Chapter 279 Don’t be caught by him, otherwise life is worse than death (3/5)

An hour later, a figure staggered toward this dark dimensional space.

Liu Li, whose vision was already blurred, stared at the fire-emitting place thousands of meters away.

Just before, for an hour in a row, no one knew what kind of torture Liu Li and the others had suffered.

That… the leader of the dark demon elves is a pervert, a lunatic.

At the beginning, the leader of the dark demon elves found that his weapon was too sharp after stabbing an awakened person in twos or twos with the sharp wooden stick in his hand.

So in the back, I found a branch the size of a baby’s arm and stabbed it frantically.

None of the remaining four 44 awakened, Liu Li, were spared, and each of them was stabbed hundreds of times.

Not only that, but in the subsequent process, that…the leader of the dark demon elves still let those………the dark demon elves tied their hands backhands and hung them one by one with their own feet. After about three meters in the air, suddenly loosen… the rope.

And when one of them fell to the ground, he slammed it.

This kind of gameplay is simply unheard of.

Seeing that one by one is about to be played to death.

At this time, one of the talent skills Liu Li’s team awakened after entering the Stardust Realm was that the Awakener who could evoke all of his own star power in an instant and blew himself up, and finally released this talent skill that he had never used before. .

As the leader of the dark demon elves was caught off guard and blew up, the surrounding…the dark demon elves were also in chaos, and Liu Li took advantage of the chaos to escape.

Just thinking of the previous…nightmare-like images, Liu Li felt a trembling feeling in his heart.

Even after taking two recovery potions in succession for the first time after escaping, the injuries on his body have long since no blood spilled, but that… the pain seemed to reverberate in every part of the body.

However, even though the injury at this moment has recovered, the blood lost during Liu Li’s only hour could not be recovered through the body’s hematopoietic function in such a short time.

Therefore, by now, Liu Li can be said to have fallen into weakness.

At this moment, if he encounters another dimensional creature, Liu Li is definitely dead or alive.

But I have to say that Liu Li’s luck is so good.

At this moment, the location and direction of Liu Li’s running was the one that Jiang Xiaobai had walked before.

Therefore, all the dimensional creatures that did not have long eyes along the way were directly solved by Jiang Xiaobai or Daha.

In this way, after running all the way for ten minutes, Liu Li finally… planted into the open space where the bonfire was.

Seeing Liu Li’s body covered in blood and his face turned pale, some of the awakened people in the clearing at this moment turned their heads and looked over.

When seeing the face of the person who fell on the ground clearly, an awakened person who also often acted in this meta-space couldn’t help but sighed, “This is not Wang Tianxiang and their… team member Liu Li, how could it be like this?”

While talking, the awakened person walked up and helped Liu Li up.

When he took out the water and handed it to Liu Li, Liu Li was relieved. The Awakener looked at Liu Li’s miserable look at this moment and couldn’t help asking: “Old Liu, why did you do so miserable other people in your team? ”

After regaining his senses, Liu Li looked at the person in front of him.

Crying aloud.

That is a kind of aftermath, the pain after life.

Seeing Liu Li, a person who is about to forty years old, crying like a child who has been wronged and humiliated by the heavens, the awakened people around him have even more doubts.

Perhaps it was the torture just now that was too destructive to the body and mind, or that after experiencing the previous…After inhuman treatment, Liu Li now continues a cathartic outlet:.

Therefore, in the midst of crying bitterly, Liu Li choked and vomited slowly to explain the experience they had suffered before.

And when I heard what Liu Li said, these… awakened people, without exception, put their eyes on Liu Li’s knees and were completely saturated with blood, through The surrounding fire can clearly see the blood scab on the pants.

“The leader of the dark demon elves is simply a beast. Once you find that you can’t kill and commit suicide, you must not be caught by him, otherwise… life is better than death.”

Perhaps in the process, it is inevitable to think of the pictures and memories that were before…

After speaking the last sentence, Liu Li fainted directly.

Even when he passed out, Liu Li’s body twitched from time to time, and his two hands tightly protected his part.

Faced with what Liu Li almost brought out with his blood and crying, for a while, after listening to Liu Li’s own experience, the awakened were silent.

I have to say that the impact of Liu Li’s words on them is too great.

In the past… there are many awakened people who have seen the command of the dark demon elves.

…But most of them dodge away directly after seeing them.

I never thought that the leader of the Dark Demon Elf had such a unique taste and liked to torture the awakened in this way.

After a while, an awakened person didn’t know if he had more brainpower, and accidentally brought himself into the picture created by Liu Li just now.

A few seconds later, the body of the awakened person was… trembling fiercely, feeling that his blood was concentrated in a local area, and he couldn’t help taking a breath.

Then, I looked at the dark invisible environment ten meters away by the bonfire, and then listened to the rustling of the surrounding leaves.

After a moment of silence, the awakened person suddenly spoke to a companion next to him: “Well, Brother Zhou, I suddenly felt that I lacked some colorful spider silk armor, or today, we will temporarily let them go. ……..How about the Dark Demon Elf going to the colorful spider dimension space”

Hearing the words of the awakened person next to him, the other people next to him nodded quickly, and quickly reflexed and stepped into the dimension space door with a feeling of avoidance.

With these people taking the lead, the rest of the awakened people also set off.

In less than a minute, the awakened people who had originally gathered around the open space of the Yuan Space Gate all left.

Only the bonfire around the open space and the blood stains in the place where Liu Li lay before proved that something had happened before.


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