Chapter 392 This music is poisonous (4/5)

Seeing Okamen Qian’ai and others at this moment are tangling Jiang Xiaobai while playing music instead of fighting, Okamoto Hikawa is already frowning.

“Asshole, what are you guys doing to deal with a bunch of injured guys and it will take so long before I taught you this way?”

Okamoto Hikawa’s voice exited: Here, the expressions of the few people in Okamon’s love changed.

I want to say it: Explain, but I can’t say how to say it when I say it.

After talking about Okamen Qianai and a few people, Okamoto Hikawa glanced at Jiang Xiaobai and looked unhappy: “President Zhang, please take care of the students in your school, don’t you know that you can’t interfere during the challenge?”

Hearing that, Zhang Xunkun said: “It’s just playing music. Is this also an intervention. If you are not satisfied, you can go to the responsible office of the National Competition League to sue us.”

Seeing this, Okamoto Hikawa’s face turned black, and he couldn’t say anything.

I really want to make this matter go to the Global Competition League, his Akita Academy can’t afford to lose this person.

On the one hand, Yuan Yang and others, who had already seen what was going on, glanced at the gray-faced Gangmen Qianai in the field, and they couldn’t help but smile.

At the same time, the expressions of other Jiangnan University students relaxed.

Obviously, I no longer worry about this challenge.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai’s natural skills and abilities, the students of Jiangnan University who were present at the scene had a deep understanding.

When it happened, it was simply uncomfortable.

On the other hand, Gangmen Qianai and the others, slowly stood up and entered the battle again under this difficult situation.

But in the process, feeling the part of themselves shaking with the rhythm of the rhythm, these people can’t help but scream in their hearts.

The Guitou Zhengxiong who was first taken care of by Jiang Xiaobai was also found by He Weihua to directly cooperate with the junior student to solve it.

On the eve of Guitou Zhengxiong fell to the ground and fell into a coma, he couldn’t help but look at Jiang Xiaobai, who was holding the stereo in his hand, and there was only one thought left in his mind.

“This music is poisonous!”

The defeat of Gui Tou Zhengxiong was like a signal.

Less than three minutes later, the remaining members of the academy were all knocked down one by one and unable to move.

Seeing the defeat of Akita Academy, Okamoto Hikawa was dumbfounded at the same place.

After the reaction came over, his face was “唰”

Pulled down.

Also on the side of the remaining Akita Academy, just now: the few students who cheered happily turned into moss.

This is faster than changing faces.

A discerning person can see the state of the students at Jiangnan University at this moment.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable to say that Akita Academy has already won a direct and overwhelming victory, and Jiangnan University has no ability to fight back.

But no matter what I thought, it turned out that the people from my school were defeated by the people from Jiangnan University.

For a time, Akita Academy didn’t care about it…

Whether it was Okamoto Hikawa or the other students was dumbfounded.

On the other hand, when looking at Jiangnan University, Xu Yan and others all took a long sigh of relief.

On the training ground, there are five 55 unconscious Akita Academy students, Okamoto Hikawa feels that he has lost his face in this life.

Since Okamoto Nikawa dared to appear in the magic city today and directly challenged Jiangnan University, he naturally knew the situation of Jiangnan University.

In fact, the two schools that challenged and defeated one after another yesterday afternoon were all schools of the Eastern Kingdom.

You know, yesterday, those two universities were in the Eastern Kingdom, and their strength and status were a bit worse than those of Akita University.

But that… the challenge of the two universities won, but the challenge of Jiangnan University by myself and others was lost.

This made Okamoto Hikawa’s heart suddenly have an urge to spurt blood.

Until now, I can’t figure out why, “Okamoto Nigawa, the students of your school are not good enough.”

At this time, glancing at He Weihua and the others, who was delighted, Zhang Xunkun looked at the opposite Okamoto Hikawa with a chuckle.

…Hearing Zhang Xunkun’s words, Okamoto Hikawa’s face, who was originally gloomy, was as dark as the bottom of a pot that had been burned for ten years.

After taking a deep breath, Okamoto Hikawa said: “Very well, this time we are careless, but don’t be proud. After all, this time, we are not only staring at your school, but our autumn school.”

Jiang Xiaobai, who returned the audio to the storage ring later, heard this, thought about it for a moment, and slowly said, “No matter….

What follows will not change the fact that we won this time.”


Hearing this, Okamoto Hikawa cursed in his heart.

After signing his name on the electronic file that Xu Yan handed over and successfully transferred 10 points and 10 points to Jiangnan University, Okamoto Hikawa said with a gloomy face: “Take those idiots, go!”

After speaking, Okamoto Hikawa left angrily.

The remaining few students from Akita Academy bit the bullet and moved out the five 55 unconscious students.

But when Okamoto Hikawa and others just walked to the gate of the training ground, He Weihua and others were already cheering.

This kind of sound is extremely harsh when it reaches Okamoto Hikawa.

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