Chapter 223 Yep? No small nails (2/5)

Staring at the opposite side of Jiang Xiaobai, she was lying on the ground almost four meters away.I don’t know if it was because of the punch in the head or because of a local injury.Even after falling, the body was still slightly convulsed after Wang Wenjie.

Everyone looked at the participating students in Shangling Middle School, who closed their eyes and kept their fists waving, and everyone was speechless.

“Is this a blow to my teammate to protect my enemy”

After pondering for a while, Yuan Yang asked quietly.

When Wei Zidong and others listened to Yuan Yang’s words, they all had a sense of laughter inexplicably.

At this moment, standing in front of Wang Wenjie, as he rubbed his eyes, the student of Shangling Middle School who had restored his vision was also clearly seeing Wang Wenjie lying in front of him.

Combined with the feeling of hitting the enemy with his comfort, he didn’t know where he was.The punch he just hit directly hit Wang Wenjie in the head.

He looked at his fist, and then at Wang Wenjie in front of him.

Suddenly, this student of Shangling Middle School had a kind of “” in his heart.

a feeling of.

Especially when I felt the weird lines of sight Jiang Xiaobai and others placed on him, this feeling suddenly increased.

After glancing at Wang Wenjie on the ground, Jiang Xiaobai thought for a moment, and then slowly approached Wang Wenjie.

Noting the movement of Jiang Xiao 493 Bai, the student from Shangling Middle School opposite by the name of Zhou Haoran couldn’t help taking a step back, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with an extremely alert expression.

I have to say that since meeting Jiang Xiaobai and others, Zhou Haoran felt something was wrong.

In other words, it feels a bit evil.

Obviously, the cooperation between himself and Wang Wenjie is good, even in the face of those…dimensional creatures, they can complement each other: they are not enough to kill them.

But when facing Jiang Xiaobai, they obviously didn’t have any action hands from beginning to end, but they were in frequent situations.

Before that, Zhou Haoran even knocked out his companion by the wrong hand.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn’t care about Zhou Haoran’s reaction.

After walking in front of Wang Wenjie, he kicked Wang Wenjie. After confirming that there was no response, Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, then glanced at Daha in his arms.

Then, in front of a group of people, Jiang Xiaobai directly lifted Daha, and after aiming at Wang Wenjie, Jiang Xiaobai whistled.

Jiang Xiaoxin and others: “…”

Zhou Haoran: “”

Perhaps he knew what Jiang Xiaobai meant now, or he was reacted by Jiang Xiaobai’s whistle.

A few seconds later, a stream of water shot out from beneath his body, and then sprayed towards Wang Wenjie.

Watching this scene, Zhou Haoran still doesn’t know what he is paying attention to now, his eyelids can’t help but jump fiercely, almost all of them can expect to wait: How did the little milk dog on the opposite wake up Jie with thunderous thunder NS.

For a while, Zhou Haoran couldn’t help swaying from side to side in the two thoughts of preventing the watch from changing.

However, two or three seconds later, the flow of water directed at Wang Wenjie in the air continued to flow, and even had a tendency to increase further.

Involuntarily, Zhou Haoran glanced at the little milk dog in his eyes.

“Well, there are no small nails.”

I don’t know if he noticed Zhou Haoran’s gaze, Daha’s dog eyes suddenly slanted.

When he noticed Zhou Haoran’s glance at her, Daha was… “Oh”

With a sound, her body twisted forcibly, and Zishui’s direction was… a side turned towards Zhou Haoran and rushed.

Zhou Haoran frowned and jumped to the side quickly.

After Jiang Xiaobai patted Daha’s dog’s head, Daha was to readjust his goal.

In the water that lasted for a few seconds, Wang Wenjie, who was originally lying on the ground, finally moved his eyelids, and then slowly opened his eyes.

When I opened my eyes, the first picture that came into my eyes was… the picture of Daha spreading continuously and constantly nourishing himself.

After experiencing the initial loss, Wang Wenjie, who understood how he woke up, couldn’t help but roar.

After hearing Wang Wenjie’s roar, Daha, who was already urinating heartily, seemed to be frightened, and the flow of water in the air instantly broke off.

And Daha couldn’t help shivering.

Afterwards, staring at Wang Wenjie, Daha’s two small eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and the blood-red energy in his mouth condensed, and a blood blade directly smashed it.

In an instant, Wang Wenjie was already cut in half by this blood blade.

Then, it was so cold.

Jiang Xiaobai:…Originally, Da Haben was turning his back to him, so when Jiang Xiaobai noticed Da Ha, before he had time to stop Wang Wenjie, he was…cut in half.

Looking at the proud “Oh”

With a loud bang, Jiang Xiaobai had a black line, and couldn’t help but backhand…slapped Daha’s dog with a slap on the head.

Slapped in the slap by Jiang Xiaobai, Haddon was aggrieved at Jiang Xiaobai “Woo”

There were two beeps.

Too lazy to take care of the stupid dog, and after throwing it aside, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhou Haoran who was already dumbfounded at Wang Wenjie’s corpse.

Feeling Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze, Zhou Haoran, who was immersed in the death of Wang Wenjie, turned her head.

With his eyes facing each other, Zhou Haoran trembled as he noticed the arc of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth.

Even if I don’t even think about it, I want to activate the functions on the watch.

But just as Zhou Haoran just raised one hand, with a flower in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai, who was a few meters away, appeared in front of Zhou Haoran as if he was teleporting, and one hand grabbed Zhou Haoran and turned towards the watch. Close hand.

“Ok, so fast”

Watching this scene, Zhou Haoran’s heart shook wildly.

Jiang Xiaobai had never done anything before, so Zhou Haoran had no idea about Jiang Xiaobai’s strength.

But at the speed that Jiang Xiaobai showed at this moment, Zhou Haoran can be sure that Jiang Xiaobai’s strength is definitely above the third level of the Stardust Realm.

After experiencing the tricks, and before knowing about it, I was outside the valley, then Zhu Huanchun was…putting Huan Ningxiang on himself so that Wang Wenjie and others could track them in this meta-space.

After getting the news he wanted, Jiang Xiaobai used his wrist slightly, twisted Zhou Haoran’s neck to one side, tilted his head and chuckled, “Heh, is it interesting to hunt us?”


However, at this moment, a roar with a fierce aura came silently from a distance.

Under this roar, faint roars also emerged from the surroundings in this meta-space.


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