Chapter 389 As far as the name is concerned, my grandma doesn’t support me, so I will serve Dongying Kingdom (1/5)

However, with the previous events, even though Okamoto Hikawa’s heart was upset, he did not have the idea of ​​doing something in this place.

After taking a slow breath, as Okamoto Yoshikawa calmed down, he seemed to think of death, with a sneer on his face and said: “Heh, so much, I think you want to delay the time! I see How long can you delay it?”

Faced with Okamoto’s provocation, Zhang Xunkun raised his eyelids slightly, and said unhurriedly: “If you delay time, you are too dear to yourself.

After so many years of global competitions, has your Akita Academy surpassed my Jiangnan Academy and now let us surrender, it is ridiculous.”

Zhang Xunkun’s remark hit the pain point of Akita Academy.

Akita Academy and Jiangnan Academy have been rivals for so many years, but the ranking in the world competition is always behind others.

This is more uncomfortable than constipation.

So when Zhang Xunkun was talking about it, Okamoto Yoshikawa and other Akita Academy leaders’ expressions sank, and they coldly snorted, “You only have to play tricks now. When the time comes, the competition starts, yours Don’t even think about it.”

Listening to Oka 25 Honrikawa’s words, Zhang Xunkun narrowed his eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced lightly at one side.

Noting Zhang Xunkun’s expression, Jiang Xiaobai returned a clear look.

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun was certain in his heart, and then he said in a deep voice: “Since you want to give your credits to our school, I can only accept it.”

After finishing talking, Zhang Xunkun turned his eyes to He Weihua and others and said: “Can you still fight?”

This meant obviously to meet the challenge of Akita Academy.

It’s just that Zhang Xunkun asked this to make Xu Yan frown slightly, obviously not planning to let Jiang Xiaobai play, but continuing to let He Weihua and others.

At the same time, He Weihua and others on one side were thinking about Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

Hearing what Zhang Xunkun said, after He Weihua and others glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, they nodded and said, “No problem.”

Hearing this, Zhang Xunkun asked Okamoto Hikawa, “Well, how do you want to play?”

Okamoto Hikawa glanced at He Weihua and the crowd over there, and then said quietly, “Of course it’s a team battle.”

There is a saying that a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Although the news that Okamoto Hikawa received was that most of the students at Jiangnan University were injured, their strength was greatly reduced.

However, if it is a personal battle, it will be overturned in the gutter.

So to be on the safe side, team battles are naturally more appropriate.

Listening to what the opposite Okamoto Hikawa said, Jiang Xiaobai not only showed a little smile on his face.

“The fish bit the hook.”

Jiang Xiaobai was really worried about fighting against each other before.

In this case, it is a bit detrimental to Jiang Xiaobai’s pit.

Fortunately, the opponent is still afraid of the strength of the students on the river side and dare not choose a personal battle.

This caused Jiang Xiaobai to breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, at Jiangnan University, juniors including He Weihua have already selected the five who left the station this time5.

Seeing that all the students from Jiangnan University stood up, Okamoto Hikawa had already turned his eyes, glanced at the students behind him, and started to call.

“Sakura Dao Taihua!”

“Guitou Zhengxiong!”

“Partly too foreign!”

“Okamen shallow love!”

“Xiaoxue Taijing!”

Whenever Okamoto Hikawa called out a name, a student would listen to his chest and stand up proudly.

It was like a privilege when Okamoto Hikawa named him.

However, Zhang Xunkun trembled violently when listening to the names that kept coming in his ears.

“What the hell”

With doubts in his heart, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help but glance at these five people, except for…

This is the case for Zhang Xunkun, let alone Jiang Xiaobai and others behind.

Looking at the five Akita Academy students standing in front at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai and others all have a foggy expression at this moment.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai and others stayed where they were, the people at Akita Academy straightened their chests more proudly.

A few of them even looked up and saw a group of people facing Jiangnan University with their nostrils.

Looking at the reactions of the Akita Academy students opposite, Jiang Xiaobai twitched at the corner of his mouth.To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai really didn’t see what he was proud of.

When I knew the name of Okamoto Hikawa before, Jiang Xiaobai and others were already a little speechless.

But where can I think that the names of the next group of people will be even more dirty.

This is all… a pot of foul language has gathered together! At this moment, no matter…

Is it Jiang Xiaobai, He Weihua, and others who want to seriously ask the parents of the students on the opposite side what they have experienced before to give you such a name.

“Xiao Bai, why do I feel like I’m in some strange car”

Zhou Jia, who was standing on the other side of Jiang Xiaobai, suddenly passed through and couldn’t help asking.

After hearing this, Yuan Yang groaned slightly, then sighed quietly, “I also suspect that the other person is driving, and it seems that these names are… evidence.”

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaobai, when he glanced at the opposite side, they were all five Akita Academy students who were squinting at himself and others with disdain.

After squeezing his mouth, he squeezed out a sentence inexplicably, “Such a name is simply domineering and omitting. When it comes to 037, my grandma will not help, so I will serve Dongying country.”

When I heard this…When the names of Akita College students were heard, He Weihua and others at Jiangnan University were already holding back hard.

But when they heard Jiang Xiaobai and Zhou Jia’s words, everyone suddenly broke through five, and the seriousness of their work and efforts to maintain disappeared, and they laughed instead.

Those at the back…the students at Jiangnan University themselves still have injuries. At this moment, the laughter is obviously related to the wounds on the body. For a while, while laughing, these students are still sucking cold. gas.

After Jiang Xiaoxin, Yuan Xiaoning and other girls reacted at this moment, they couldn’t help but slap their heads slightly.

After all, it is from Dongying Kingdom, even the name is so unbearable.

A group of people at Akita College on the opposite side looked at many Jiangnan University students who were holding their stomachs and laughing. They couldn’t help but look blankly. It means that Zhang Xunkun, who has the highest status in the field at the moment, wants to make Jiang Xiaobai and others serious, but looking at the situation of Jiang Xiaobai and others, and thinking of the names of the students in Akita Academy, Zhang Xunkun’s mouth twitched and wanted to laugh. come out.

But thinking of his identity, Zhang Xunkun still endured it, his face flushed.

“Mother, I’m about to suffocate an internal injury”


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