Chapter 196 I can’t lift the knife, or do you float after you become holy (the second is more subscription)

When Kunpeng walked into the coast of the East China Sea, the core of the Terran station had changed.

For example, Nuwa’s residence has always been filled with toys from all kinds of little daughters, Fuxi is used to simplicity, and the three nights seem to be because of Nuwa’s leadership, obviously developing in the direction of the little girl.

No way, as the only female saint, Nuwa has always been the object of imitation.

Aspiring women shout, ‘I want to become a saint-like existence like Nuwa and throw you men out of the world!’ ’。

Women with aspirations shouted, ‘How great it would be if I could be as strong as the Nuwa saint, then I could control my own love’.

Or a woman who loves beauty: ‘Lord Nuwa doesn’t know what kind of appearance it is, but it must be beautiful…’.

Although in fact the image of the little one …

Forget it, don’t say it.

To be honest, it might lower the morale of the Terrans.

And Kunpeng directly approached Fuxi to clarify the matter.

“So that’s it, I see what you mean.” Fuxi nodded simply.

Kunpeng frowned, Fuxi’s reaction… What a dull life.

Did you say —

“You already knew about this?” Kunpeng’s eyes widened.

“Sort of, after all, I’ve been staring at the Terrans.” Fuxi said lightly.

Unlike before, now Fuxi is completely paying attention to the Terran in all directions, how could he not find the person’s small movements?

Even if he is a saint, he is not comparable to Fuxi in terms of calculation!

What’s more, Fuxi who is still full of vigilance!

And what Kunpeng said… Isn’t that the Witch Slayer Sword and the Demon Slaying Sword?

According to some legends, the Wu Clan killed the Terrans to make the Demon Slaughter Sword.

Some say that the demon race kills the human race, takes its revenant soul, and makes the witch slaying sword.

Of course, it’s pretty much the same anyway.

Only this time, that one shot at both Lich races at the same time.

Although the group of rough men of the Wu Clan did not have the vigilance of the Demon Clan at all, this news disappeared without even turning over a splash.

Kunpeng’s eyes widened, he was also a person who was proficient in calculation, and he also noticed a little strange about this.

But even Di Jun, who was more proficient in calculation than him, didn’t know the slightest bit about the mastermind behind this matter, and Fuxi…

“Who is behind it?”

Subconsciously, Kunpeng wanted to ask this sentence.

But as soon as it reached his mouth, he swallowed it.

No matter who the black hand is, the existence that can quietly calculate the demon race, even the demon master and the demon emperor cannot detect, is not something the demon race is willing to provoke!

It is also Kunpeng who does not want to provoke!

“In that case, my mission is over, I’ll go back.” Kunpeng spoke.

“Demon Master, please.” Fuxi smiled gently: “Thank you demon this time.” ”

“It’s okay, it’s my duty.” Kun smiled: “After all, you and I are also old acquaintances.” ”

Fuxi smiled and said, “Indeed, haven’t I always been friends?” ”

“Oh, by the way, help me pass a thank you to Dijun.”

Kunpeng nodded and turned to leave the coast of the East China Sea.

Since you decided not to meddle in this matter, then go far!

Just as he walked out of the East China Sea, his steps were paused, and then the speed of leaving accelerated again.

“Since Fuxi already knew, then there must be a corresponding method, but he did not inform the demon clan…”

Obviously, this is a temptation for Fuxi, and it is also a test for Dijun and the others!

And now…

Pass the test?

Fuxi watched Kunpeng leave and smiled gently.

Yes, this is a test!

“It’s not in vain, I bothered to plan how to save you.” Fuxi smiled and looked at the Wu Clan station again.

Zhu Rong’s words that day also made him very happy.


“Hehe, is it that I can’t lift the knife, or did you float after you became a saint, even if your original purpose was to plot the Lich and Demon races, but who gave you the courage to dare to involve my Terrans?”

In Fuxi’s eyes, a cold light flashed.

He stood up, walked to Nuwa’s boudoir, and knocked gently.

“Nuwa, it’s time to get up.”

“Some people, really need a little lesson.”


Fuxi stepped into Kunlun Mountain alone.

At this time, Kunlun Mountain has changed greatly, and it has gained countless popularity.

Cat demons, snake demons, stone spirits…

These are all disciples of the Intercept Sect!

Regardless of age, race, and only look at the heart of the Tao.

And Lao Tzu only accepts the Terrans, the primitives only accept the innate gods and the Terrans, and only the Demon Race through the sky.

This is stronger than Nuwa, who has not confiscated a disciple until now!

It was also through this matter that Tongtian had a good prestige among the demon race.

It’s just this face…

Countless demon races are sitting and cultivating, some are eating blood food that they don’t know where to hunt, and some are even coming in and out in pairs, creating a new generation of firewood.

That’s right, the demon race is naturally raised, except for those who are advanced in cultivation, the other demon races naturally do not talk about any rules.

Because the beast itself has no rules!

You guys look at Teddy, does he care if anyone is watching?

Of course not!

They only exist day by day, day by day, day by day, and by the existence of everything they see.

From this point of view, the original words are also correct, the lowest demon race, being scolded for an egg and humidification, there is not much problem.

But to put it another way, isn’t it the same when Terran babies are born?

If you don’t educate him, he will never learn the norms of behavior.

This is also why it is also enlightened, Hongjun is sanctified by the three corpses, in harmony with the Heavenly Dao, and cultivated into great progress.

And the original ended up being the cause of a rebellion.

Fuxi’s prestige in the demon clan is not small, seeing Fuxi, many demon clans worshiped one after another, and Fuxi also responded with a smile.

Of course, in the face of those guys who are busy creating a new generation, Fuxi’s smile is relatively stiff.

“Haha, Fuxi Daoyou, why are you free to come to my Kunlun Mountain today?” Tong Tian laughed and appeared in front of Fuxi.

The figure of Lao Tzu next to him appeared and nodded to Fuxi.

Fuxi smiled: “Suddenly want to come and see, why, isn’t it welcome?” ”

“Welcome! Of course welcome! Tong Tian said with a hearty smile.

“Is it…” Fuxi’s smile was a little meaningful.

“Then the original Daoist, why didn’t you come to see me as a guest?”


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