Chapter 140 That amorous foot (6/7)

As the people moved quickly along the way towards the location of the Dimensional Space Gate, as the people once again passed through a forest to reach an outer area, in the line of sight, the two men and horses were fighting fast.

And the movement was extremely loud, and some of the rubble picked up during the battle splashed towards Jiang Xiaobai’s side.

Looking intently towards the field, Yuan Yangqing “Huh” when he sees the two opposing sides in the field clearly.

“Brother Zhou, isn’t this the one from your school… Liu Hanxiang”

While Yuan Yang spoke, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhou Hai’s sights were also placed on the field.

Sure enough, the woman standing opposite a five-person, five-person team of Awakeners, holding a weapon that looked like that kind of… Tang Knife, was the same Liu Hanxiang that a few people had seen outside the military base.

“Hey, really, how could this Liu Hanxiang clash with other Awakened squads”

However, although I know Liu Hanxiang from the look of Chu Hai, he is obviously not very familiar.

In the dimensional space, the most taboo is…two things.

The first is… to steal the dimensional creatures privately, and the second is to participate in other people’s battles.

Therefore, even if it is strange in their hearts, few people have the slightest intention to interfere.

As for the hero saving the beauty, I’m sorry, the three of them are not people who control their heads with nails, they are not the kind of people who can’t walk when they see beautiful women.

But sometimes, Jiang Xiaobai and others don’t want to proactively cause trouble, but the trouble is proactively posted.

Just like now, after Jiang Xiaobai took a few glances at the battle between the two sides, they were going to continue to the Dimensional Space Gate.

At this moment, Liu Hanxiang in the field was facing the enemy, and his eyes suddenly caught Jiang Xiaobai’s trio. Jiang Xiaobai rushed here.

While moving fast, Liu Hanxiang still shouted loudly: “Hurry up and help.”

The voice was cold, and there was a tone of command from above.

The five awakened members of the five 55-level 6 star mechanics behind, saw Liu Hanxiang’s movement and Jiang Xiaobai’s three people standing by the forest, their expressions condensed.

After gritting their teeth, these five people followed one after another, and even the sights of two of the awakened ones were locked on Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes.

Even the expressions on the faces of Thu Hai and Yuan Yang next to them gradually sink.

Obviously, it is already obvious what the opponent is paying attention to now.

However, after discovering a few of her own, she wanted to pull her own few to deal with the awakened ones with her.

Glancing at Liu Hanxiang, who was approaching quickly, the second hand was…the first shot skill was lost.

At this moment, Liu Hanxiang on the opposite side was already less than five meters away from Bai et al.

As the two arrows flashed in the air and charged directly towards him, Liu Hanxiang was shocked, and quickly waved the Tang Dao in his hand to block the two arrows condensed by the star power.

But when the skills reached the full level, even the martial artist had no choice when facing Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, let alone Liu Hanxiang.

Almost at the same time Liu Hanxiang was alert, the two arrows had already hit Liu Hanxiang’s knee accurately.

Although the power of knocking to the advantage did not hurt Liu Hanxiang, it made Liu Hanxiang’s two calves numb and couldn’t help but lift up, and then knelt heavily on the ground.

At the same time, the strong recoil drove Liu Hanxiang to quickly slide towards Jiang Xiaobai in a kneeling posture.

Seeing Liu Hanxiang slid to his side quickly, Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly.

In front of Liu Hanxiang’s face, the kick full of different style just threw it in the air and kicked Liu Hanxiang’s body.

“Go you”

The moment when the powerful force touched Liu Hanxiang’s body, Liu Hanxiang couldn’t help but let out a painful cry, and his body flew out.

“I’m Cao, my white brother in society, I didn’t have any pity for Xiangxiyu at all!”

A beautiful beauty was kicked directly by Jiang Xiaobai, and such an explosive picture was seen in the eyes of Zhou Hai and Yuan Yang next to him, making the two of them couldn’t help but pick their eyelids.

0 It is not just Thursday Hai and Yuan Yang.At this moment, the awakened people who were preparing to fight Jiang Xiaobai and others with Liu Hanxiang were also stunned when they watched the changes in the field.

Originally looking at Liu Hanxiang’s attitude before, plus the immature faces of Jiang Xiaobai and others, several people thought that Jiang Xiaobai was Liu Hanxiang’s companions.

So when seeing Liu Hanxiang’s action, a few people didn’t hesitate to follow up and prepare to kill Jiang Xiaobai and others.

But no one thought that before they could do anything, Jiang Xiaobai had already kicked Liu Hanxiang back.

And the action was decisive to the extreme, and there was almost no hesitation.

Perhaps it was because they were too shocked.Seeing Liu Hanxiang flying towards them, these awakened people rushed to the first two awakened people and felt something approaching, and they still subconsciously tilted their bodies.

…Liu Hanxiang, who was allowed to fly into the air, flew for a certain distance and then fell heavily on the ground.

Then, in the sight of the few people present, Liu Hanxiang bounced slightly after landing, and then rolled on the ground one after another, two laps, and three laps before he stopped facing the ground.

The original white practice clothes were all stained with soil, and the hair was completely scattered.

But when he raised his head, Liu Hanxiang’s face was not angry at this moment, but looked at Jiang Xiaobai blankly.

Obviously, he didn’t understand it well, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t say a few words and kicked himself into the air.But in response to Liu Hanxiang’s dull eyes, Jiang Xiaobai snorted in his mouth, with a bit of contempt in his expression.

To be honest, if the other party is asking for help sincerely or asking them for help, perhaps because the other party and Thu Hai are a school classmate, Jiang Xiaobai may still be able to help.

But after seeing a few of them, the other party, apart from anything else, is… rushing towards him with a plan to cause trouble, and he still speaks in a command tone.

This Jiang Xiaobai is not happy anymore, why? How can Jiang Xiaobai care if the other person looks good or not, let’s say second.


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