Chapter 275 I don’t want to talk to you and threw a big haha ​​(4/5)

In the following half an hour, Jiang Xiaobai also saw three dimensional creatures of Dark Demon Elf, Dark Demon Elf Hunter, and Elite Dark Demon Elf respectively while wandering around.

Strictly speaking, the strength of these three dimensional creatures is at most equivalent to those students who were revealed in the college competition last week…

After all, humanoid dimensional creatures like dark demon elves are different from other dimensional creatures, with thick skin and infinite power.

If the Dark Demon Elf is singled out, it can be said that the strength is definitely relatively poor at the same level.

It’s just that because of the surrounding environment and the dark demon elves themselves, they are not inferior to ordinary people, and they know how to think.

That’s why the danger is so great.

Then, after waiting for almost twenty minutes, Jiang Xiaobai stepped into a place with some accumulation of bones around.

“Four Nine Three” in Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight

In, around here, there are already about seventy dark demon elves surrounded Jiang Xiaobai.

The bloodthirsty and crazy eyes are staring at Jiang Xiaobai who is surrounded by the middle.

Especially when looking at the white flesh of Jiang Xiaobai, in the eyes of these dark demon elves, Jiang Xiaobai actually felt obvious greed.

It is different from the ordinary dimensional creatures hunting and awakening.

The Dark Demon Elf is a dimensional creature that is already demonized, and it has a strong greed for the flesh and blood of the body of the awakened.

In other words, my awakened person whose body is full of star power is like a dimensional creature like the dark demon elves, which is no different from a delicious food.


It was also when Jiang Xiaobai was surrounded by these dimensional creatures, a low roar suddenly sounded in the dark area in the distance.

Afterwards, while surrounding Jiang Xiaobai to obtain a few dark demon elves, he had already retreated aside to make way.

Surrounded by several elite dark demon elves, a group of dark demon elves with an apparent height of about 1.8 meters, a slender figure more similar to ordinary people, and a slightly softer facial features, slowly entered Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight. middle.

Glancing at the dimensional creature on the opposite side that was surrounded by a few elite dark demon elves, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were half-squinted, and the identity of the other party was still unclear.

It was surprisingly the leader of the dark demon elves with the strongest level in this meta-space.

When Jiang Xiaobai was looking at the leader of the Dark Demon Elf, the other party’s eyes were also placed on Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

Afterwards, the leader of the dark demon elves said: “嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤…”

Jiang Xiaobai: “…….”

To be honest, under the original surroundings and the background of these dozens of dark demon elves, the leader of the dark demon elves appeared on the stage, inexplicably, but also faintly assumed a bit of power.

It gives people an incredible feeling.

But with this dark demon elf commanding an exit, that “嘤嘤嘤”

Jiang Xiaobai felt that the style of painting was abrupt, making it a bit different, and it felt extremely awkward.

It’s like the original…the size is halfway up, and suddenly I feel constipated. I can’t get out and can’t go back and forth. There is only one sentence in my heart.

I have to say, the Creator is really amazing.

I gave these guys a look that could laugh and cry children, but they gave such a weird voice.

Under this unspeakable depression and daring, Jiang Xiaobai, who was still holding the mentality of playing a bit, suddenly looked black.

Immediately, after taking a light breath, Jiang Xiaobai expressed that he did not want to speak to the leader of the dark demon elf, and threw a big ha at it.

Seeing Daha who changed his voice and became the form of the blood wolf king, the leader of the dark demon elves in the distance couldn’t help but be stunned.

Then, holding a wooden stick that was cut on both sides and was extremely sharp, and with a faint metallic texture, he quickly swung it and shouted at the surroundings.

Suddenly, the crowds of Dark Demon elves around were rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai and Daha quickly.

In response, Daha screamed disdainfully, the bloody energy in his mouth filled.

After a while, there were already several blood blades running rampant in the air, directly spreading out, and cutting nearly ten dark demon elves that were approaching in half.

Immediately afterwards, when the flames condensed on Daha’s limbs, flames of flames were already appearing in the air.

Relying on his own speed and talent skills, as a mutant blood wolf king, even if he faces dozens of times as many as his own, and many of them are dimensional creatures with higher levels than himself, Daha is not at all. Virtual.

And the surrounding dark demon elves originally had a part of 0 that also rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai… But when he saw Jiang Xiaobai’s head, he didn’t even turn his head. After the head exploded.

Dark Demon Elf: “……..”

The remaining ones………the dark demon elves that originally wanted to deal with Jiang Xiaobai’s hands together: Later, the strong desire to survive makes these………… The unanimous goal of the dark demon elves turned to Daha and rushed over.

Seeing that in less than two minutes, the younger brother on his side has already been killed by Daha.

The leader of the Dark Demon Elf who was still standing far away already roared.

In the next moment, a black light had already emerged from the body led by this dark demon elf, and it turned into a black shadow and swept towards Daha.

Noting the movement on one side, Daha swept his body and wanted to dodge.

But the speed of this shadow is too fast, even if he sees it in Daha’s current situation, he can’t react at all.

Later, when Daha touched this black shadow, this black shadow had already diffused, turning into a black prison phantom and directly shrouded Daha in it.

It is the talented skill that this Dark Demon Elf commanded itself, the Dark Prison Cage.

Noting the situation around him, Daha directly condensed the blood blade and slashed at these…the black cage.

But under the attack, the blood blade passed directly through the black cage.

But when you are a big brother 1.

1 When he wanted to pass through this black cage, he was blocked from returning.

This bizarre scene can’t help making the pug’s face all puzzled and at a loss.


Seeing those around…the dark demon spirit continued to surround himself, Daha finally could only ask for help from Jiang Xiaobai who was watching the show.

Looking at the cage that imprisoned Daha directly, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

Afterwards, he glanced at the leader of the Dark Demon Elf with pride on his face, Jiang Xiaobai dodged.

The figure looked like a ghost, and after a few flashes in the air, he already appeared next to the leader of the dark demon elf.

The bowstring in his hand is directly on the neck of the dark demon elf, and at the same time, a dagger is already aimed at the small nail of the dark demon elf.

After raising his eyebrows, Jiang Xiaobai said coldly: “Stop, otherwise, I will castrate you.”


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