Chapter 292 The old lady is only worth one hundred yuan? (1/5)

In a blink of an eye, it was Kong Haixiang who had already followed Jiang Xiaobai’s room.

After taking a look at the situation in the room, Kong Haixiang sat in Jiang Xiaobai’s dress, propped one hand on his body and said: “Xiaobai, your room is…very tidy, and Ordinary sloppy boys are different!”

Jiang Xiaobai closed the closet and asked: “Senior sister has seen other boys’ rooms”

Kong Haixiang smiled, “I used to go to the boys’ dormitory by chance in college, and I learned about it.”

“A girl, go to the boys’ dormitory to find out”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Kong Haixiang slightly.

But before Jiang Xiaobai could speak, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a wave of star power suddenly spread from the body of Kong Haixiang in front of him.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt hot and dry in his body.

However, the whole process is very short, but after less than half a second, it has disappeared without a trace.

“Is it a natural skill for seduction or hypnosis?”

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were slightly condensed, and he sneered in his heart.

Long ago, Jiang Xiaobai felt that Kong Haixiang had some problems in front of him.

Not to mention the fact that Kong Haixiang was locked out of the door for takeout.

It was a little weird just because Kong Haixiang stumbled on his left foot and his right foot after entering the door.

After that, the other party didn’t have that kind of guard between strangers at all, aside from that, it just… got into the bathroom and washed up without anyone else, even the door was not closed.

If this is replaced by an adolescent boy, it is totally unbearable.

No matter how you look at it, it’s not normal.

But since someone took the initiative to send it to the door, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t mind having a good time to see who wanted to disadvantage him.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai pretended to be hazy in his eyes, and at the same time the star power revolved, making his face slightly red.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction, Kong Haixiang smiled in his heart, and then slowly stood up and stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai, placing his green fingers on Jiang Xiaobai’s face.

“Xiao Bai, you are so handsome, there must be many little girls in your school like you…!”

At this moment, Kong Haixiang still had the timid and innocent feeling in her body.

Coupled with the look on his face at the moment and the nightdress on his body, it is faintly charming with a touch of amorous feelings.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai swept his dim eyes up and down Kong Haixiang, then smiled softly, “Sister, how are you!”


This sudden sentence made Kong Haixiang who caught off guard almost twisted her waist.

Looking at the dim look in Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes, Kong Haixiang can be sure that Jiang Xiaobai should have been affected by his talent skills.

One of Kong Haixiang’s talent skills can make the target extremely obsessed with himself in a short period of time, knowing it all, so now Jiang Xiaobai’s sentence should be to praise himself.

But who is so boastful that people use “”

This word describes it. Therefore, facing Jiang Xiaobai’s fist at this moment, I couldn’t help but clenched it, and there was a kind of “” in my heart.

a feeling of.

After taking a deep breath, Kong Haixiang forced a grudging smile from his face, two jade arms wrapped around Jiang Xiaobai’s waist and stuck himself on top, and then exhaled: “Then would you like to be with Senior Sister? Do some interesting things”

Listening to the words of Kong Haixiang in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai groaned for a while, and said quietly: “A hundred yuan is enough?”

Kong Haixiang: “”

Kong Haixiang was a little dazed, and he didn’t realize what Jiang Xiaobai meant for a while.

After the reaction was over, Kong Haixiang still didn’t know where Jiang Xiaobai was talking about the price.

And it seems that the price of prostitution is still discussed.

“Drafted, my old lady is only worth one hundred yuan”

At this moment, Kong Haixiang couldn’t help cursing in her heart.

At the same time, his face is slightly dark, “What nonsense?”

Jiang Xiaobai is weak and weak: “Then, just add more than fifty.”

“Inhale, exhale”

Kong Haixiang has never seen someone like Jiang Xiaobai after hitting his talent skills for so many years.

Too disgusting and irritating.

At this moment, Kong Haixiang doubted whether the information he had obtained before was fake.

This guy is really only a 1616-year-old high school student. Why listen to these words like an old prostitute with a small belly! The more and more angry Kong Haixiang is already lazy to take care of others, the only thought in Kong Haixiang’s heart now is… Kill the bastard in front of him.

Immediately, when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai again, Kong Haixiang was already killing intent in his eyes.

However, just as Kong Haixiang looked at Jiang Xiaobai with murderous intent in his eyes at this moment, there was already a star power rising in his body when he was ready to do it.

An inexplicable and strong impulse has already surfaced in Kong Haixiang’s heart, and it quickly occupied the brain.

With a feeling of numbness behind the knee socket, Kong Haixiang’s body already knelt down with difficulty.

At the same time, because Kong Haixiang’s hands were around Jiang Xiaobai’s waist before.

Suddenly kneeling down at this moment and losing control of his body, Kong Haixiang’s hand originally held Jiang Xiaobai’s hand, but because of the drop in his body’s altitude, he moved from encircling Jiang Xiaobai’s waist to now encircling Jiang Xiaobai’s legs.

In addition, the distance at this moment is already high, and a face is aimed at the location of Jiang Xiaobai’s nails.

Slightly lowered his head and looked at Kong Haixiang, who was surrendering and kneeling in front of him at the moment, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but raise his brows.

“After a second or two, Jiang Xiaobai said with a weird expression.

Originally staring at the position of Jiang Xiaobai’s zipper in front of him, Kong Haixiang, who was stunned, heard Jiang Xiaobai’s words again, and he was already shaking with anger.

Finally couldn’t stand it, and yelled out “Mano, is it good to knock you.”

Faced with Kong Haixiang, whose expression was exposed at this moment and his face was gloomy, Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and slowly said, “You have to raise your wife, so don’t worry about it.”

As soon as this sentence was spoken:, in an instant, a white flow tube enveloped Kong Haixiang, making Kong Haixiang, who had been angry in his eyes, looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes, suddenly changed from the previous killing Yisen to the current confidant.

“Take good care of her for me”

Jiang Xiaobai: “….. Nong”

Although I know the effects of my family’s talent skills, when Jiang Xiaobai said something like this to a woman, the other party also vowed to respond.This picture feels a bit offensive no matter how you look at it.

It’s as if I picked up his “man”

Come back the same.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but twitch.

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