Chapter 295 Pretend to be compelled to go, and hide merit and fame (4/5)

The seventh is also the time for the national college entrance examination in China.

Unlike the previous life, the college entrance examination is not as troublesome as the so-called branch school.

After all, the college entrance examination is in the national network, no matter…

If there is a problem with the student or the teacher at that school, it will be immediately.

Be noticed.

And in this world, once caught cheating on an exam, it will be at least twenty years in prison.

Therefore, no one dared to cheat on the college entrance examination even if it was love repetition.

There are two types in the college entrance examination.

One is the examination of ordinary students who have not awakened.

The test is entirely based on written knowledge.

In the future, even if he enters various universities, he will be assigned to the liberal arts college of that school.

In addition to… the basic exams, the awakened must also undergo a special awakened assessment after the fact.

Enter to “six zero seven”

After college, they will also be assigned to the Awakened Academy.

Although it is also entering the university, the resources and future achievements have been transformed into heaven and earth from the beginning.

Today, Jiang Xiaobai received a call from Xu Yan.

After entering Yucheng Middle School with other senior high school students, Jiang Xiaobai went straight to the office where Xu Yan was.

“The matter is done. Zhu Huanchun has become a newcomer and mentor of Jiangnan University. Like us, he will report to Jiangnan University in half a month.”

After Jiang Xiaobai came in, Xu Yan was straight to the point.

I don’t know when it started, Xu Yan became a little afraid to talk to Jiang Xiaobai.

Whenever encountering things, Xu Yan always feels that she can’t keep up with the rhythm of Jiang Xiaobai’s thinking at all.

In contrast, Xu Yan, who is almost ten years older than Jiang Xiaobai, feels that she is the immature one….

The frustration caused by this made Xu Yan a little bit reluctant to talk to Jiang Xiaobai, for fear that she would be hit if she didn’t agree with her.

Jiang Xiaobai, as the person involved, did not feel at all about the negative factors that his potential brought to Xu Yan.

After hearing Xu Yan’s words, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and asked, “How can I hollow it out?”

Although he knew the meaning of Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Xu Yan always felt that Jiang Xiaobai’s words were weird and couldn’t help but make Xu Yan think about another aspect.

Then he rolled his eyes and said, “Okay, with the help of the back door that the head of the logistics department in the school told her to walk through, at least one hundred gold eighth-grade high-grade star orbs are required.”

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help being speechless: “I’m going, the eighth-grade high-grade star beads, are they so cruel?”

Compared to the silver-level star beads, the gold-level star beads are more valuable.

It’s just because the star orbs below the gold level can only be used to assist cultivation, while the gold-level and above star orbs can directly allow the awakened to increase their attributes while absorbing the star power in the star orb.

As for the high-grade star orbs, the value of the ordinary star orb’s golden eighth-level star orb corresponds to the dimensional creature of the eighth level of the Galaxy Realm.

A hundred gold eighth-level high-grade star orbs, even if Zhu Huanchun is an awakened person on the ninth level of the Galaxy Realm, he definitely has to sell iron to get it together.

And when Xu Yan was able to say this, Xianchun agreed.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai gave Xu Yan a thumbs up, “Good job.”

Too lazy to respond to Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction.

After all, they are just the people who do it, and Jiang Xiaobai is the mastermind in this matter.Compared with Jiang Xiaobai, they are nothing but a witch.

“In the current situation of Zhu Huanchun, I think that I can’t take out the extra star beads to buy the murderer and make you trouble. During this time, because I am preparing to enter the job, I guess Zhu Huanchun will not have time to take care of you for the time being.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and did not speak but waited for Xu Yan quietly.

After all, if it’s just this matter, Xu Yan doesn’t have to…call herself over.

Sure enough, after pondering for a while, Xu Yan said: “In addition, I have already received news from Uncle Zhang. This time the entrance examination is a little different from previous years.”

“The people and demons of the military are over there”

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Xu Yan nodded slightly and continued: “So what Uncle Zhang thinks is that during this time, I hope you can absorb the… I’m afraid there will be other problems later.”

“Be specific”

Jiang Xiaobai frowned.

After all, what Xu Yan said was too unclear.

Xu Yan sighed and said, “I don’t know if there are too many, anyway… if you have a higher strength, there will be no problems at all 0…”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai had to roll his eyes, and then talked to Xu Yan about some of Jiang Xiaoxin’s three.

In the next time, the intensity of the three-person 3 training plan needs to be changed.

Instead, Xu Yan needs to help.

…After leaving Xu Yan, it was already an hour later.

When Jiang Xiaobai came out, the outside of the school was already surrounded by parents.

After all, even if the college entrance examination is placed in this world, it is also a representative of Yuelongmen. As a parent, there is no hope for a child to become a dragon. Because of the previous ranking of Yucheng Middle School in the national college competition, it is unprecedented. Outside this Yucheng Middle School, there are The reporter stopped to interview these…students who took the college entrance examination.

When watching Jiang Xiaobai slowly walk out of the school, the surrounding parents took a glance and then retracted their eyes.

After all, it has only been an hour before Jiang Xiaobai has come out, I am afraid it is also those…

But no matter…

What the parents thought, the reporters at the door didn’t care about so many, and they quickly greeted him.

“This classmate, can I interview you a few words?”

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about what Xu Yan had just said, and it seemed a little careless.

Hearing this, he also nodded casually.

“How do you feel about the college entrance examination this time”

“College Entrance Examination”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai also came back to his senses.

Then whispered: 4.

“It’s okay! Anyway… it has nothing to do with me”

“This year’s question is too difficult. Didn’t the first test fail well?”

The reporter asked.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, then spread his hands and said: “I am only a freshman, and I was specially recruited by Jiangnan University. What does the college entrance examination have to do with me?”

Hearing this, the reporter’s hands trembled.

“I’m Cao, this ratio, pretending I was caught off guard.”

The surrounding parents who were faintly disdainful when looking at Jiang Xiaobai before heard Jiang Xiaobai’s words were shocked, and couldn’t help turning their heads to look at Jiang Xiaobai in shock.

Jiang Xiaobai, who successfully played the comparison, smiled softly, and walked to the side freely in the eyes of shock, surprise and suspicion.

Pretend to be forced to go and hide merit and fame deeply.


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