Chapter 202: Houyi and Bow (1)

The Terrans spread out, encountering many risks, but also many friends.

Kind-hearted, highly respected power, such as Zhen Yuanzi.

He gathered a group of Terrans around his Wanshou Mountain, and he manipulated the Book of the Earth to shield the danger of Wanshou Mountain, drive out evil demons, and make the Terrans there live very well.

There are many similar existences, and the most widespread of them, the race that is close to the Terrans, is the Wu race.

The Wu tribe feeds on hunting demon tribes.

Even if the Wu Clan who has started to cultivate immortals now does not need food, they still like to satisfy their appetites.

What’s more, the cultivation is not enough, or the newborn clansmen also need food supplements.

Coincidentally, the current Terrans are also a typical fishing and hunting race, living by fishing, hunting, and harvesting fruits.

Although the strength gap between the two sides is very large, the similar habits allow them to get together well.

The Wu race is also born Taoist body, although there is also an ontology saying, but most of the Wu race is humanoid, similar to the human race.

Coupled with their bold personalities, in just a few hundred years, there have been many lovers who are happy with each other, and some have even become dependents.

The Lin tribe is such a tribe.

“Brother Houyi, Brother Houyi, take me hunting together!” The young ‘bow’ of the Terran held a stone axe weapon and said excitedly.

“Okay!” Hou Yi smiled and said, “But the prey I hit, you have to help me deal with it, your Terran craftsmanship is stronger than that of my Wu Clan!” ”

“It is worthy of being Lord Fuxi’s bloodline… To cook is to have a hand! ”

Bow touched the back of his head shyly.

Although the way of cooking was originally taught to the Wu clan by Fuxi, it is clear that the skillful Terrans learned better in this regard.

Although the Wu tribe has been taught by Fuxi, most of them are still biased towards barbecue, which has the flexibility of the human race?

However, Hou Yi’s words made Fuxi listen to it, and he would definitely be extremely speechless.

Feelings, that’s what I use to cook?

Hunting is not a pleasant process.

The forest of the flood barren is very large, and there are many animals, but the animals that can survive in the flood wilderness, even if the flood wilderness species are no longer the flood famine that was born at least immortal cultivation, but it is still very dangerous.

Instead of powerful Terrans, they need to use various methods, such as analyzing smells, footprints, etc., to achieve the tracking effect of other races.

Of course, although ordinary witch races have their own magical powers, powerful people can touch the bypass, but the little witches with low cultivation obviously do not reach this level.

They also have their own means of tracking.

“Bow, look at this tree.” Hou Yi pointed to a branch: “There is a trace of the fruit being plucked here. ”

“There are many similar traces around, and apparently there are a group of wild beasts living here that make a living picking fruit.”

“The beasts that usually eat fruit are monkeys, orangutans, squirrels, etc…”

“But consider the number of wild fruits being picked around, and the beast races that like to eat them… It should be a group of monkeys, or a group of orangutans, or one of the moles. ”

Bow’s eyes lit up, and he carefully noted down Hou Yi’s teachings.

Hunters are not like monks, but they will guide you step by step.

The hunter’s knowledge base is this forest!

The back of the bow is also carried by a back basket filled with fruits, mushrooms, etc.

Unlike the Wu people, who like to drink alcohol and eat meat, the Terrans eat a lot of plants.

Every time you go into the mountains, even if you don’t hunt, you can pick some wild fruit fungi to meet the food needs of the tribesmen.

Of course, the best food is meat!

The bow’s eyes are shining, the hunting skills of the Wu clan are quite strong, and the descendants are all kinds of masters, if they can learn a star and a half, they will definitely bring more benefits to the clansmen.

Thinking about it, he glanced at Houyi.

Hou Yi actually has cultivation, and he doesn’t need to be like Xiao Wu at all, but also judge the traces of a group of beasts from the details, as long as his divine sense is enough.

But now in order to teach him, he resorted to this troublesome means.

Thinking about it, a touch of gratitude welled up in Bow’s heart.

However, Bow did not speak, because he had already said the feeling words more than ten times, and every time he thanked him, Brother Houyi just waved his hand and said.

“It’s nothing, I’m just expressing my gratitude to Lord Fuxi, but unfortunately my strength is low and I can’t help Lord Fuxi, so I can only help you.”

Fuxi, Bow also knows.

That was the name of the Holy Father of the Terrans.

Even if the Terrans now walk out of the East China Sea, they can enjoy the blessings brought by the Holy Father.

Bow couldn’t help but feel a touch of gratitude in his heart for the Holy Father, who had never seen a face.

At the same time, I am a little ashamed.

Because like Hou Yi, he was completely unable to help Hou Yi’s eldest brother who always helped the clansmen.

And what is even worse than Houyi’s eldest brother is that he doesn’t even have the strength to take care of the newborn little witch…

Thinking about it, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, Hou Yi’s expression moved, and his footsteps stopped.

Bow suddenly woke up and held his breath at the same time.

They didn’t find monkeys, they found a flock of sheep.

“Get ready, bow, you go hit that one.” Hou Yi pointed to an old sheep.

Although it is not thin, its physical strength is obviously not as good as that of other prime-aged sheep.

Bow nodded vigorously, and the two looked at each other and rushed out suddenly.

Houyi walked extremely fast, holding a wooden stick, and his figure was like the wind.

Although the Wu Clan has begun to cultivate, it is obvious that they have not made much progress in more complex refining tools.

The stick in Hou Yi’s hand is still the trunk of the tree that he obtained by killing a Taiyi Golden Immortal level.

Almost a few steps down, Houyi rushed to the front of the flock.

He raised the stick in his hand, and a strong sheep was quickly killed by him.

The rest of the flock scattered, and Hou Yi stopped and stopped to look to the side.

Then, he sighed.

Bow, armed with a stone axe, desperately chased towards the old sheep.

However, obviously, although the current Terran physique is several times stronger than the later Terrans, it is also incomparable with the beasts that run all day.

After the initial panic, the old sheep showed the speed of running through the forest and grassland.

The distance between the bow and the sheep could be shortened at first, but it was getting bigger and bigger at the back, and finally the bow stopped panting, helplessly looking at the running sheep.

“It’s okay, bow, let’s look for other prey, don’t worry too much.” Hou Yi smiled and patted Bow’s shoulder encouragingly.

There was no loss on Bow’s face, and the proportion of Terrans hunting by luck was higher than strength.

Terrans whose basic ability is not as good as that of beasts can only rely on surprise attacks, or target some old, weak and disabled.

The probability of failure is very high.

However, the Terrans have never been discouraged, but have been fighting against the sky.

God won’t let us catch up with it, then we’ll think of something else!

Looking at the figure of the sheep that was far away, almost unclear, Bow narrowed his eyes.

“Is there any way to hit the flock at a distance, just fine…”

At this time, Hou Yi seemed to have misunderstood Bow’s expression, and thought that he was too disappointed by this failure.

In a state of mind, he picked up a stone casually and threw it casually.

The head of the old sheep in the distance was shattered with a bang, and red and white things splashed.

Seeing this scene, Bow’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“I, I seem to have found a way…”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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