Chapter 171 A way of fighting called Old Coins. (5/5)

: There was a direct power outage in the early hours of yesterday, and it came this morning. This is the fifth chapter of yesterday. ….. The dimensional creature that approached once again was broken.

Glancing at Liu Yingying and Wang Gang, who had almost attracted the attention of all dimensional creatures in the past, Jiang Xiaobai used the skills, and in just a second or two, half of the dimensional creatures were directly kneeling on the ground.

However, as the battle progressed, the number of dimensional creatures gathered around Liu Yingying and Wang Gang reached a dozen this time.

In addition to…the lava monsters, there are also a few lava monsters that are more dexterous and faster than the lava monsters.

Even because of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, half of the dimensional enemies are kneeling on the ground, but the pressure on Liu Yingying and Wang Gang has not weakened at all.

During the response between the two, one of the lava magic lions had already jumped quickly between 07 and went around behind Wang Gang and rushed directly at Wang Gang.

But it didn’t wait: the lava magic lion succeeded, and the two streams of light were already in the air, and then the lava magic lion, which was already in the air, fell straight to kneel on the ground.

Afterwards, an arrow condensed by star power quickly flew out and directly hit the head of the lava lion, causing it to scream and fall to the ground.

Feeling the scream from behind, Wang Gang quickly turned his head, and after looking at the body of the lava lion behind him, he gave Jiang Xiaobai a thumbs up.

Looking at the dimensional creatures in the distance…the dimensional creatures that are constantly gathering, then look at the Liu Yingying and Wang Gang who are already struggling to deal with them.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help frowning lightly, feeling that this would not work! Although Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills are Shunfa, except for… “The pain of growth”

After all, outside is not a mass posting skill.

As the surrounding dimensional creatures continue to increase, the ability to kneel down alone cannot completely control those…dimensional creatures.

After all, at this moment, the targets of those…dimensional creatures are Wang Gang and Liu Yingying, not themselves, and they cannot trigger the passive effects of their skills.

If you continue, you will inevitably make mistakes later.

“That won’t work!”

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head in his heart, and then after thinking about it for a while, he quickly said a few words to Yang Meng.

After hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Yang Meng looked at Jiang Xiaobai in amazement, “Brother Jiang, are you sure this method works”

Jiang Xiaobai believed in himself: “Trust me, there is meat to eat.”

Hearing that, Yang Men turned his head and looked at Liu Yingying and Wang Gang over there. After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said: “Okay, after you lead those monsters away, I will relay your words to them.”

After nodding his head, Jiang Xiaobai had already started to move quickly in the field with Daha.

During the process, sometimes streamers flashed, making some dimensional creatures close to or around people kneel on the ground and completely unable to get up, sometimes the bow and arrow in their hands floated in the air to lightly solve a dimensional creature.

Not long after, the surrounding…dimensional creatures were all attracted to the hatred by Jiang Xiaobai and Daha, who were completely free to fly and run freely in the field.

It was also after Jiang Xiaobai almost attracted the attention of all the surrounding dimensions, Yang Meng quickly rushed to Wang Gang, who looked a little surprised and worried, and before Liu Yingying’s words were spitting, Jiang Xiaobai quickly relayed it to the side.

…With Daha’s continuous leaping, whoever is close to those in the middle…The lava lion is affected by Jiang Xiaobai’s skills and can’t attack Jiang Xiaobai at all.

While fully ensuring his safety, Jiang Xiaobai was also constantly using skills to earn achievement points, while the alloy longbow in his hand was quickly raised to kill some dimensional creatures.

But it is worth mentioning that every time Jiang Xiaobai kills, most of them are lava monsters.

Most of the remaining chasing around are lava magic lions.

I want to ask why it’s all because Jiang Xiaobai used “growth pain” on those………lava monsters before

At the time, there was no reaction at all.

Although these…the lava monsters still seem to have a somewhat human form, the rock creatures are…the rock creatures, and there is no such thing as a local part.

What is the use of dimensional creatures that don’t even have a part of it?Therefore, under this obvious discrimination and differentiating fight, in just a few minutes, there are no less than ten lava monsters that have died in Jiang Xiaobai’s hands.

After once again shooting a lava monster directly with the arrows condensed by the stars, Jiang Xiaobai waved his right hand.

That piece of lava magic lion with more than twenty parts bloomed and exploded in a unified manner, and the strong pain made these……The attention of the lava magic lion was staring at Jiang Xiaobai, completely A crazy look.

This scene reminded Jiang Xiaobai of the lush years of playing in the bronze dimension before.

I have to say that because of Jiang Xiaobai, Liu Yingying, Wang Gang, and Yang Meng were also biased because of the sudden reversal of the painting style in the field.

Just like now, as Jiang Xiaobai took those… lava magic lions rushing back and forth around, in the process, once there was a lava magic lion kneeling on the ground because of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills.

“Fuck him”

Before the lava magic lion could react, a low voice rang.

In the next moment, the lone lava lion already felt three black and crushing shadows rushing towards 493 himself, with a menacing look.

After a few seconds, the lava lion that was forced to kneel on the ground from the large army was… and fell to the ground with a wailing sound.

After solving the lava magic lion, Liu Yingying and the three of them took out the star beads and continued to follow behind silently. While they were ready to go, they stared at Jiang Xiaobai who came back again with a bunch of dimensional creatures. .

In this way, it took about half an hour to go back and forth, and after a few people had solved all the dimensional creatures around, they looked at the corpses of the surrounding dimensional creatures, Yang Meng’s mouth. It’s almost grinning.

“Brother, I have taken it, your talent skills are simply awesome!”

While collecting the Star Orb, Yang Meng couldn’t help but speak.

And Liu Yingying and Wang Gang couldn’t help but nodded.

In the past, between fighting with dimensional creatures, several people went straight to the front.

But today, with the joining of Jiang Xiaobai, a new door quietly opened to Liu Yingying’s three.

Let Liu Yingying see a completely different way of fighting.

A way of fighting called Old Coins.

Safety, no love, and a sense of accomplishment.

This way of fighting is worth having.


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