Chapter 412 On a whim, Vasami! (5/5)

Many cultures of the East Ying Kingdom originally came from the ancient times of China.

So in terms of culture, many are also imitating China.

Compared with China’s indifference to ancient Chinese in recent years, Japan has paid more attention to ancient Chinese culture.

Therefore, look at the “Ru Mu Fried Ye” on this note

With four 44 traditional characters, Panasonic and the wind can’t help it.

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a furious expression.

However, before waiting for Panasonic and Fengkou’s words to exit, a burst of “Didi” was suddenly heard in the ears.

It’s like the sound of… countdown.

Although the voice is very seated, Matsushita Kazuka can be sure that it is definitely not a hallucination.

Moreover, the origin of this sound is this…throwing knife in his hand.

It seemed that he had guessed something.


Almost at the moment when Matsushita Hefeng had just let go of the flying knife, the flying knife in front of him was suddenly exploded in his line of sight.

In this explosion, small pieces of iron have already splashed out in all directions.

The nearest Matsushita Japanese wind is the first to bear the brunt.

You know, even when it comes to Stardust Realm Awakeners, the system is at least dozens of points.

Not to mention that Matsushita Hefeng has already entered the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, which is equivalent to promulgating and entering the Galaxy Realm.

The physical strength is not low.

It can be said that it is completely capable of reaching ordinary swords.

But it’s different now.

Under this explosion, still such a close distance, under the force of this explosion, these…the power of the flying knife fragments is not inferior to ordinary pistols.

Unless it is entering the middle of the Galaxy Realm, otherwise, even the awakened person of the ninth floor of the Stardust Realm can not dare to say that they rely solely on their own system of hard heat resistance weapons.

Therefore, under the fragments of the throwing knife that were blasted, Matsushita Kazuka, who had no time to mobilize the star power as a protection, suddenly felt that there was already a piece of foreign matter slamming into his body.

Together, the painful sensations of the heart surged in more than a dozen places in the body at the same time, making it sound with a loud explosion.

The flying knife in the hands of Matsushita Kazuka exploded like this.

At the moment the throwing knife burst, Matsushita Kazuka could clearly feel the sudden pain in his hand.

Looking down, looking at the blood that quickly poured out of the wound and drained the snow-white school uniform on his body, Matsushita Kazufeng’s body could not help but tremble.

While watching the scene where Jiang Xiaobai throws it, and then Matsushita Kazuka directly dropped his weapon to pick up the throwing knife, Taro Ozawa of the University of Tokyo turned his mind, and immediately understood that he couldn’t help but wonder: “It turned out to be a control-type talent skill. ”

When his thoughts fell, looking at the sad look of Matsushita and the wind in the field, Ozawa Taro couldn’t help but said solemnly to Zhang Xunkun next to him: “President Zhang, the students of your school have taken such things as weapons. It’s a bit too much.”

Hearing this, Zhang Xunkun is not quick and unpretentious: It is stipulated that each participating member of the participating school shall not use powerful thermal weapons, and you can see the power of the flying knife explosion just now.

The power of the explosives in it, at best, is only equivalent to the level of talent skills used by some Awakeners on the second and third floors of the Stardust Realm. If you feel that there is a problem, you can go to the global competition team to respond.”

Ozawa Taro couldn’t help but pause.

Zhang Xunkun knows this, it is naturally impossible for Ozawa Taro to not know.

The reason why I said it was just because I wanted to make use of the topic.

But I didn’t think Zhang Xunkun would directly take the rules of the competition and come back.

According to what Zhang Xunkun said, to respond to the global competition team, I am afraid that the final result will be nothing.

On the contrary, he was from the University of Tokyo, who would lose face when he was ashamed.

For a while, Ozawa Taro couldn’t help but his face was slightly gloomy, and then he continued to look at the court.

And here, looking at Matsushita Hefeng, who was trembling from the wound that was wounded by the gods, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly tilted his head, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

Follow the “growth pain” in the system

The extended skill description of, after using it, the injury on the original target task will be superimposed to achieve additional damage.

It’s just that you must first use the growth pain on the target skill.

So Jiang Xiaobai has always been used with the skill of growing pains before.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was suddenly curious as he watched the injured Matsushita Hefeng because of the flying knife exploding just now.

“If it is this time to show “the love of the ghost father” to Panasonic

, I don’t know if other wounds on this guy’s body will also be affected.”

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart suddenly moved.

As the star power in the body dissipated.

Suddenly, Matsushita Kazuka, who was still half-kneeling on the ground at the moment, suddenly felt that his Chrysanthemum had a cool feeling.

But just as this feeling just rose, this cool feeling suddenly transformed into a special charm.

It was as cold as bone-chilling, and even faintly rose up silently with a burning sensation.

First, it was in Chrysanthemum, and then this feeling continued to extend, and it began to appear in other wounds.

………. In the end, this mixed feeling of heartache and intense stimulation went straight to the sky above the head.

With this feeling of intense stimulation all over his body, Matsushita Kazuka couldn’t help but scream.

The body was directly limp and fell to the ground constantly twitching, and his eyes turned white.

As a person from the Eastern Kingdom, feeling the strong stimulus in his body, Matsushita Kazuka almost immediately knew what it felt like that echoed in his body.

It’s like when Matsushita Kazuka accidentally touched mustard on his wound when he was young.

It was a kind of horror experience that made Matsushita Hefeng still remember clearly after ten years.

It’s just that what Matsushita Hefeng feels at this moment is ten times more intense than when he was a child.

Therefore, in the process of falling to the ground and rolling his eyes with constant twitching, he also spit out a word “Wah, wah, Wasami!”

After speaking hard and hesitantly about how he felt covering the wound at the moment, Matsushita Kazuka was already screaming again and again.

The body was still rolling on the ground while the body twitched, and the painful look made people feel cold when they saw it.

I watched Panasonic and style fall to the ground, and “Mustard” suddenly appeared in his mouth.

Don’t mention other people’s name, even Ozawa Taro himself was directly stupid at the moment, and doubts appeared in his slightly worried eyes.

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