Chapter 230 Even if you die (4/5)

The individual competition is temporarily over, and everyone returns to their hotel.

After all, it was 20 hours of continuous battle, coupled with the changes in the dimensional space that followed, it can be said that every participating student is exhausted.

Even after Jiang Xiaobai returned to the hotel, Shi Shiran got up after sleeping for almost ten hours.

In the room where people from Yucheng Middle School such as He Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, and Yuan Yang talked and laughed while eating and chatting on the floor of the hotel where they were eating, Wei Zidong spoke a little worried.

“The day after tomorrow is… the ring is played, and I don’t know which schools we will hit as enemies.”

“I don’t know, but this time we won the top nine in the individual competition. I’m afraid that every school will see it as a thorn in our eyes.”

.. “Four Nine Three”

…. Also during the discussion, Yuan Yang casually said while holding a chicken drumstick: “Why do you want to do so much anyway… With Xiaobai, everyone can do their best.”

Hearing this, the eyes of all of them brightened, and their hearts calmed down as they looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was teasing Daha.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai’s strength was obvious to everyone in the dimension space before.

Even the dimensional creatures of the ninth level of the Stardust Realm can be killed in seconds, and the students who participated in the competition this time, the strongest is equivalent to the six or seven of the Stardust Realm, the appearance of the layer, there is no need to worry.

However, in the chat room where everyone put down the big stone in their hearts, a student in this restaurant looked at Jiang Xiaobai on one side, frowned, and suddenly stood up and walked towards the side where Jiang Xiaobai and others were. .

Noting the movements of the participating student, Jiang Xiaobai also turned his head one after another.

After Huan glanced at Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and others, the student’s eyes were already concentrated on Jiang Xiaobai.

“You’re the one who killed Wang Wenjie in the dimensional space… the participating student”

Hearing what the participating student said, several people squinted their eyes and began to guess the relationship between the participating student and Wang Wenjie.

Jiang Xiaobai also raised his eyebrows, and said casually: “Yes, why do you want to get him back?”

It was confirmed from Jiang Xiaobai’s side, and the student who participated in the competition suddenly became awe-inspiring.

The reaction of the participating student was seen in the eyes of everyone, and it also made Jiang Xiaoxin and others look on guard.

But just when Jiang Xiaobai thought that the other party was already ready to do it, the product walked aside, and a few seconds later, he walked to Jiang Xiaobai with a glass of drink.

“My name is Li Shengduo. You killed Wang Wenjie. I made your friend. If I meet you in the ring later, I will be merciful.”

After speaking, the participating student still patted Fear Jiang on the shoulder as a sign before turning to leave.

The behavior of this student made Jiang Bai and others look blank, and the student’s brain was sick.

But while Jiang Xiaobai and others were at a loss, Peng Rou suddenly said timidly: “Perhaps, I know what’s going on.”

Afterwards, through Peng Rou, Jiang Xiaobai and others, they explained what was going on.

But after Jiang Xiaobai cleared the field in the dimension space before, as the participating students were eliminated, no one saw Jiang Xiaobai’s appearance, just heard the phrase “I, Wang Wenjie, book the field”

Naturally, after being eliminated, these…The students who were eliminated from the competition really thought that the person who pitted them was Wang Wenjie.

After being taken away from the dimension space by rescuers, they all yelled at Wang Wenjie.

And yesterday in the valley, after learning from Zhu Huanchun’s mouth that Jiang Xiaobai had killed Wang Wenjie, the students who were…

After understanding the reason, Yuan Yang asked with a weird expression: “So, the guy just now came to thank Xiaobai for this reason.”

After Wei Zidong next to him pondered for a while, he nodded faintly and said, “It looks like it is really the case.”

Listening to the question and answer of the two, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and the others fell silent for a while.

Others don’t know, but they know.

It was not Wang Wenjie who cleared out the half of the participating students, but Jiang Xiaobai0…So, the current situation is…After the guy was scammed by Jiang Xiaobai just now, he was still against Jiang Xiaobai. thank.

“This guy, isn’t he a fool?”

After understanding this, everyone twitched their mouths and looked at the student who had already sat back in their original position.

Afterwards, what surprised everyone was that after the beginning of that Li Shengduo, there were constantly participating students in the restaurant walking up to Jiang Xiaobai, or directly to Jiang Xiaobai to offer a drink to express their feelings, or to show their own. manner.

Facing the enthusiasm of the students, Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while and then stood up and said, “Well, you are welcome, then Wang Wenjie should act like this. It should be okay to kill him, it should be.”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s righteous words and sincere expression, the surrounding students couldn’t help but nod their heads.

They all feel that Jiang Xiaobai is a good person.

Later, some self-acquainted students actually took the initiative to talk to Jiang Xiaobai, and some of them were… the local students of the Magic City recommended themselves, claiming to be a tour guide after this competition and take Jiang Xiaobai to have a good time in the Magic City.

Glancing at the enthusiastic students next to Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Yang couldn’t help covering his face with one hand, and couldn’t help thinking in his heart.

If one day, these…The participating students know that they were grateful at the beginning, and they will hate it 1.

1 Jiang Xiaobai, who has to talk about the wine, is actually the one who knocked them out of the dimension space.

I don’t know this…Will the students in the contest be angry and scold Wang Wenjie to pity Wang Wenjie, even if they are dead, they still have to put a black pot on Jiang Xiaobai’s back.

And it’s still the kind that can’t be explained.

But what shocked Wei Zidong and others more was Jiang Xiaobai’s performance at the moment.

It seems that the previous behavior is really…what Wang Wenjie did, everything has nothing to do with Jiang Xiaobai himself.

On the contrary, it made those…the students who were originally scammed more firmly believe that the one who had been in the dimensional space before was…Wang Wenjie himself.

Wei Zidong couldn’t help but screamed “Shamelessly!”

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