Chapter 329 New teammate (4/5)

After all the newcomers and the instructors had finished their requirements, it was also Xu Yan and Zhu Huanchun’s turn.

As a freshman mentor, Zhu Huanchun knew that he was only a one-star mentor now, and he had arrived for the first time, so he didn’t ask for anything at all.

This did not surprise other freshman mentors.

After all, like when they had just entered Jiangnan University before they had a firm foothold, many of them were the same as Zhu Huanchun.

However, when only Xu Yan was left, Xu Yan said lightly, “The top ten in the freshman assessment can become my student.”

Jing fell after Xu Yan’s words, and there was silence all around.

You know, even if other four-star 44 or even five-star freshman tutors made requests, they just added a sentence that ranked top ten students first.

When Xu Yan came here, the request was that only the top ten students were ranked.

In other words, with the exception of…the top ten students in the assessment, other students Xu Yan would not accept it at all.

If you change those in the school…If the Seven-Star Instructor comes, maybe there is nothing wrong with saying this.

But Xu Yan, a newcomer who just entered Jiangnan University to teach, now puts forward such stricter requirements than other newcomers and mentors, which is a bit excessive in the eyes of others.

Those…the mentors who know Xu Yan’s identity are okay, those…unclear, the expressions are already a bit surprised and disdainful when looking at Xu Yan .

And Zhang Xunkun behind shook his head.

There is no big surprise for Xu Yan’s request.

After Xu Yan finished her request, Zhang Xunkun already waved his hand and said, “Well, newcomers, the requirements of the tutor have been put forward. Next, each student chooses his own tutor, and each tutor will accept a maximum of 50 new students. student.”

Knowing that there is still a quota limit, a group of students have already spontaneously walked to those…the newcomers they had previously liked, in front of their instructors, for fear of falling behind.

In the process, if there are students who are not in line with their intentions, these… newcomers, the instructor immediately replied with the sentence “You are not suitable to be my student”

After the face of the student who was rejected by a mouthful flushed slightly, he continued to look for other newcomers and mentors.

After all, there are fifty newcomers, mentors, and the number of newcomers in this year is only a thousand people.

On average, it doesn’t take long.

Therefore, after just five minutes, most of the students are already standing behind the corresponding newcomer, the tutor.

There are less than a dozen, more, and more than forty.

Even on Zhu Huanchun’s side, there was a student who came over after the tutor refused.

Only behind Xu Yan, there is still no new student who has chosen.

In this regard, some students and mentors looked at Xu Yan with a bit of drama in their eyes.

And now, there are only a few Jiang Xiaobai in the field and a few other freshmen with a good level of strength yet to be determined.

And these… newcomers, the instructor’s eyes are also placed on Jiang and others.

In the sight of everyone, Jiang Xiaobai led Jiang Xiaoxin and walked directly behind Xu Yan.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding rookies and their instructors were all dull. It seemed that Jiang Xiaobai would choose Xu Yan as a rookie.

At the same time, in the field, besides…Jiang Xiaobai, there are three students.

One of them was the same girl who was playing against the sophomore before, and the girl behind… who took the initiative to pin down several old sophomores on her own.

Jiang Xiaobai vaguely remembered the girl’s name as Wang Ningxiang, an awakened person from the third level of the Stardust Realm.

And although she is a girl, she looks gentle and gentle, but she is taking the route of shield warfare.

In the previous assessment, Jiangnan University was also ranked ninth.

After seeing Jiang Xiaobai choose Xu Yan, Wang Ningxiang thought for a while, and finally walked straight to Xu Yan, and then stood behind Xu Yan in the eyes of everyone.

Seeing Wang Ningxiang choose her team, Xu Yan couldn’t help but feel shocked.

After all, several Jiang Xiaobai chose themselves because they have been their own students since Yucheng Middle School.

But Xu Yan didn’t expect that there would be other top ten students who would also choose herself as a new mentor.

However, thinking of his current identity, he forcibly suppressed the doubts in his heart, and his expression was indifferent.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not have this concern, and turned their heads to look at Wang Ningxiang, who will become his teammate in the next four years.

The next two students looked at Xu Yan’s side and Jiang Xiaobai standing behind them, and their hearts moved slightly.

But after glancing at the star on Xu Yan’s collar, she gritted her teeth and chose other mentors instead.

But even so, this time the five top ten students 5 in the assessment were all taken by Xu Yan alone, which still made the other freshman tutors envious.

And Zhu Huanchun looked at Jiang Xiaobai standing behind Xu Yan.Although he had already prepared in his heart, watching this scene, the jealousy that rose in his heart still made Zhu Huanchun unable to help but clenched his teeth.

………….Jiang Xiaobai won the championship in the national college competition, and then directly swept the top four in the assessment before, which can be said to be the most outstanding among thousands of freshmen today. Of four people 4.

Just a few Jiang Xiaobai, their value is completely comparable to dozens of ordinary students.

But now they all stand behind Xu Yan.

On my own side, those who choose me are basically rejected by several other newcomers and mentors before.

In other words, I am now…a garbage receiving station, accepting the newcomers who are rejected, the students who the tutor does not want.

Even if there are more than a dozen people, the value of these more than a dozen people is probably not as good as any of Jiang Xiaobai’s.

In comparison, this gap can be said to be a world.

How can this not make Zhu Huanchun feel jealous. As the last student has determined the team, Zhang Xukun also stepped forward again: “Well, since the students have been determined, then each instructor will count the list and submit it to my office. Tomorrow, all students’ homework will be drained out and then enter the week-long freshman training.”

After speaking, after a group of instructors nodded, Zhang Xunkun looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s side, and walked away with his hands one step at a time.


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