Chapter 210 Fengshui takes turns, the points are increased crazily (4/5)

Outside the valley, as half of the participating students in the previous three consecutive hours were cleared, all the school leaders and students looked at the dimension space gate with concern.

I am worried that the next moment, the participating students of my school will quit this individual competition because of that…Wang Wenjie’s guy.

Fortunately, in the next time, maybe because the guy named Wang Wenjie stopped.Although there are still participating students who are brought out by rescuers from time to time, the frequency is not as exaggerated as before.

This is also to make other people in the valley feel at ease.

And those…A group of students who withdrew beforehand in the process stared at Wang Wenjie, who had already reached the top 50 rankings on the screen. The curse of this guy is best to die directly in the dimensional space.

At the same time, in the later time, many school leaders’ eyes were “four nines three”

Both stared at Zhu Huanchun unkindly.

Through inquiries from all aspects, people in various schools outside already knew that Wang Wenjie was a student in Shangling Middle School.

“Heh, it looks like you are already enemies everywhere in the Ling Middle School.”

Hearing the voice, Zhu Huanchun turned her head quickly, but found that she didn’t know when Xu Yan had already walked to her side, looking at herself with abusive expression.

Regarding this, Zhu Huanchun squinted his eyes and hummed: “It is mediocre to not be jealous. You think it is like the rubbish in your school. Now, there is not even one in the top 100, those students. Those students who can be cleaned up by Wang Wenjie are completely wasteful of themselves. Even if they are looking for problems, they can only find those students or their schools.”

However, just as Zhu Huanchun’s words fell, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

Turning his head and swiping it, he found that more than half of the school leader teachers in the field and those… who had just been eliminated from the game were staring at him badly.

At this time, Zhu Huanchun didn’t know where she was, and Xu Yan used her star power to float what she said so that everyone around him could hear it.

Most importantly, when Zhang Xukun and others on the high platform looked at them, their brows were also slightly frowned.


Suddenly, Zhu Huanchun, who was posed by Xu Yan, suddenly sank, and stared at Xu Yan bitterly.

Seeing this, Xu Yan chuckled lightly and said casually: “Don’t think that you are the only one who can use these little tricks.”

Zhu Huanchun took a breath and looked at Xu Yan with a gloomy face and said solemnly: “Okay, very good, I want to see when you can be arrogant, and wait until all the students in your school are killed. See if you are still as proud as you are now.”

Xu Yan chuckled, “Let’s talk about it when your students can do this! Don’t forget, now my Yucheng Middle School’s student subjects are all in the dimensional space, and you are dead in the Ling Middle School. Two.”

“Hey, look at the standings.”

At this moment, a student’s surprised voice suddenly sounded in the valley.

Hearing that, everyone subconsciously turned to the top of the standings.

In sight, in the third one that originally belonged to the 500 to 1,000 list, suddenly there are several students’ points data that are constantly changing.

Almost every less than a minute, there will be a student’s back a few points suddenly jump to the front to improve a ranking.

And what makes people care about is the “affiliated school” of these schools

They all belong to “Yucheng Middle School”

In other words, these students all belong to the same school.

There is only one possibility for such a change.

That is, the participating students of Yucheng Middle School have already met in the dimensional space.

Of course, that’s all. The reason why the expressions of all the people in the valley changed drastically at this moment was another student named Jiang Xiaobai who also belonged to Yucheng Middle School.

Unlike the other eight participating students in Yucheng Middle School, Jiang Xiaobai’s points change rapidly almost every few seconds.

Moreover, the change in its points is not an increase of ten to ten points, but an increase of hundreds of points.

In this kind of crazy growth, it has already rushed directly to the top 100, and a few seconds later, the ninety-nine students who were originally ranked in the front were pulled down.

“How can it be that there is a problem, how can this person’s points increase so fast”

“Yes! This kind of growth is too exaggerated! With a growth of hundreds of points, is it possible that he killed all the dimensional creatures of the fifth and sixth layers of the Stardust Realm.”

“Thinking too much, it grows so much every few seconds, doesn’t it mean that this guy directly faces a group of high-level silver dimensional creatures and can quickly kill you when he is the awakener of the Galaxy Realm”

……..All the students and the teacher of the brother’s school leader discussed each other 0……. and Zhang Xukun and other leaders on the stage were frowning at the moment, obviously feeling that this is called Jiang Xiaobai The increase in the points of participating students is indeed a bit strange.

Immediately, after thinking about it for a while, Zhang Xukun called a staff member to “Go and let the people inside find out what’s going on.”

Then, after waiting for almost five minutes, the staff member who had been called away by Zhang Xunkun had already returned, and then showed a segment of the image received on the phone to Zhang Xunkun and others.

Opening the video, when watching Jiang Xiaobai, who was holding an alloy longbow in front of a bunch of dimensional creatures and quickly shooting a dimensional creature in his hand, Zhang Xukun and the surrounding leaders’ eyes were bright.

Afterwards, Zhang Xunkun walked slowly to the edge of the high platform and said slowly: “After investigation, there is no problem in obtaining points for all students in the dimensional space.”

When this word fell, there was an uproar in the valley.

As Zhang Xunkun, naturally no one would doubt what he said, but in this way, it means that Jiang Xiaobai of Yucheng Middle School is really possible to face a group of high-level silver dimensional creatures with a single person before it is possible to get points. Such a skyrocket.

The meaning of various representatives can naturally be clear to those present.

For a while, all the school students and the leading teachers looked at that… it was still 1.

1Points constantly changing name, I couldn’t help taking a deep breath, shocked in my heart.

If the others around were just shocked, then Zhu Huanchun in the valley couldn’t believe it at all.

“How can it be just a school that can’t even enter the country’s 100 colleges and universities, how can there be such a strong student? This is impossible.”

“Heh, nothing is impossible, Zhu Huanchun, you’d better pray that your student won’t find students in my school, otherwise, it’s really possible that you will die.”

After speaking, Xu Yan already left with a big smile, her face full of complacency.

Similar looks, similar words, but the person who is speaking at this moment has a reverse.

Such a scene caused Zhu Huanchun’s eyes to see Xu Yan’s departed back, and the feeling of sorrow continued to fill.

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