Chapter 317 You are too happy (2/5)

“You are afraid that you are mentally retarded!”

Although it is normal to quarrel with Zhou Jia on weekdays.

But at this time, after guessing what Zhou Jiaxin was thinking, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but said, “Believe it or not, wait: I will drag you aside and let you experience what is meant by one step to the stomach”

Zhou Jia can be sure that Jiang Xiaobai is driving now, and there is a personal card beside him.

“One step to the stomach, ha ha!”

Afterwards, Zhou Jia glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, and then stared at the position of Jiang Xiaobai’s crotch.

“I have a bad temper”

Looking at the expression on Zhou Jia’s face, Jiang Xiaobai exerted a hand slightly.


The next moment, under Jiang Xiaobai’s force, the student of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy who had been interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai’s limbs was pressed like this: his neck was broken, and then his body trembled and lost his breath.

…This is a bit embarrassing.

No grievances and no grudges, embarrassment Jiang Xiaobai really didn’t plan to kill this guy.

Now it is because of Zhou Jia’s pain, this brother is unlucky.

Without continuing to toss with Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaobai took off the coat of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy and put it on himself.

“Xiao Bai, what do you want to do”

Watching Jiang Xiaobai put on the clothes of the Demon Capital Military Region Academy, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but wonder.

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, “Of course, we have to make trouble first.”

A few simple words, but looking at the ill-intentioned smile on Jiang Xiaobai’s face, then looking at the dress of Jiang Xiaobai as a freshman in the Magic Capital Military Region Academy at the moment.

The three of Jiang Xiaoxin 3 also faintly guessed what Jiang Xiaobai might do next.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but wonder: “Is it possible that you want to penetrate the enemy”


Jiang Xiaobai responded casually.

It was also just after the words fell, and the next moment, as before, new dimensional cracks began to appear around.

Under these new dimensional cracks, the dimensional creatures full of fierce aura quickly stepped out of these dimensional cracks.

A few minutes later, as this batch of metaphysical creatures were killed by Jiang Xiaoxin’s trio 3, Yuan Yang sighed, “These… The fourth level of the dust realm, it seems that the next time it appears, it is very likely that it will be… the dimensional creatures of the fifth level of the stardust realm.

It seems that this time and the next time meta-organisms appear, a large number of new students will be eliminated in both schools.”

“So taking advantage of this time, it’s time to have a good time”

Jiang Xiaobai on one side suddenly spoke.

Hearing that, the three of them 3 are all a little interested.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai handed Daha to Jiang Xiaoxin and said, “Remember, you have to let this stupid dog come and look for me every ten minutes, so that even if you can’t beat me, I will be fast if you insist on it for a while. Come here.”

Regarding what Jiang Xiaobai said, the three of three didn’t feel any surprise.

After all, if Jiang Xiaobai is going to act with Three of People 3, I’m afraid he won’t change into the costume of the Magic City Academy.

Immediately, after the three of them 3 agreed, Jiang Xiaobai chose the ones that Chu Nuan had previously signaled……the place where the new students of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy was located, and quickly left.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai disappearing into the field of vision quickly, Trio 3 also chose a direction that did not deviate too much from Jiang Xiaobai.

…The roaring voice constantly echoed around.

During this time of more than an hour, every ten or twenty minutes, Zhong will have new dimensional creatures dropped in.

By now, the number of dimensional creatures gathered in this deserted dimensional space is probably as many as tens of thousands.

In a relatively empty area with only weeds, there are five new students from the Magic Capital Military District Academy who are quickly fighting with a few dimensional creatures.

During the battle, one of the students couldn’t help but screamed, “dammit, now these……the level of the dimensional creatures has reached the fourth level of the Stardust Realm.

According to this situation, I am afraid that in less than an hour, this time the meta-space will be thrown into the sixth or even seventh-level dimensional creatures of the Stardust Realm.

If this goes on, it’s up to you how to fight and admit defeat.”

Another student next to him said, “There is no way, after all, it is not an ordinary university, so the difficulty of the assessment is naturally much stronger.”

Among the few people, it was obvious that one student who seemed to be the leader of the team spoke: “Don’t say so much, now these…The strength of the dimensional creatures is getting stronger and stronger, and these… ………. After the dimensional biology is solved, our next goal is to put as much as possible on those………… Jiangnan University students, don’t forget what the principal previously ordered.”

The others nodded.

However, just after these people were almost resting, a figure quickly approached from a distance.

It crossed hundreds of meters in almost a few seconds.

Noting this rushing figure in the distance, the hearts of the people in the Magic Capital Military District Academy were slightly condensed.


Um from our school.”

However, when the distance between the two parties was a little closer, when they saw the costumes of the Magic City Academy on the other side, the few people were relieved.

At the same time, looking at the few people who were fighting over there, Jiang Xiaobai, who was dressed in the uniform of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy, raised the corner of his mouth.

Almost ten seconds later, as Jiang Xiaobai rushed directly into the battlefield, he swung his fist and directly blasted the body of the remaining dimensional creature.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai that suddenly appeared and the body on the ground were all dimensional creatures that were blown away by Jiang Zhao’s Zhao Xiaobai’s punch, these freshmen from the Magic Capital Military Region Academy couldn’t help but take a bite of cold. gas.

“What a terrifying power.”

Here, after successfully robbing the monster, Jiang Xiaobai already turned his head to the one who was still next to him: the student of the Magic Capital Military Region who was still in a daze, stretched out his hand and smiled: “Hello.”

When the student heard Jiang Xiaobai’s voice, he recovered, and quickly shook Jiang Xiaobai’s hand in response: “Hello, I am glad to meet you.”

It was originally just a very ordinary conversation.

But in the next second, facing the student’s response, Jiang Xiaobai grinned and said with a bright smile: “You are too happy too soon.”

This sudden inexplicable answer directly caused the student to be a little confused.

But before he continued to ask, he saw a fist quickly zooming in in his line of sight.


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