right, she’s grown up!

Perhaps the creation of saints.

Perhaps the mission of becoming the Virgin.

Nuwa, who has always looked eight or nine years old, has finally grown up!

It became – fourteen or fifteen years old.

“Why is it still so small?” Nuwa touched her ‘conscience’ with horror on her face.

From a small bud, it became a poached egg.

It seems to be a lot of growth, but when will it become a big cow like this!

Fuxi touched his chin, and he carefully compared his current height to Nuwa, about 1.5M.

This is just that…

Heavenly King Gai Dihu, Nuwa one meter five?


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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