Chapter 387 A smell of diapers (4/5)

Jiangnan University, No. 9 training ground.

There are nine training grounds in Jiangnan University.

Each training ground has a size equivalent to long enough.

Among them, one to eight are used by the freshman to senior students of the school.

The training ground No. 9 is specially used when participating teams challenge Jiangnan University in every global competition.

After all, global competitions are originally held in private by various countries.

Naturally, participating schools cannot proceed blatantly.

However, compared to the coldness in normal days, in the training ground on the 9th at this moment, Xu Yan and another seven-star instructor from the school looked at the participating teams from the Honda Academy in the East, the faces are dignified, and the brows are tight. Locked.

And behind Xu Yan, He Weihua and other juniors and seniors were almost pale at the moment, and there were still some injuries on their bodies.

In the world, according to the strength of each participating school, there are also two types of participating schools.

The first is to have places, but the strength ranking is not even the top 500 schools.

Just like the new Mahler Academy that Jiang Xiaobai and others faced before, it was forcibly arranged because Southeast Asia had three 3 game shares.

It can be said that the participating schools like New Mahler Academy simply cannot obtain enough qualifications to participate in the global competition.

The points in it are also completely released for competition among various schools.

And in order to ensure these…the weaker schools are persecuted, so there is a challenge to apply.

The second type is the top 500 participating schools in the world.

When each participating team is challenging in the points competition, there is no need to apply for it, and it can be done directly.

Until the school’s points have been reset to zero…

Jiangnan University is among the top 500 universities in the world.

Therefore, since yesterday morning, Jiangnan University has faced the challenges of four 44 participating schools one after another.

The ones who dare to pay attention to Jiangnan University in this points match will naturally not be those…The schools that are not famous are all Europe and Dongying: the famous top universities over there.

It can be said that the strength is not much different from Jiangnan University.

Therefore, Xu Yan couldn’t understand it.

The first stage of these institutions is not to find institutions in other backward areas to quickly accumulate points, but to thank the trouble of Jiangnan University.

And these schools are basically one in the other, and the interval between them will not differ by two hours.

It seems to be a planned one, obviously something abnormal.

However, the remaining teams at Jiangnan University this time are all in the sophomore and junior year.

Compared with previous years, the left-behind students are more powerful.

Unless you encounter a particularly powerful team or Jiang Xiaobai’s evil, you won’t have anything to worry about at all.

But even so, it’s completely impossible to withstand this kind of continuous battle! Just after the battle, the consumption of star power is… And how can the spirit recover so quickly.Therefore, during the two challenges in the morning, Jiangnan University won steadily.

But in the afternoon, when everyone was exhausted, they lost two more games.

And in the final challenge, the school team from Dongying Kingdom even hit hard.

At present, the small half of the people at Jiangnan University are seriously injured, and their overall strength has greatly reduced.

But now, just over the night, a top university in Dongying Kingdom ranked among the top 500 in the world, Akita Academy is now impatiently appearing in Jiangnan University.

“Why is Jiangnan University ranked in the top five hundred, dozens of top universities higher than our Akita Academy, but now we dare not even dare to follow our challenge?

At this moment, among the dozen people on the opposite side, the leading middle-aged man with a big belly, short stature and bald head sneered.

Seeing the pride and arrogance on the other party’s face, Xu Yan and the Seven-Star Mentor next to him both had a slightly darkened expression.

He Weihua and other students behind him also clenched their fists tightly.

But thinking about the situation on their own side, He Weihua and others also cursed secretly in their hearts.

At this time, Dong Yiman, the seven-star tutor standing next to Xu Yan, couldn’t help but said coldly: “Heh, Okamoto Hikawa, you know now that the students in our school have gone through the war, and they have not recovered yet.

Now I want to take advantage of the vacancy to be aggressive, and my style of behavior is too low! If you have the ability, you will try again when the students in our school recover!”

Okamoto Hikawa “Hey”

He smiled: “I don’t care about these things, but according to the rules of the points competition, the top 500 participating schools in the world are facing challenges from other participating schools. Within an hour, they must refuse the challenge and arrange the venue.”

With that said, Okamoto Hikawa raised his hand and glanced at the precious watch on his wrist and sneered: “Now, there are only ten minutes. If after ten minutes, your school will not…challenge, then it will automatically be regarded as conceding defeat. , Your school’s ten points and 10 points will belong to my Akita Academy.”

Hearing this, Xu Yan couldn’t help but said in a deep voice: “Shameless.”

Facing Xu Yan, Okamoto Hikawa didn’t feel angry at all, but instead glanced up and down Xu Yan’s body.

Then the tone was a little strange: “If shameless is the condition, maybe I will let you know what Qian Zhao Dao is really shameless.”

After a pause, Okamoto Hikawa continued: “But I have to say that there are indeed many beauties on your China side, and what you see is really exciting!”

The words fell, and the students behind Okamoto Hikawa also whispered.

I kept my eyes on Xu Yan’s body from time to time.

Perceiving Okamoto Hikawa and those…Akita Academy students…the disgusting eyes, Xu Yan’s expression has completely sunk.

“Well, as soon as I came in, it was… a smell of diapers.”

However, at this moment, a faintly disgusting mutter sounded from one side of the hall.

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads and looked.

When looking at the group of people slowly entering from the door, Xu Yan and the others at Jiangnan University were startled, their eyes lit up, and surprises appeared on their faces.


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