Chapter 205 It’s just the prey delivered to the door (4/5)

Under the shining of the bloody moonlight, the whole space seems to be in harmony.

The bloody breath reverberated around, sometimes accompanied by a roar.

At this moment, looking at the two contestants wearing Shangling Middle School uniforms in front of them, sweat has been steadily sliding down the cheeks of Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin.

As they stepped into the dimensional space gate, Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin were thankful that the distance between the two women was only a few hundred meters later, and this kind of luck was rare.

According to what Jiang Xiaobai said before, after the two women gathered together, they immediately found a place to hide, and sprinkled the urine that Jiang Xiaobai had given them to Daha.

However, what the two girls didn’t expect was that during this process, they didn’t wait for Jiang Xiaobai, but instead waited for two contestants from Shangling Middle School who had reached the ninth-level star mechanics apprentice.

After all, Shangling Middle School is also the top middle school in the country.

Carefully selected “Four Nine Three”

Naturally, the students who came were not comparable to those of Li Wanji in Yucheng Middle School.

With a difference of two small levels, even in the case of two women, during a battle, they all fell into a faint disadvantage.

This made Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t help but hope that Jiang Xiaobai could find this side soon.

Compared to Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, the two students from Shangling Middle School who were facing each other were even more swearing in their hearts.

They didn’t expect that the girls in the two Yucheng Middle Schools in front of them were not only strong, but they also cooperated so well.

Under the union, even when the two of them are leading in their own ranks, they are actually unable to win the two girls who are in front of the seven-level star mechanics in a short time.

Even several times before, the two almost overturned the boat in the gutter when they were caught off guard.

Now the few people are in the dimensional space after all, and the dangers are dense.

No one knows if the movement of the battle here will attract other dimensional creatures.

If some powerful dimensional creatures are attracted, let alone subduing the two girls in front of them and enjoying them, I am afraid that the two of them will still be in danger.

Therefore, the two students from Shangling Middle School have a bit of anxiety in their hearts.

Afterwards, as several people fought, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia’s movements had already begun to be somewhat slower than before.

Noting the situation of the two girls, the two students from Shangling Middle School were overwhelmed with joy.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

However, at this moment, the four people 4 who were fighting in the field suddenly felt that the ground under their feet began to shake.

At the same time, among these vibrations, some cheerful melody was faintly mixed.

Such a change caused the four of them to have a motion in their hands: they couldn’t help turning their heads to look at the place where the sound was coming from.

As the four people 4 turned their heads and looked, in the sight of the four people 4, those in the distance…In the originally sparse small forest, there are many trees falling down continuously, A burst of diffused dust continued to magnify in the line of sight.

“I’m going, what is that”

After waiting for a few seconds, in the sight of a few people, the dust in the sky swept in like a sandstorm.

And as the dust was close, the cheerful melody spread from far away.

“Let us live in harmony with the company”

“Strate a horse to share the prosperity of the world”

“Sing with joy to the wine.

“Grasp the Youth Vigorously”

Listening to the cheerful melody that came into their ears, the corners of their mouths twitched.

“What the hell is this singing?”

With such thoughts in mind, several people continued to look into the distance.

Soon, a few seconds later, as the distance got closer, the eyes of the few people already saw a boy riding a scarlet wolf, and while moving fast, the boy was still holding a bag in his hand. The potato chips were eaten slowly.

“Is this guy here for an outing?”

Seeing this scene, the two students from Shangling Middle School couldn’t help but twitch at the corners of their mouths.

“It’s Xiaobai”

And seeing a person and a wolf approaching quickly in the distance, Zhou Jia’s eyes suddenly brightened and couldn’t help but exclaim.

As Zhou Jia spoke, Jiang Xiaoxin, who was next to him, also identified the person on the other side at the moment, and the big stone in her heart finally fell.

However, the two girls Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia were happy, but the two students at Ling Middle School on the opposite side suddenly burst into their hearts.

Obviously, from the opposite of Zhou Jia’s words, the two of them couldn’t tell that… the one person and the wolf who were rushing towards them were clearly… Zhou Jia and the others.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai who was less than two hundred meters away from them in the distance, and then feeling the fluctuations of the star power that belonged to the first level of the Stardust Realm from Daha’s body during the fast running.

The two students from Shangling Middle School turned pale.

After looking at each other, the two students from Shangling Middle School had already turned their bodies, apart from anything else, they just… ran into the distance.

However, before the two of them ran far, every step of the Daha under Jiang Xiaobai’s body, there would be a flame condensed under his feet.

Under such changes, Daha’s speed rose in vain, a lot faster than before….It was only five or six seconds, and it took a leap. When it fell, bloody energy was already in the mouth, and more than a dozen blood blades had already condensed and flashed in the air, and the two students from Shangling Middle School in front of them were directly cut in half in a rapid leap.

During the whole process, it was almost too late for the two of them to even open the protective cover on the watch.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai, who was sitting on Daha eating potato chips and playing songs, Zhou Jia’s heart was…a pang of breath.

He and Jiang Xiaoxin were fighting here, but Jiang Xiaobai looked so leisurely.

In contrast, Zhou Jia, who was simply angry, wanted to hit someone to ease the jealousy in her heart.

“Hey, the two of you were lucky, and you got together directly.”

After collecting the watches in the hands of these two hapless boys, Jiang Xiaobai chuckled when he walked up to the two women.

“How come. If you come a little later, I guess you won’t see us if you come to see it.”

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a laid-back look, Zhou Jia didn’t have a good air.

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said: “There is no way, who made you two so bad luck, even teleported to such a far place, and everyone else will find you only after finding it together.”

“Everyone else is looking for it”

Zhou Jia asked in a daze.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, “Yes, it’s just you two.”

Zhou Jia was speechless for a while.

It’s no wonder that after so long, the co-author Jiang Xiaobai has found everyone else, but the two of them are the last.


At this time, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia both felt 1.

1 I feel that the vibration under my feet is becoming more and more obvious, and there are bursts of roaring from the side.

At this time, Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaobai also saw clearly those in the distance…those densely and tightly rushing towards this side…dimensional creatures.

“Xiao Bai, what’s going on”

Looking at the many dimensional creatures whose numbers were at least in three digits, Jiang Xiaoxin’s expression changed.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “It’s okay, it’s just the prey that was delivered to the door on the way. It will be just a while…and I will save it to collect it everywhere.”

As he said, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said, “Don’t talk about this…, you come up first, I will bring you together with other people and talk about the next thing.”

Afterwards, Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin went directly on Daha’s back one after the other:, while being sandwiched between the two women, especially feeling the two papaya belonging to Jiang Xiaoxin on the back, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly “oh” in his heart.

There was a sound.

At this moment, his expression slightly changed, and his heart couldn’t help but rippling.


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