Chapter 199: Your Spirit Mountain really doesn’t resist.

“Zhun Ti, Lead, all for us to die!”

The excited and energetic voice spread through the flood almost instantaneously.

At the same time, four lotus phantoms rose above the Western Spirit Mountain.

Black, esoteric and murderous.

Red, hot and oppressive.

Golden, kind and full of warmth.

White, clear and full of sunlight.

Extinction Black Lotus! Karma Fire Red Lotus! Merit Golden Lotus! Pure White Lotus!

The four lotus platforms rose at the same time, and the four hooked, faintly attracted each other, and descended on the Spirit Mountain at the same time!

“Nuwa! Why did you come to my Spirit Mountain? The lead and the head appeared at the same time, looking at the smaller man.

Nuwa blinked her eyes and touched her chin.

Before coming, my brother said that for a guy with a thick skin who can block the innate treasure, he will be shirked and blamed by them for any reason he finds.

Anyway, if the saint makes a move, there will definitely be no flaws left.

Even if you find the facts of their actions, you will never find evidence.

If you have to talk about evidence, I am afraid that only Fuxi’s calculation is so simple.

But for them, shirking can be done at any time.

Saints don’t have to be cheeky, no one can help.

Like Kunlai Mountain, Fuxi has come to the door, can’t the original still quibble twice?

Jun Ti’s face is far more primitive, and his face does not change color to deny a little thing, which is simpler.

Perhaps Fuxi can grasp the contradictions in his words, but Nuwa is not good at this.


Nuwa was silent for a moment, and then glanced at Jun Ti’s old face, and her eyes lit up.

Then she snorted coldly and said; “Jun Ti, you are so ugly!”

Jun Ti looked confused on the spot.

He and his senior brother followed the path of compassion, although he was not compassionate.

But the face is absolutely benevolent, like an old monk.

No, then the monks, all imitated their expressions.

Even in order to better persuade others to convert to Buddhism, his expression was deliberately made…

Naturally, this kind of face cannot be compared to the delicate and cute Nuwa.

Call him ugly… Well, he was already quite ugly.

“Poor Dao naturally can’t compare to Nuwa Daoyou.” Zhun Ti was stunned, “But what does Nuwa Daoyou mean by coming?” ”

Nuwa stretched out a small hand, pointed at Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi, and said dissatisfiedly: “You guys are too ugly.” ”

“Such an ugly face, who made you angry and let you show it?”

Then, the huge mana of Nuwa’s three corpses suddenly topped the four twelve-pint lotus platforms.

The four lotus platforms suddenly soared, instantly the size of four mountains, and then – suddenly fell.

Target, Lingshan!

“Nuwa Daoyou! What are you doing? Jun Ti couldn’t help but shout, and at the same time, the majestic mana poured out, and a defensive shield appeared on the spirit mountain.

“You’re so ugly, what are you doing with that ugly old face?” Nuwa hummed, “You’re ugly to us!” ”

Hearing this reason, Jun Ti suddenly became a dog.

He is not good-looking, but you beat me up for this reason…

However, Nuwa really beat up!


The four lotus platforms fell at the same time, emitting a huge roar.

The faces of the guide and Zhun Ti suddenly turned red, their strength was already weaker than Nuwa, and the magic weapon was even weaker than Nuwa.

Nuwa’s four lotus platforms were collected by Fuxi from countless Hong powers.

The whole West can be compared with it, just one green lotus treasure color, one seven treasure wonderful tree – yes, just two!

Others, what blessing the pestle, what to lead the shrine, can not be compared at all.

What’s more, the three lotus platforms in Nuwa’s hand were the magic weapons she placed on the Yuan God, and the remaining one was still held by the body at the time of sanctification.

The four lotus platforms were all transformed by the Chaos Green Lotus Lotus Seed, corresponding to Nuwa’s law of life, and even a wonderful reaction occurred, and the four pulled each other, quite a feeling of integration!

This point, even Fuxi can not see through, after all, he is not the law of life, but just want to calculate, chaos is too difficult.

But he vaguely felt that this was an excellent thing!

At the same time, the four lotus platforms, the power is also greatly increased!

On the magic weapon, Nuwa crushed the Western two.

And in terms of strength…

Nuwa is the power of the three corpses preaching, and receiving and prospecting cannot preach merit.

And he is just a preacher who beheaded one corpse and two corpses!

The barrier of the Spirit Mountain emitted a squeaking, overwhelmed groan almost at the moment when the lotus platform fell!

“Hee-hee, eat me again!” Nuwa smiled, fingered, and the four lotus platforms floated at the same time, and then smashed down again.

There are laws in the innate spirit treasure, except for beings such as Fuxi who can use the innate spirit treasure array and exert magical powers, most people’s means are a little worse.

They use Lingbao in one way – smash!

Smash hard, smash hard!

Now Nuwa is!



The four lotus platforms rose again, and then slammed down.

But the guide and junti were already close to vomiting blood.

If it weren’t for the fact that Lingshan was their lair, they would have already arranged it, and I am afraid that they would have been blasted through the defense by Nuwa at this moment.

“Damn it! Nuwa should have come for that! Jun Ti’s face was bitter, how could he still not know Nuwa’s intentions now?

But here’s the solution…

Nuwa didn’t say a normal reason at all, and directly bombarded his lair, making it difficult for him to even get out of Lingshan!

Once again, the lotus platform fell, and this time Jun Ti finally seized the opportunity.

He dodged, walked out, and suddenly fled into the distance.

“Nuwa Daoyou, this matter is my fault, I will give it to you below——”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Nuwa stretching out her hand.

The four lotus platforms fell in unison, and this time, the strength was several percent stronger than before!


Losing the mana of Zhun Ti, how can you block Nuwa with a single connection?

The defense of the Spirit Mountain shattered, and the four lotus platforms fell with a bang, slashing the mountain in one fell at once.

The only hole in the West that dissipated with a bang.

And the culprit of everything, Nuwa mischievously spat out her little tongue.

“Ah, your Spirit Mountain really doesn’t resist.”


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