Chapter 104 The disappearing little nails (5/7)

After understanding the various situations, Jiang Xiaobai did not rush to answer.

After all, this matter is just something that belongs to Yuan Xiaoning.

The friendship between myself and Yuan Xiaoning is not bad, but it is not very good, so it can’t reach such things as Zong Dao.

But now Yuan Xiaoning obviously wants to bring Yuan Yang, this Jiang Xiaobai is……needs to think about it.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai fell into silence and thinking about it, Yuan Xiaoning continued: “I know that Chu Xianglan got a space equipment three months ago, and bought a grade potion before. I only want people to die, things, don’t .”

After a pause, Yuan Xiaoning continued: “And I also know that this matter is indeed irrelevant to you. In return, after returning to the college and handing in the task, our team will also exchange credits for a level. The medicine is paid to you, how?

From these alone, it can be seen that the hatred between Yuan Xiaoning and that…Chu Xianglan has reached the point where the other party cannot survive.

The value of the Grade 1 medicine is also extremely high: even if Yuan Xiaoning wants to take it out, it will definitely be bleeding.

After a while, Jiang Xiaobai asked, “I want to ask, if I disagree, would you still take Yuan Yang in by taking risks?”

Yuan Xiaoning didn’t rush to answer this time, but after thinking about it for almost a minute, she shook her head and said: “No, because if you are missing, the danger is too great, I will not let my brother take risks for my business. .”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

At least from this point, Yuan Xiaoning still has his own bottom line.

Immediately nodded and said: “Okay, I agree to help, when is the specific time”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s consent, Yuan Xiaoning finally replied with a touch of joy on his face: “After three days, after all, the daughter has not woken up in these three days, and the news, we still need to find a way to let Chu Xianglan and the others know…”

At this time, Daha, who had been thrown outside by Jiang Xiaobai, also ran to Jiang Xiaobai at the moment.

It seems that Jiang Xiaobai agreed to help, and Yuan Ningxiao’s mood improved a lot.

So when Daha was jumping around in front of Yuan Ningxiao and asked about those…fruits on the table, Yuan Xiaoning also wanted to hug Daha.

But it didn’t wait: Yuan Xiaoning met Daha, and the alert Daha turned her head just… with a low growl, after dodgeing and avoiding Yuan Ningxiao’s hand, a turnaround actually took the initiative to rush towards Yuan Xiaoning.

The speed was so fast that Yuan Yang next to him could not see clearly.

But Yuan Xiaoning is an awakened person in the Stardust Realm.

Seeing Daha who was rushing towards him in the air, he raised his brow lightly and turned his hand…pressing it on Daha’s stomach, and then pressing it to the ground.

At the same time, Yuan Xiaoning still said with some surprise: “Dimensional creatures”

Although Jiang Xiaobai brought Daha when he entered the door, Yuan Ningxiao didn’t care about it after just a few glances.In addition, the hair on Daha’s neck was exactly the same as that dimensional creature’s unique color.

As a result, Yuan Ningxiao did not notice the difference in Daha.

This is why Yuan Xiaoning is so at this moment.

But without waiting for Yuan Ningxiao to think about it, it seemed that it was too embarrassing to be flattened by Yuan Xiaoning directly.

In just two seconds, it became the size of a cow, and it was full of blood and energy, and it was completely different from the petite and lovely Erha before.

“I, Cao, can still transform into a body”

Similarly, Yuan Ningxiao, who was in front of Daha at this moment, seemed to be surprised by this sudden change.

By the time he reacted, Daha had already turned his back, the bloody energy in his mouth condensed, and his skills were released at the sight.

“silly dog”

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai, who had just fallen into contemplation, also noticed the movement next to him, quickly stood up and shouted with a bit of dissatisfaction, and slapped the big backhand with his backhand.

This stupid dog turned in front of an outsider, for fear that others would not know that he was a mutant dimensional creature. It was slapped by Jiang Xiaobai, and Daha’s original blood-colored eyes were still filled with fierce and fierce Hatton. The body became stiff.

The bloody energy in his mouth also quickly dissipated, and then turned his head aggrieved to look at Jiang Xiaobai.

As if he didn’t understand why Jiang Xiaobai hit him again, Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly.

However, just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to reprimand the stupid dog, he glanced at his eyes and suddenly his expression changed.

Then he couldn’t help but push Dahala over and press it on the ground, and at the same time he pulled the two of Dahala back apart.

Yuan Ningxiao: ……….Yuan Yang:……….Daha: After Jiang Xiaobai broke his legs directly, after a bit of a daze, Daha seemed to be a shameful general. With two wolf claws on his face, he couldn’t bear to look at it.

But for Daha’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t have the slightest thoughts at this moment.

After staring at Daha’s body for a few seconds, Jiang Xiaobai was shocked and slapped Daha and asked: “I don’t know if I understood Jiang Xiaobai’s words, or because of Jiang Xiaobai at this moment. The action aroused Da Ha’s vigilance and Da Ha noticed something wrong.

Immediately, the two thick wolf claws touched the place where he originally had small spikes.

This touch is empty, and it seems that there is something missing compared to before.

The two wolf claws waved again and fumbled, and it was confirmed that something was indeed missing.

At this time, Daha was also completely dumbfounded.

The expression seemed to say “My little Dingding, why did Dingding disappear suddenly?”

Mano is good “Aw…, Aw…”

When he got to the back, he was even shocked, Daha turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s two eyes, there was already water mist, and then big tears overflowed from the eye sockets, and his expression was full of grievance and sorrow.

It seemed like a farmer who was bitterly bitter and lost in Jiang Xiaobai.

At this moment, there is still a little bit of Daha who has just faced Yuan Xiaoning’s fierceness.Looking at this inexplicably weird and full of joy, Yuan Yang on one side couldn’t help but twitch his mouth. He wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh. Zhang’s face flushed quickly.

Even Yuan Xiaoning’s eyelids jumped wildly.

:Because some readers said that Daha must be a male. After reading your… evil thoughts, he still lost Daha’s small nails. I thought about this plot. For a long time, I figured it out anyway, and there are two more chapters in the next.

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