Chapter 173: It is better to teach it to fish than to teach it to fish (4th subscription requested)

Lao Tzu bowed deeply, which shocked countless people.

However, because of this, none of them saw Lao Tzu’s face.

Otherwise, it would already be not a shock, but a shock!

The third saint of the Great Flood Wilderness, the eldest brother of Pangu Zhengzong, was actually full of trepidation.

Not a fake expression, but a real panic and horror!

This kind of look, even if it is the same brother Primordial and Tongtian, has never seen it!

But Lao Tzu’s trepidation is real!

Because he suddenly found that the two of the West, the Lich Emperor, the Lord of the Blood Sea and others were vetoed by Fuxi one after another!

Their proposal Fuxi was not satisfied, so what did he do as a sect leader?

Jindan Avenue.

Well, it’s very good, and it’s also in line with the Terran cultivation method.

But Lao Tzu himself knew that this Jindan Avenue was just imitating Fuxi’s handwriting, although it was modified by himself to be extremely in line with the characteristics of the Terran race, but if Fuxi really wanted to create, he could also create a cultivation method similar to him.

And what about the others?

What did he do again?


In other words, he is not an irreplaceable existence for the Terrans at all!

Even if Nuwa opens her mouth and removes the human religion, there will be no reaction from the Terrans!

“What can I do for the Terrans? Why should the people believe in my teachings? Why sit on the luck of the Terrans? ”

For a while, similar thoughts kept coming to Lao Tzu’s mind, making him terrified.

If nothing can be done…

Then even if Nuwa doesn’t open her mouth, her luck in the Terran race will become less and less, and eventually disappear!

And himself, because of this, he will fall from the Holy Throne!

In the face of the threat of falling from the Holy Throne, Lao Tzu finally couldn’t hold back his proud face and bent his waist directly to Fuxi.

“Dare to ask Fuxi Daoyou, what can I do for the Terrans?”

When Fuxi heard this, he smiled and asked, “What can’t you do for the Terrans?” ”

This question not only stunned Lao Tzu, but also stunned many powerful people present.

The Terrans have just begun to develop, and they lack food and clothing, as if there are indeed too many things that can be done for the Terrans now. From fighting natural disasters to eating and wearing.

There seem to be countless things that need your own help.

But the more he thought about it, the more confused everyone became.

He said so much before, but he was vetoed by Fuxi one by one.

But now, not to mention the power of the present, just a bunch of goblins can help the Terrans.


The crowd was completely confused.

“You Daoists think too much.” Fuxi shook: New life, although there are thousands of years of development, but everything is from scratch, almost everything is lacking. ”

“The method of cultivation, the Terrans need.”

“Food, Terrans need.

“But if you think about it, what do the Terrans need? What the Terrans need, can some cultivation methods be satisfied with just a little food? ”

This question does not need to be answered at all.

Everyone present frowned and looked at Fuxi.

Some of them understood, and some did not understand the meaning of Fuxi at all.

Lao Tzu seemed to feel that he had grabbed something, but when he really wanted to grab it, the thing disappeared again.

Thinking about it, he raised his head and looked at Fuxi with his eyes open, like a two-hundred-pound child.

The corner of Fuxi’s mouth twitched, this sight was really unbearable.

He solves the puzzle directly.

“You know a word.” He coughed and said meaningfully: “It is better to teach it to fish, it is better to teach it to fish!” ”

Everyone trembled and suddenly woke up.

Yes, this is what the Terrans need most!

Fuxi’s words swept away all the fog, which made people suddenly realize.

For a time, many powerful bodies trembled, and their cultivation directly improved a small stage.

Fuxi, awakened their confusion.

Everyone bowed to Fuxi, without the slightest pompous look just now.

A few stupid people couldn’t help but ask again: “Fuxi Daoyou, how to teach him to fish?” ”

In this regard, Fuxi will give him a look of intellectual retardation.

“If I still need to teach you this kind of thing, then what do my Terrans want you for?”

This sentence left the man speechless for a long time.

He didn’t understand, but Lao Tzu vaguely understood what Fuxi meant.

The way to do nothing is not to put yourself aside, do nothing, do nothing, just wait for the karmic fruits of the saint to fall on you.


When the sky is good! Sex anywhere! Because of the heart of man!

“Nothing is reasonable, it’s a big deal. Those who do nothing do not lead but not come, push but do not go, force but not move, stagnation but do not flow, curl and do not scatter…”

For a while, Lao Tzu was full of thoughts, and then he immediately laughed bitterly.

“Fuxi Daoyou, this Terran is not easy to teach!”

The meaning in Fuxi’s words was obvious.

To educate the Terrans is not to give them food, to give them the practice of cultivation, not even to teach them to hunt, to teach them to farm.

Instead, they were taught how to think for themselves about farming and hunting.

Or rather, lead them to a way of thinking.

This is much more difficult than creating any Jindan Avenue!

However, Lao Tzu ignited a fighting spirit.


I’m Pangu authentic, are you still afraid of difficulty?

It’s not the kind of thing that stumps all living beings, how can it reflect my strength?

Lao Tzu, but a saint!

If it weren’t for Fuxi’s influence, his cultivation could be said to be a crown of absolute floods!

The first person below Hongjun!

He flashed and returned to the cave mansion.

What is needed now is not to do something for the Terrans, but to think about how to cultivate the Terran way of thinking…

There were many people who thought like him, and the powerful people present gradually dispersed, and in the future, there were really a few people who reached what Fuxi said and enjoyed part of the luck of the human race.

Although it was nothing compared to the luck occupied by Lao Tzu, Nuwa and others, it also made them cultivate greatly.

And now the words…

Zhun Ti, the two of them found Fuxi.

Zhun Ti smiled bitterly and spoke: “Fuxi Daoyou, I and Senior Brother, I want to ask Daoyou about it…”

“About my sanctification with Senior Brother…”


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