Chapter 106 With this IQ, basically it’s almost hopeless (7/7)

Still holding Daha to the school, perhaps because he has not recovered from the disappointment of losing Xiaodingding.

Originally yesterday, on the way, Daha saw those…cute little bitches on the side of the road, and he would look at them with interest.

Today, I didn’t even watch it.

Sadness is greater than death, this is the deepest portrayal of Daha now.

After entering the class, Yuan Yang is now lying on the table with a look of love.

You don’t need to ask to know that it must have been drilled by Yuan Xiaoning yesterday.

After the second get out of class in the morning was over, when Jiang Xiaobai was teasing Daha to help Daha get out of the shadows and become bright again, Yuan Yang, who had gone to the toilet before trotting back to the classroom, looked a little flustered.

“Xiaobai, are you going to take the place of Yucheng Middle School to participate in the national college competition”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced in surprise and Yuan Yang was a little puzzled: “How do you know?”

“From class one, it is said that the teacher Xu Yan, the head teacher of the previous class, said it personally, and Mr. Xu Yan also said about the rewards of this national college competition. After the news spread, everyone was a sensation. NS.”

Yuan Yang responded.

“Then what”

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

If this is the case, Yuan Yang doesn’t need this reaction at all.

Yuan Yang said anxiously: “You don’t have to worry about it. This time, after knowing the rewards of the national college competition, which awakened person is not tempted. According to the students in the first class, if the awakened person in high school does not agree with the school’s arrangements, Come to you directly, if anyone can beat you, he can take your place and become a member of our school.”

“I, Cao, this woman, is it a snake disease!”

After listening to what Yuan Yang said, Jiang Xiaobai’s expression changed.

Originally, the name of the school was decided. Even if some students have ideas, they probably won’t say anything.

But the problem is that Xu Yan not only said about the generous rewards of this game, but also threatened that if she wins her, she can take her place.

This is entirely because I feel that I am too pure to cause trouble for myself! Jiang Xiaobai can almost think that after the news spreads, those from class 1 to class 5……the arrogant guy will do it even if he doesn’t even think about it. Stare at yourself.

“Dammit, this woman is really careful…”

In Jiang Xiaobai’s view, Xu Yan did this, except for … deliberately retaliating against herself for what happened yesterday, she couldn’t find a second reason to explain at all.

The key point was that I didn’t do anything at all yesterday.

“It’s really a mess.”

This can also be innocently set on fire, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help feeling a little speechless.


It was originally Jiang Xiaobai’s words expressing his dissatisfaction, but Daha, who was lying on Jiang Xiaobai’s lap, suddenly raised his head.

Hearing Daha’s voice, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help rolling his eyes, “It’s none of your business.”

Seeing this, Daha is lying down again, still with a little sadness on his face.

Things often come so inadvertently, like, Mingming just learned about things from Yuan Yang, there is already a boy standing at the door shouting: “Who is Jiang Xiaobai”

Hearing that, the eyes of the students in the class are all turned to Jiang Xiaobai.

Although no one spoke, Qi Qi’s sight undoubtedly pointed the way for the boy at the door.

Jiang Xiaobai knew that it would be difficult to cleanse today.

Slowly stood up, and walked towards the door helplessly.

“You are Jiang Xiaobai”

After Jiang Xiaobai approached, the boy asked directly.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced sideways at the boy and asked, “If I say I am not, believe it or not”

This boy “huh”

One said: “You think I’m stupid! When you don’t see me call out your name, do all the students in your class look at you”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the boy leisurely, his eyes were like looking at a mentally retarded person.

“Since I know everything, then you still ask me if I am”


As soon as this was said, the boy couldn’t help but stunned, it seemed that this was the truth.

But soon, the boy realized that his thinking seemed to be off the track.

Did not continue to struggle with this issue for too long, the boy already raised his fist and said: “I want you to challenge.”

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said: “Wait first, hasn’t your teacher taught you what politeness is, just say this as soon as you meet and don’t say hello.”

The boy frowned, but after a moment of silence, he took a breath and stretched out his hand to Jiang Xiaobai: “Hello, I’m Zhao Xuebing from Class One.”

After also reaching out and shaking Zhao Xuebing, Jiang Xiaobai asked smoothly, “Where am I?”

“Fortunately, you are sick! The first time I saw you, how do I know where you are?”

Zhao Xuebing didn’t expect Jiang Xiaobai to play his cards so unreasonably, and he followed Jiang Xiaobai’s questions and prepared to answer.

But Zhao Xuebing just said it was… he was shocked, but when he heard the words, he found that something was wrong, and he couldn’t help but cried out with his eyebrows and eyes.

“whispering sound”

After taking a look at Zhao Xuebing disgustingly, Jiang Xiaobai was already walking slowly outside.

At this time, there were already a dozen other students walking quickly from the aisle towards him.

Looking at the menacing looks of these students, without even thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai knew that these people must have come for him.

How long has the news spread, someone has already come to the door one after another.

Looking at the energetic students over there, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help sighing.

… Then, in front of a crowd, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned to face Zhao Xuebing, who was following behind him at this moment, and said: “I want to challenge you.”

Zhao Xuebing: Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai…turned around and posed for himself, but……has stunned Zhao Xuebing.

Looks like, didn’t I just say this, but I don’t wait: Zhao Xuebing thinks more.

The dozen or so students who approached quickly from the aisle saw Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xuebing standing at the door at this moment, and heard Jiang Xiaobai’s words, all changed.

In an instant, the dozen or so students rushed out quickly and directly surrounded Zhao Xuebing, who had not recovered yet.

“Jiang Xiaobai, I’m Zhou Xuan in the second class, I want to challenge you.”

“I’m Li Zhoulong in Class 3, I also want to challenge you.”

“I’m from Class 5…”

In a flash, Zhao Xuebing was overwhelmed by loud voices and crowded people.

And in the process, there were other students who had rushed to see the students who had already made the first steps, and they were also anxious.

And Jiang Xiaobai himself, standing on the corner of his mouth and glancing lightly, “With this IQ, it’s basically almost impossible to save.”

Yuan Yang, who saw the whole process experience with his own eyes, looked at the situation here and thought of the first Zhao Xuebing who wanted to challenge Jiang Xiaobai. Yuan Yang couldn’t help but give Jiang Xiaobai a thumbs up. The skin is cheap.”

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