Chapter 125 It not only hit the body, but also went deep into the soul (5/7)

Although this time things were a bit more twists and turns than Yuan Xiaoning and even Jiang Xiaobai expected.

But things have progressed a lot faster.

When several people were put back into Yucheng from the dimensional space, the time was still early.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai did not rush to return, but went to the homes of Yuan Yang and Yuan Xiaoning.

Different from Jiang Xiaobai, basically after entering the dimensional space where the bloodthirsty wolf is located, it is completely…a state of outing, from beginning to end, strictly speaking, there are only two or three hands.

I didn’t even sweat at all on my body.

But Yuan Yang and Yuan Xiaoning have experienced successive battles.

So after I just went home, I washed it first.

During the process, Jiang Xiaobai stared at the TV, but he was thinking about things in the dimensional space before.

Through his reaction to Zhou Jia and today’s teammate Wang Jian’an last night, Jiang Xiaobai can basically be sure that his newly unlocked “father love is like a mountain”

It is a talented skill similar to a spiritual type.

However, unlike Chu Xianglan’s mental talent skills, they are offensive.

Jiang Xiaobai’s talented skills are able to achieve some spiritual impact on the target, which makes the opponent’s affection for his father under the influence of the skill greatly increase, which has some special effects.

For example, yesterday’s Zhou Jia and today’s Wang Jian’an both couldn’t help calling out their father after hitting the skill.

Throughout the process, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly feel that when the two looked at him, they indeed regarded himself as an old father.

In this case, the effect of this skill will be greater.

For example, when the opponent is about to attack him, he will use a skill, which makes the opponent completely unable to play.

Or when the opponent is about to gather star power to use the talent skills, it will be the idea of ​​the opponent directly.

Or it may be combined with the skills in front of oneself.

For example, first shot the skill to make the opponent partly explode, then shot the skill to kneel on the ground, and finally called out his father with difficulty.

Not only did it hurt the body, it went deep into the soul.

Gee, think of those pictures, Jiang Xiaobai can’t help but smash it.

How cruel it is.

When Yuan Xiaoning was still sitting next to Jiang Xiaobai with the long-lost shower gel scent on her body, she didn’t know why, smelling the scent of this shower gel, Jiang Xiaobai was… the experience of being in the basement before the fragrance.

Then, there was an urge to repeat the case again.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai restrained this impulse.

Before Yuan Yang came down, Ning suddenly said: “School brother, if there is no accident, we will return to school in a few days. There is something, I want to take a look.”

Jiang Xiaobai did not rush to agree, but slightly nodded to signal Yuan Xiaoning to continue.

Yuan Xiaoning was not surprised, and she directly said, “I hope that after I leave, you can help take care of Little Yangtze. If you can, if you enter the dimensional space in the next time, you can bring him with you.”

After speaking, after sighing, Yuan Ningxiao: “No matter…

It is because our parents are not in Yucheng all year round because of the special nature of their work.It was fine when I was there, but now after going to Jiangnan University, Little Yangtze is basically in a stage of letting go.

I was about to become a Level 3 Astral Mechanic Apprentice years ago, but in the past few months, I will only be promoted to become a Level 3 Astral Mechanic Apprentice when I come back. If this continues…”

Yuan Xiaoning didn’t finish the rest, but Jiang Xiaobai knew what it meant.

As Yuan Yang’s best friend, of course, Yuan Yang and Jiang Xiaobai also know well.

To be honest, no matter…

It is a talent and even its awakening talent skills are good.

This can be seen from the fact that Yuan Yang was able to quickly adapt to the battle in just one hour after entering the dimensional space for the first time.

But this dog thief is…a lazy.

Never stand when you can sit, and never sit when you can lie down.

Then, Yuan Xiaoning continued: “Of course, I also know that the strength of Little Yangtze is a little worse than that of you now, so after returning to school this time, I will find a way to also exchange a potion for Little Yangtze to improve his strength. ”

It can be seen that Yuan Xiaoning has taken great pains with…Yuan Yang.

Needless to say, the value of the potion that can improve the strength of the awakened, even if Yuan Xiaoning wants to get it, I am afraid that it will have to pay a lot of price.

0 This time, besides… you have to pay yourself a potion as a reward, you also have to find one for Yuan Yang. The way Yuan Xiaoning wants to come to Yuan Xiaoning is nothing more than…borrow money or continue to enter the dimension space .

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said, “Senior sister’s words are out of the ordinary. From the first time I saw you, Yuan Yang, the uncle, is wrong. I have identified Yuan Yang as a friend, and originally, Xiaoxin and I were here. There is also a lack of a battle, and it happens that Yuan Yang is suitable.”

When he said this, Jiang Xiaobai felt a cold sweat in his heart.

I almost said the original words in my heart.

But even so, Yuan Xiaoning still had doubts on her face.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai met Yuan Yang first, and he was also in contact with Jiang Xiaobai recently. Is the order in these words a bit confused… But Jiang Xiaobai here Obviously, he agreed to help Yuan Yang next.

After confirming this, Yuan Xiaoning didn’t worry too much about other things, and instead thanked Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and didn’t care about it.

This morning, Jiang Xiaobai had already received news from Jiang Xiaoxin.

It is said that the school will be selected for the national competition in more than a month, and the school will organize a training session in the later time.

Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia are naturally very interested in this training, but Jiang Xiaobai is not interested.

As the achievement point was almost spent last night, Jiang Xiaobai is now back to the previous state of being poor and white.

According to the number of achievement points required to upgrade the first skill in the system to the full level, Jiang Xiaobai also needs a lot of achievement points to upgrade the remaining two skills.

With this time to toss, it is better to enter the dimensional space and find a way to earn achievement points.

It just so happened that during this period of time, Yuan Yang could also be cultivated.

If possible, let Yuan Yang skip grades with him, and even enter the same university in the future.

After all, the particularity of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills does not want everyone to know it.

To make a fortune and knock on the sap is the best choice for a long time.

Teammates, it is better to train from familiar people.

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