Chapter 236 Prostate brakes? (5/5)

Generally speaking, unless the skill that makes people kneel down is accumulated, it is possible to cause a little damage to the target.

But that…the accumulation of dozens of damages is also limited.

But now, Tao Long is relying on his own talent skills, after kneeling down once, the effect of the damage-type talent skills is displayed.

I have to say that this gameplay is indeed a new idea.

The surrounding audience members who were already watching the competition looked at Tao Long who was kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai on the ring and couldn’t help but ask a question mark on his face.

Tao Long’s methods were so harsh that it made people scream, even if he had defeated his opponent, he would be abusive.

I originally thought that when facing Jiang Xiaobai, it would be a fierce battle, but I didn’t think that Tao Long was playing for a while…After the scenes that disappeared and appeared, he knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

It’s still this way…it hurts to make people breathe.

Fortunately, these…The people in Shangling Middle School were confused when looking at the situation here, but the people in Yucheng Middle School were accustomed to it.

After glancing at Tao Long’s situation, he was already taking advantage of the fact that the students of Ling Middle School on the opposite side were stunned to continue to do it, attracting these…The participating students in Shangling Middle School forcibly retracted their attention 07 Continue to respond to Jiang Xiaoxin and others’ attacks.

Not to mention the surrounding audience and students, even Zhu Huanchun frowned when he looked at Tao Long who was too superior.

“That kid, what is he doing to make him kill? What does he mean to kneel down for that guy?”

Those around…contained surprises and doubts gaze on him, but Tao Long had no time to take care of it.

It was not only because of the sharp pain spreading from Tao Long’s knee position at the moment, but also because of the loss in his heart.

If it is said that the first time the talent skills are out of control, Tao Long can still be blamed… for himself.. The talent skills are not fully controlled, then the subsequent dozens of deviations in position will make Tao Long feel a little inexplicable.

This made Tao Long not clear what was going on with his talent skills, why every time he used it, there would be a deviation of about one meter from the expected position.

This is obviously not normal.

“I said, you just said so many ruthless things, but now you kneel to me without saying anything, is the contrast between the front and the back a bit too big?”

When Tao Long was thinking about his strange situation, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Tao Long in front of him, tilted his head, and asked.

Hearing this, looking at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, Tao Long’s eyes were full of killing intent.

“Am I kneeling on you!”

In the verbal abuse, Tao Long had already forcibly stood up, raised the scimitar in his hand, and waved it at Jiang Xiaobai.


But when Tao Long just stood up, I don’t know if the heavy kneeling just made his legs have not recovered, Tao Long who has just gotten up is already kneeling on the ground again.

Feeling the pain from the position of his knee, Tao Long couldn’t help but cursed again.

However, if it were once or twice, in the next time, Tao Long was deeply aware of what the end of the world was.

Obviously, there is no distance between himself and Jiang Xiaobai.

But whenever he stood up and just took a step, Tao Long knelt on the ground uncontrollably.

It’s as if this ring is attractive to one’s knees and can’t help but want intimate contact.

In the process, every time Tao Long stepped forward and knelt on the ground, Xiao Bai just… took a step back.

Now, obviously a minute has passed, but the distance between himself and Jiang Xiaobai has not changed at all.

A short distance of one meter, but it seems like a moat.

This can’t help making Tao Long feel very evil.

Finally, after kneeling down again, Tao Long was silent, staring at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him and did not continue to move, but held the weapon in his hand tightly for defense Jiang Xiaobai took advantage of now to act on himself.

“Oh, I’m going to come here to kneel down.”

Glancing at the situation of Tao Long in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly.

After that, my heart moved.


At the next moment, Tao Long’s ears already heard a slight noise.

At the same time, a strong pain instantly came from the local area.

Under this intense pain, Tao Long’s neck was already stalked, and the green veins on his neck were prominent, and cold sweat spilled from his forehead and back.

“Oh oh–”

After holding back for a few seconds, intermittent howls of pain had already emerged from Tao Long’s mouth.

Under this sudden stimulus, Tao Long jumped directly from the ground like a spring.

But at the moment Tao Long’s body jumped up from the ground, as two streams of light emerged, Tao Long, who had just stood up, was already kneeling on the ground again.

This kneeling not only deepened the pain in the knee just now, but also affected the muscles and wounds around Tao Long with this large-scale movement.

Suddenly, the pain that hit the knee and the local two places at the same time made Tao Long understand what is sour.

But compared to the pain from standing up, Tao Long is the forcible ninja staring at Jiang Xiaobai with pain.

“It turns out that you bastard was doing the trick before.”

Listening to the verbal abuse in Tao Long’s mouth, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were half-squinted, and a touch of meaning already appeared in his eyes.

It was also when Jiang Xiaobai was ready to be patient and play with Tao Long in front of him, suddenly he felt a little movement behind him.

Turning his head slightly, in Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight, an awakened person on the first level of the Stardust Realm on the Shangling Middle School forced back the siege of Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia. ‘S approached to himself.

Obviously, this Shangling Middle School had already sensed that Tao Long’s situation was wrong here, and was ready to help.

However, just when the student from Shangling 493 Middle School rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai like an arrow from the string, a student from Shangling Middle School turned out to be directly using his talent skills when the others in the field were fighting. The ground around the ring was stained with ice crystals.

At the same time, the student on the first floor of the Stardust Realm quickly approached Jiang Xiaobai.Suddenly, his legs suddenly became weak.After rolling a few laps between his body imbalance, he directly slid towards Jiang Xiaobai on his back.

However, during the continuous sliding of the student’s body, it turned out to be on top of the ice crystal, leaving a line-shaped trace along the way.

It’s as if someone took a stick and left a mark on this ice crystal.

When he was about five meters away from Jiang Xiaobai, the star power fluctuations appeared on the student’s body, and then forced the student to turn his body and flip it again before kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

After the participating student knelt in front of him, he looked at this trembling, his face was pale without the slightest blood and contained a painful face, and then looked at the trace that was nearly ten meters away.

Jiang Xiaobai looked down and stayed at the crotch of the participating student, looking at the place where the outer layer of trousers had been worn through, revealing the red crayon Xiaoxin patterned underpants inside.

“Before, the prostate brakes”

After faintly understanding the source of the imprint on this ice crystal, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but tugged, and there was already a strange look on his face.

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