Chapter 253 Obviously, it was agreed to go together, but you suddenly ran away in the car (2/5)

It has been a common practice for many years to hold a celebration banquet after the national college competition.

Said it is a celebration banquet, but in fact, it is just that each school selects potential or favorite students to recruit to their own school and let the top ten… Just get in touch and get to know it.

Because this time the hotel where the champion Yucheng Middle School stayed at the Bailingniao Hotel.

Therefore, the celebration banquet was also held in the hotel of Jiang Xiaobai and others, but…

After taking the elevator to the floor where the celebration banquet was located, Jiang Xiaobai and others also slowly entered the hall.The original students and the leaders of each school turned their heads to look at the door.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai, whose handsome face was entrusted with more sunshine in a simple casual outfit, I don’t know how many boys are slightly sour among the participating students:.

Nothing else, just because Jiang Xiaobai is sandwiched between Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin at the moment, still holding Daha in his arms.

A typical posture of a life winner 493.

After all the school personnel who entered the top ten rankings arrived this time, Zhang Xukun’s leaders had already entered the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, these…After the leader’s eyes turned around, he placed them all on Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

However, Zhang Xukun, who was walking in the front, had a kind expression and gentle eyes.

Obviously, from the reactions of these leaders, it was already known from Zhang Xukun that he had decided to enter Jiangnan University.

In this regard, Jiang Xiaobai has no choice.

After all, I am only one, and it is impossible to cut ten parts apart, there are always some people who are happy and others are worried.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn’t feel that he didn’t agree with the proposal of other school leaders, how much the other party would care.

After all, his performance is only to say that he has the potential to make them tempted.

Therefore, after taking a look at Jiang Xiaobai, the leaders of other schools have already looked away.

When Zhang Xukun and others arrived, and the surrounding…After the leader of the team nodded and said hello, it was already with the others.

Then, after a few speeches, the celebration banquet also began.

Casually walking with Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin to the place where they choose their own food, a figure ignores those around them…The participating students walked directly towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Turning his head to look, it was before.

Zhou Lu, the captain of the participating students of Xinhan Middle School, was second in the national college competition this time.

When I saw Zhou Lu before, Jiang Xiaobai was also very bright.

Many girls from various schools participated in the competition as participating students this time.

But among so many girls, the only one is to make Jiang Xiaobai shine, it can be said that it is no worse than Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia.

Moreover, in terms of temperament, compared to Jiang Xiaoxin’s cold and arrogant free and easy, Zhou Lu is rather faintly capable.

At this moment, Zhou Lu changed into a long skirt, which was a bit more gentle than being in the ring during the day.

After walking to Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Lu said directly: “You have decided to join Jiangnan University.”

Jiang Xiaobai, who conveniently sandwiched a piece of food cooked by a gold-level dimensional creature into his own dish, said: “Well, is there any problem?”

Hearing this, Zhou Lu said directly: “I suggest that you can join Hanhai Academy. After entering Hanhai Academy, I will form a team. Then I hope you can join my team.”

When speaking, Zhou Lu faintly spoke with a somewhat commanding tone, which caused Jiang Xiaobai to raise his brows slightly.

After all, he and Zhou Lu are not close together.It can be said that they fought in the ring before, and now the other party wants to control: his own decision, and still use this tone.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai kept moving in his hands and said casually: “Sorry, I already have a team.”

Zhou Lu glanced at Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin who were beside Jiang Xiaobai and then said slowly: “You can have better teammates.”

Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang are already with Jiang Xiaobai now.

It can be said that Zhou Lu’s words are naturally heard clearly.

Naturally, whatever…

Both Jiang Xiaoxin and Yuan Yang looked slightly unhappy.

Zhou Jia couldn’t help but frown and said, “Hey, what do you mean by this?”

Zhou Lu looked at Zhou Jia and said, “Is there a problem? Although your strength is good, but your current level is too low. If you are with Jiang Xiaobai, it will inevitably become a drag, just like the previous ring. .

If it weren’t for his presence, you alone would not be able to enter even the first fifty.”

“Heh, if you put me in the same grade as you, believe it or not, you will be full of teeth.”

Zhou Jia disdainfully said.

Zhou Lu’s age is almost seventeen, and Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin, Jiang Xiaobai and even Yuan Yang are only 16,1616 years old.

The strength and level of Zhou Jia and others are definitely top-notch peers.

But Jiang Xiaobai’s talent and strength are too exaggerated.Looking at the whole country, I am afraid that there is no such abnormality as Jiang Xiaobai, so it makes Zhou Jia and the others feel weak.

Zhou Lu responded quietly: “I believe this, but the gap is… the gap, do you want Jiang Xiaobai to keep waiting for your level and strength to improve?”

Zhou Jia’s words suddenly stagnated.

Of course, although Zhou Jia is confident that he and Jiang Xiaoxin, Yuan Yang and others are absolutely not bad in talent and strength, as Zhou Lu said at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai has already thrown them too far.

For a time, no matter…

It was Zhou Jia, even Jiang Xiaoxin, and even Yuan Yang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

The situation between Jiang Xiaobai and them now is like “Walking together with them clearly stated, but you suddenly ran away in the car, and people couldn’t catch up with them.”

“Well, we have to eat next, your kindness has been accepted.”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai already waved his hand.

Seeing this, Zhou Lu narrowed her eyes and said in a deep voice: “I hope you can think about it, classmate Jiang, after all, it’s about your future.”

When the words fell, Zhou Lu turned and left.


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