My Sister is Too Protective

Chapter 280: eye of a needle

The silver needle is not big, and it is almost invisible to the naked eye during high-speed movement, but it was caught by A Lang.

I saw him flip sideways, and then stretched out **** into the air!


A blood-colored flower bloomed at his fingertips.

Everyone couldn't help but took a breath!

Looking at Lin Feng again, only the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he didn't mean to underestimate the enemy. After opening the distance between his legs, another needle popped out.

A Lang frowned after that.

At first, I looked at Lin Feng as if he was just looking good, but he didn't expect that the strength in his hand would be so great.

According to common sense, his **** can easily break a brick, let alone a small needle.

However, he did not expect that this needle could explode with such a powerful force, and he could feel the hotness between his fingers just the moment he clamped it.

Immediately after I didn't understand what was going on, the fingers exploded, and even the red and white bones could be clearly seen.

It can be seen that the person in front of him is by no means ordinary.

Of course, Alang knows naturally.

Just now it was just a small test, the real good show hasn't played yet!

He snorted coldly, and after throwing away the needle in his hand, he rushed towards Lin Feng.

This time, his speed was surprisingly faster than before, and he almost reached Lin Feng in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng flipped his wrist and struck out an inch punch.

This fist seemed to be fluttering, but it made Alang reflexively back a few steps, and his face was full of surprise when he raised his head.

Because it stands to reason that martial artists who are used to keeping a distance are usually because their own damage is not high. However, looking at the current situation, Lin Feng is obviously not far and near.

Thinking like this in my heart, after standing firm and walking around Lin Feng, the person next to the video took out two meteor hammers from his back pocket.

It is said to be a meteor hammer, but in fact the chain is very long, and the real hammer is only the size of a fist.

A Lang roared, and two meteor hammers attacked Lin Feng from left to right.

Lin Feng's complexion didn't change, just standing quietly.

The two silver needles that flew out just now turned around at this moment. One of them pierced Alang’s back, and the other missed the trajectory of one of the meteor hammers. Lin Feng turned slightly to the side and hid. Past.

A Lang frowned, and after pulling out the steel needle behind him, he again launched an offensive against Lin Feng.

This time, the coming was so fierce that Lin Feng had to guard against it.

The two played hard to separate, and they did not distinguish between up and down. A crowd of people around voluntarily withdrew from a safe distance and watched outside.

One punch and one kick, one move and one move, everyone in the room was amazed, and some even clapped their hands in applause.

After half an hour passed, the practitioner rang the gong, but the two did not mean to be separated, on the contrary, they played more and more seriously.

In a fist that was like raindrops, Lin Feng was able to move around easily, even looking for weaknesses in it.

Upon seeing this, almost no one dared to approach the two, for fear of harming the pond fish.

Just when Lin Feng grasped the weakness and was about to take action, he suddenly felt a pain in his waist, and then he couldn't exert any strength.

That is to say, this small mistake, a fist as big as a sandbag fell on his face quickly, and this fist almost ran for the purpose of killing him.

After smashing his fist, Lin Feng flew upside down amidst the exclamation of everyone, so that when he finally fell to the ground, he still stuck to the ground, slid for several meters, hit the wall, and then stopped.

In the exclamation of everyone, many people quickly surrounded Lin Feng.

Lin Feng only felt that his brain was dizzy, his eyes turned black, and he was already numb to the pain coming from his body, but he couldn't control his breath.

The blood slid down his cheeks, and finally fell to the ground.

Lin Feng frowned, opened his clothes and took a look.

There is a needle eye on the waist.

His face immediately sank.

Without further ado, he took out his needle and plunged it into a few nearby acupuncture points, and some liquid flowed out along the eye of the needle.

Before it was completely over, A Lang had already arrived, and no one dared to stop him at this moment.

Almost the moment Lin Feng looked up, he lifted his whole person up.

The corner of Ah Lang's mouth raised, looking at him as if he was looking at a prey.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's a pity, but I accept you as a head!"

After speaking, the hand holding Lin Feng's neck became harder.

Lin Feng stared at him coldly all the way.

"You, the rules are broken."


The man snorted coldly.

"When did I say I had to abide by the rules? Obviously, it has always been a few of you, treating this as a game, Lin Feng, I'm here this time to take your head off."

The corners of Ah Lang's mouth rose after saying this.

"Those people say how good you are, but in my opinion, it's nothing more than that. You will have a good baby in your next life."

At this point, Lin Feng's face suddenly became fierce, and he lifted his foot directly and kicked this guy on the chin.

The strength of this foot was so great that he couldn't control his whole body. He stepped back a few steps, and released his hand following this movement.

Lin Feng took a few steps back after landing, and then his eyes were full of murderous aura.

"In that case, don't blame me for being impolite."

After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath, and then ejected a steel needle toward him.

A Lang reacted quickly, and reflexively wanted to hide after standing up from the ground.

Unexpectedly, that steel needle had several needles separated out in the air.

He took a breath of cold reflex reflexively, and then with all his strength, he rolled towards the side and tried to hide.

Unexpectedly, the steel needle touched each needle in mid-air, so it changed its position.

In the end, he heard a muffled grunt from Ah Lang, and then fell to the ground, convulsing all over his body.

Seeing this, Lin Feng followed with a long sigh of relief, and put the still trembling right hand behind him, but he couldn't hide the falling beads of sweat.

"Come and a few people, take him to the lounge."

After speaking, Lin Feng turned and left amidst the cheers of everyone.

After walking out of the crowd, he walked around a corner and entered the bathroom. Then he fell to the ground uncontrollably, his eyes turned black, and he was gasping for breath.

It seemed easy just now, but it actually took a lot of energy and energy.

First of all, you have to determine the correct position, then predict the guy's next movement, and finally launch it with Qin Jin, of course, plus a little bit of luck, these things are indispensable.

As for Lin Feng now falling to the ground, the reason is all in the eye of the needle.

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