Chapter 298 Where do you feel that you have trouble?

Later, in the eyes of Jiang Xiaobai, they noticed that the corners of Jiang Xiaobai’s Zhu Huanchun mouth provoked a glimpse of triumph.

A pair of high heels on the ground “Hum, Hum, Hum”

Came over.

After approaching, I glanced at a few people, Zhu Huanchun showed a smile on her face and said: “Jiang Xiaobai, your strength and your talent are very good, how about becoming my student or not, I can guarantee to be able to Get the best growth.”

When digging Jiang Xiaobai in front of her face, Xu Yan suddenly became angry.

“Wish Huanchun, what do you mean”

Zhu Huanchun sneered, “Just tell the truth.”

To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know where Zhu Huanchun’s courage comes from.

After sending someone to kill him before, he even wanted to pull himself into the group.

Perhaps because of today’s enrollment, Zhu Huanchun wore a female professional skirt, revealing the legs wearing silk stockings.

After taking a look, Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while and slowly said: “Round legs”

Hearing this, Zhu Huanchun’s face, who had just approached, suddenly stiffened, and his face suddenly…sinked.

But after a while, Zhu Huanchun also said with a smile on his face: “Remember your current decision, and regret it in the future, 33 don’t blame me for not giving you a chance.”

“Can’t remember”

Faced with the threat of Zhu Huanchun, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even think about it but…returned.

I wish Huanchun did not want to get Jiang Xiaobai to play so unreasonably.

I was choked immediately, and I couldn’t say anything when I prepared later.

Immediately after humming, he walked straight in front of several people.

After Zhu Huanchun left, Xu Yan narrowed her eyes and said, “I want to see when you can be proud of it.”

Afterwards, looking at Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Yan took a breath and continued to explain the previous events to Jiang Xiaobai.

According to Xu Yan, among Jiangnan University, after all the freshmen have entered the school, the school’s entrance examination decided to select the ten strongest students in the class.

These ten students are different from other students who can only live in the dormitory, but can live in a separate apartment in the school.

And there is also a separate babysitter in the apartment, no matter…

You don’t need to worry about whether it is cooking or cleaning, just concentrate on cultivation.

Yuan Yang stared, “Is it so good?”

Zhou Jia glanced at Yuan Yang and said slowly: “Fortunately, I am afraid that the trouble will continue next.”

Xu Yan nodded and said, “Yes, compared to other students, the top ten students in Jiangnan University, regardless of…

Everything needs points to redeem, even if you eat in the cafeteria, you also need points to recharge.

Every month, all Jiangnan University students will receive 10 points and 10 basic points for daily consumption.These points can only guarantee the students’ basic diet in Jiangnan University.

Regardless of the school….

It takes extra credits to learn combat skills or obtain other resources.

The top ten students earn 50 points every month, which is equivalent to what they get after completing two or three simple tasks for free every month.

Moreover, students of each age will also be given priority when they take over the school, and they will also get more points.

As for the ranking among students, it will be updated every month. In other words, students can challenge themselves, and once they win, they will be ranked.”

After listening to what Xu Yan said, Yuan Yang had already smoked after understanding.

“I’ll go, this has completely become the target of public criticism!”

At first glance, the top ten students have exceptional conditions. According to what Xu Yan said now, I am afraid that the top ten students in the school will continue to respond to the same students in the next time. Challenges in.

Xu Yan said quietly: “Have you never heard the saying that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight? If you want to have more favorable conditions than others, you must naturally be prepared to continue to face challenges.

Therefore, if it is two consecutive semesters, that is, within a year, the students who belong to the last ten will be directly stripped of Jiangnan University’s identity.

Either go back to school and take the college entrance examination again, or enter the society directly.”

Jiang Xiaobai curled his mouth gently.

It’s no wonder that Yuan Xiaoning said that the competition in Jiangnan University is by no means the same… middle school can compare.

This feels like it is almost better than raising Gu.

Everything needs competition.

But what I wanted was right.

After all, what the school wants to cultivate is not those…flowers in the greenhouse, but the awakened who can brazenly fight in the dimension space.

Naturally, it is impossible to adopt the kind of education that was so gentle to the extreme in the previous life.

“By the way, Teacher Xu, you said earlier that the school entrance examination will be different from before. Do you know what’s going on now?”

Hearing that, several people looked at Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan in surprise.

Obviously, the three of them were completely unaware of this matter before 3.

Xu Yan first looked around and nodded after making sure that there was no one else: “I have already learned about it specifically. It is said that it is related to the ownership of the dimensional space in the magic city this time.”

Then, after a pause, Yuan Xiaoning added: “Abyss Dimensional Space.”

“Abyss Dimensional Space Again”

Jiang Xiaobai seemed a little surprised.

According to Jiang Xiaobai’s understanding, a few months ago, an abyssal dimension appeared in the magic capital.

For this reason, the previous national college competition has been specially changed.

And now it hasn’t been long before a new abyssal dimension has appeared.

Xu Yan nodded slightly, “However, the newly-appearing Abyss Dimensional Space is different from the last time, except for the dimensional creatures in it, it doesn’t have much value.

This time, the newly-appearing Abyssal Dimensional Space has confirmed that there are some special elixir, which are specially used to make medicines for and the level awakened ones, and they are of great value.”

Jiang Xiaobai felt astonished.

“So, this time in the freshman assessment, the enemies you need to face are not only the students in the school, but also the geniuses from the military.”

At this point, Xu Yan paused slightly, and her expression was slightly solemn: “In addition, the military of the Devil City and Jiangnan University have never been very right.The previous military personnel have lost several times at Jiangnan University.

Therefore, it is not ruled out that those who are assessing the military through this newcomer will want to vent their anger.”

“Strange, how come I always feel like troubles appear wherever I go recently.”

At this moment, Yuan Yang murmured suddenly.

When Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin heard Yuan Yang’s muttering, they couldn’t help but froze.

Then I thought about it carefully, and found that it seems to be such a thing.

In the past two months or so, basically where a few people go, there will always be some problems, and there will always be some more powerful enemies out of nowhere.

This is something that few people have encountered before.

Therefore, I don’t know what happened, the three of them all put their eyes on Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

Feeling the sight of the trio 3, Jiang Xiaobai, who was thinking, raised her eyes and glanced at the trio 3 with a strange look, and couldn’t help but a question mark on her face.

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